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Everything posted by LandRover

  1. Yes, Hell Hole (as well as the trail in to it) can be found in NW Trails! (But shhh, don't tell! ) Is there a super secret password you have to have for the trail to the HH to show up in NWT? I have the latest release and the closest trail I see is 4.5 miles from the cache.
  2. What a silly question. I don't leave home without it. Really. I remember at the TMT hike a year ago, we had like 8 water filters pumping simultaneously, more than once. I'll have my filter with me but not sure I'll subject it to the duck pond, I've seen that water.
  3. I'll be there. Not that it really matters but do you plan on going clock-wise or anti-clockwise?
  4. My guess is that you won't need a NWFS Pass for parking that week end.
  5. You might want to check out this thread, there's even a link in one of the posts to the Emerald Valley Cachers web site where you could probably get lots of good information.
  6. I'm out. See you at next month's HOTM!
  7. I'll be there and depending on the the start time maybe with my mom, she needs to be back to home in Puyallup by 1430.
  8. Tinkham Road between exits 42 & 47 is closed because of last winter's storm damage Linky thing
  9. I was tempted. My right knee is reminding me the escalator is the best method to travel right now. My track without corrections show 11.67 miles. I haven't compared it against Cstmfrmr's track yet but I will have that comparison up sometime this week. For now, I'll be busy logging the caches and then posting the pics. Keep tuned for the group pic. My corrected track log showed 10.9 miles, but I decided not to do the romp down to the Kabota and back.
  10. OUCH! Nothing unexpected just a bit more pronounced than expected.
  11. Okay I got all 98 caches logged can I go now???? Can I huh, Can I!
  12. Got it. FYI unless they've opened up the access road in the last couple of years you can't drive to the towers near CPW (posted TH for Alt 1 & 2). The parking lot / trailhead is at the beginning of the Access Road just off of SE May Valley Road.
  13. Not sure how much of the hike I will be able to do but I'll be there at the start. I may just still be tired from the CM, 1000 miles of driving and crawling around under the Land Rover bodging up a broken air line this weekend but I don't see which of the many trails head we are starting from.
  14. I've done all the caches on the list for this month's HOTM but that's never stopped me before so I'm in. My knee has been giving me fits for the last week or so, so depending on how it's doing will depend on how much of the hike I do. I've never had any problems with my knees before and this really sucks, right now I'm even having trouble walking the mile from my house to the bus.
  15. You might want to add Symbolism, Native Plant Pop Quiz and even though it's currently disabled Bullitt Fireplace Cache. The first two are puzzles and they are both in very interesting areas and Bullitt Fireplace Cache is near the old Bullitt residence and would make a good place for a lunch/snack break.
  16. There's also the COWWS who tend to hang out in the South Sound area.
  17. Accordiny to the calandar on my wall here at work May 30th is 28 days AFTER the Spring Fling.
  18. ALL RIGHT 2 More days and counting I'm so excited I can hardly stay awake!
  19. Well I'm out, Mrs Land Rover has come down with the crud so it looks like we won't be heading over the hump this weekend.
  20. I am heading out across the mountains a couple of hundred miles away this weekend for some caching and was hoping to get some Benchmarks but it appears the County Archives are down I get the following message "SORRY - Currently no data exists for |WA|033|KING" Any idea whats going on?
  21. Is this a bikable route? Most of it, I know that Evergreenhiker! says its bikeable to Cherry Cache 2 and then you continue up the road for a while before bushwacking to 1000 Finds. I'm in. If you want I can borrow the SIL's bike again. Time & place?? Sure, that would be fine. I think that we can meet at Double Shot. There is a wide spot for several vehicals at the Intersection. 8AM I was thinking. Okay. I'll be there.
  22. Since The Navigatorz will be unable to attend he asked if I would take over from here. Confirmed from before were Tenya, Fobojo, and K-Ddid. I've heard from Tenya and Fobojo that they will be meeting us at the trail. For all others please let me know if you intend on going. I've also heard from P-38 that he will attend. I can drive and take up to 5 with me if need be. We will be meeting at 8:00 AM at the park and ride where there is a geocache called Mugglicious N 47° 23.987 W 120° 17.140 Sorry to hear that the Barnabird(s) won't be along for the hike! I believe two Wet Siders said they wanted to attend (further up this page) - LandRover, AndrewRJ. That's a great hike - enjoy! Yes, I still plan on going.
  23. Is this a bikable route? Most of it, I know that Evergreenhiker! says its bikeable to Cherry Cache 2 and then you continue up the road for a while before bushwacking to 1000 Finds. I'm in. If you want I can borrow the SIL's bike again. Time & place??
  24. Is this a bikable route?
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