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Everything posted by Albatross1901

  1. By coincidence I have seen in the cache statistics of a geocacher some strange details: Visited 8 Mega-Events and 3 Giga-Events - Found 2.054 Lab Caches. I even did not know that Lab Caches accumulate to such a high number. As they are some kind of promotion for Mega and Giga Events and in view of the Event visits can anyone explain to me how 2.054 Lab Caches can be found when visiting 11 Events only. Is this all cheating ?
  2. Es ist schon eine Unverschämtheit, wie sich Groundspeak an den Kosten für eine deutsche Premium-Membership bereichert ! Wenn BreezerX nicht in der 2. Oktoberhälfte die Diskussion losgetreten hätte, dann wäre ich naiv und unwissend von den geldgierigen Leuten in Seattle ausgenommen worden. Jetzt bin ich zumindest ein Wissender und schlafe seit kurzem schlecht. Obwohl ich auch seit über 10 Jahren treu und brav meine jährliche Premium-Gebühr bezahle und damit, ähnlich wie UFausLD eigentlich „Grandfather Rights“ geniessen sollte, wurden mir doch im Oktober tatsächlich nicht USD 29,99 sondern EUR 29,99 abgeknöpft. Bei der Abrechnung über meine Kreditkarte kommen dann nochmals 1,75 % Auslandseinsatz dazu. So summiert sich mein Beitrag auf EUR 30,51 ! Zum aktuellen US$ Kurs von 1,09 / EUR hätte ich eigentlich nur EUR 27,52 zahlen müssen. Bei den 2,99 % Differenz läppert sich da über das Jahr schon einiges zusammen. Die von Eigengott erwähnte „Sales Tax“ von 9,5 % im Staat Washington als Zusatzkosten für dortige Premium-Members berücksichtige ich dabei nicht, denn mit einer entsprechenden Quittung von Groundspeak hätte ich sicher bei Ausreise einen Antrag auf Rückerstattung der USD 2,84 stellen können und diese erstattet bekommen. So machen es ja die Schweizer auch, wenn sie im deutschen Grenzgebiet einkaufen. Sollte in Deutschland die Sammelklage eingeführt werden, dann sollten wir uns schnellstens zusammenschließen, um die Finanzhaie in Seattle zu stoppen. Vielleicht könnte uns da UFausLD beraten. Happy Caching Albatross1901
  3. @ snejg Ich habe keine Änderungen vorgenommen oder irgendwie herumgebastelt. War heute ganz einfach wieder da und so wie es sein sollte. Da war vielleicht GC mit irgendwelchen Änderungen aktiv? Meine Premium-Mitgliedschaft läuft heute ab, wird aber automatisch erneuert. Vielleicht hing das damit zusammen. Evtl. hängt es aber auch an möglichen Nebenwirkungen durch die Rückkehr eines DeLorean heute Nachmittag. Muss mal Marty fragen, wenn ich ihn treffe. Einfach etwas abwarten Jens. Happy Caching Albatross1901
  4. Hat sich erledigt. Heute morgen funktioniert es wieder so wie es sollte.
  5. Wenn Du mit GSAK arbeitest und alle Deine Funde in einer Datei hast, dann kannst du gelöschte Fundlogs relativ einfach finden: Neue PQ "My Finds" runterladen und in die GSAK Datenbank "Funde" - sofern vorhanden - einkopieren. In der Spalte "Last GPX" wird das aktuelle Datum der neuen PQ gezeigt, wobei alle Funde das identische Datum haben. Dann "Last GPX" nach Datum sortieren. Caches mit abweichendem Datum waren in der alten "Funde"-Datei vorhanden, sind aber nicht mehr in der neuen PQ enthalten. Diese wurden gelöscht. Bei der von HHL erwähnten Änderung der D/T-Wertung durch den Owner funktioniert das aber nicht. Happy Caching Albatross1901
  6. "View larger map" im Cachelisting ist eine von mir fast ständig genutzte Option, um mir das Umfeld eines Caches anzuschauen. Seit heute wird bei mir aber nur noch eine graue Blankofläche ohne Karte und ohne Caches generiert. Ist das nur bei mir ein Problem und muss ich evtl. an irgendwelchen Einstellungen etwas ändern oder habt Ihr ein ähnliches Problem. Als Notlösung kann ich mich zwar auch über Google Earth informieren, aber das geht etwas umständlicher und ist ungenau. Für Feedback wäre ich Euch dankbar. Albatross1901
  7. As recommended by Pup Patrol I contacted Groundspeak and their answer was almost quicker as the speed of their site The UK souvenir in my profile has been manually deleted. As per GC the souvenirs are auto-rewared for the GC code entered and with two separate systems a souvenir is not deleted if the find-log for which the souvenir is granted is deleted. This general problem has been passed on to the developers but with a long to-do-list it may take some time .... if at all. Happy Caching Albatross1901 @ Mausebiber You can count on me: Whenever I plan to decorate my profile with a really earned UK souvenir I will contact you before crossing the Channel. At present my summer target is into another direction with a visit to Riga and Tallin.
  8. In a German Geocaching-Blog I recently read that one can earn country and other souvenirs even as couch potatoes without ever having fulfilled the criteria for getting the souvenir. It has been tested by the Blogger and it really works. Looking through my own souvenirs which I accquired over the years I noticed that I have been awarded in 2013 with a UK souvenir without ever having been caching in UK. This happened by a logging error. To keep my souvenir list clean has anyone an idea how to get rid of such an unearned and unwanted souvenir?
  9. I agree with you. My initially described problems are not solved. Sporadically they are coming back and I do not have a solution
  10. Nicht korrekt. Earthcaches gibt es seit 2004 und im Januar wird 10-jähriges Jubiläum gefeiert.
  11. Had a similar problem independently whether I use Chrome or Firefox as browser. 1. Neither small nor larger map is shown in the description 2. Cannot decrypt the hint. Klicking on Hints a message pops up as feedback from geocaching.com “ReferenceError: $ is not defined”. 3. For the logs I can only see: xx logged Visits with “View Logbook” to click. Doing so a new page pops up with info to “All Logs”, “Your Logs” and “Your Friends Logs” – but nothing happens it I click on one of them. I have never seen this page before. 4. Cannot enter any tracking code for a trackable and retrieve it. Checked my Java Runtime Environment and noticed two Platforms (1.6 and 1.7) being active. Deactivated 1.6 and all the problems are solved.
  12. The latest Weekly Newsletter shows on top some new souvenirs starting with Ethiopia and Japan. If you check them all on Flickr there are quite a number of countries and states for which Groundspeak designed nice souvenirs. About 15 of these souvenirs from New Zealand to Canada Ontario, Sweden to South Africa etc. should show up in my profile ... but they are not there. As I have already 72 souvenirs there may be a limit of souvenirs shown? They are also not listed as released souvenirs. Did the system change and new souvenirs will not be automatically added or will it be done with the next update as a Christmas present by Groundspeak Any information available ? Merry Christmas from Germany Albatross1901
  13. With the huge number of new Earthcaches being developed in the last few months the reviewing job of the geoaware team became tremendeous. This may also be the home-made as a result of the master awards Now I am able to develop my Earthcache on the more familiar form of GC and submit it when I am really absolutely satisfied with the description of the EC. This is positive! Who will review the ECs now submitted to GC? Will this be the geoaware team as in the past or the voluntary reviewer in the specific regions? My understanding - I may be wrong - is that all ECs will be reviewed by geoaware as in the past, however, they will act as a kind of a global GC reviewer for ECs. I agree with all of you that the proximity rule doesn't make sense for an Earthcache except for the fact that the icon may not be seen on the map with a too close proximity to other caches. Being on a caching tour an EC in the close neighbourhood has always been the cream on the coffee as we say in Germany. In some regions there are not so many interesting geological locations whilst in others you may find an interesting place which deserves an EC almost every mile or so. Developing an EC to show these special places to others will be very limited should the vacation rule come into effect. There is no reason to apply this rule for a cache which needs no maintenance. It will only limit the development of interesting ECs depending on the activity of geocachers living nearby.
  14. Thanks SuziQ - contacted you by e-mail. Deal is done ... file is closed Greetings from Germany Albatross1901
  15. Had in July/August two great weeks touring on vacation in Oregon. All the forests, lakes and waterfalls not to speak of the Coast ... just wonderful ... if one responds to nature and likes it. Apart from the Plaque and the Un-Original could find a number of nice and interesting caches and would like to thank all Oregon cachers what they do for our sport. I try to get a geocoin of places I have cached as a souvenir for my collection. I haven't found an Oregon coin and would like to ask via the forum if there is one available. I could purchase it or trade it against a German one or Region of Germany Geocoin. Thanks for any positive feedback. Albatross1901
  16. Touchdown of the Balloon Coins in Germany! Great coins. Will be refuelled and ... up up and away.
  17. Do I need to buy athe Hanna Charity coin for a German girl with the coin being produced in Germany via USA or is there an option to get it here in Germany as well? Nothing against the distributing guys but I would like to save mailing cost. Great Coin BTW Albatross1901
  18. Wouldn't it be great to add the TB reference number before the coin name for all new entries? So everyone interested can see how the mileage has been done and the caches and countries a coin has been.
  19. Great concept! I am on board with one race set which will start in Germany. Please keep me updated. Albatross1901
  20. TGE-GG Wisconsin coin - July 15, 2006 - 22,271 miles ICON HO!'s ParentsofSAM Geocoin - 3/24/06 - 20640.7 miles Plem45's Grand Experiment (1-1) German Geocoin 1/21/06 20,121 miles 57 Chevy's Black Nickel Generic Geocoin 4-27-06 18,478 miles 57Chevy's 2006 USA 1/15/06 14,404 Miles Regions of Germany Geocoin - Saxonia 23/07/2006 - 13,362 miles Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin - 03/03/06 - 12,948 miles - Update Ozy's Ocean State Premier Race Geocoin — Released on 5/29/06, 12 ,596 miles so far Serendipity (USA coin) - 5/20/2006 - 12,367 miles Not So Lost Puppies: Midnight's World Traveller - May 20th, 2006 - 10,691 miles Mauison's World Travel Geocoin - 5/11/06 - 10,656 Miles AG's Traveling Balloon Geocoin - 4/6/06 - 10,271 miles Go JayBee's Experiment PoSAM's 2006 USA Geocoin #3 - 1/12/06 - 9639.2 miles Plem45's Grand Experiment (1-3) China Geocoin 1/21/06 9104 miles Mueller Memorial Geocoin by Prntr1 March 31, 2006 8600 miles Blue Canary Geocoin by Prntr1 May 2, 2006 8483 miles TGE-GG BackBrakeBilly - Sept 9, 2006 - 8470 miles BadAndy's Krugerrandy #24 - 02/02/2006 - 8397 miles Go JayBee's Grand Experiment - ^V^ New York '05 - 31Jan06 - 7714.8mi Shilo's Phone-a-Friend Geocoin -3/17/06 - 7256.5mi Go Jaybee's Experiment - Damenace's Caching Around the World Geocoin - 01/21/06 - 7219.5 miles Go JayBee's Grand Experiment - ^V^ Iowa '05 - 31Jan06 - 6686.6mi Mighty Mut the Hiker - Fox & the Hound personal coin, April 26, 2006 - 6861.3mi BadAndy's Krugerrandy #13 - 01/26/2006 - 6685 miles AG's Traveling Finland Coin - 2/17/06 - 6255 miles Mauison's Prague Geocoin - 04/19/06 6255 Miles Go Jaybee's Experiment - Damenace's Georgia Geocoin - 01/11/06 - 6012 miles Castle Man's Geo-Loot Coin #3 - 1/26/2006 - 5961 mi Go JayBee's Experiment PoSAM's 2006 USA Geocoin #1 - 1/12/06 - 4929.4 miles Go JayBee's Experiment PoSAM's 2006 USA Geocoin #2 - 1/12/06 - 4916.9 miles AG's Traveling BikeDog Geocoin #2 - 4/7/2006 - 4849 miles SWMG GEO ENGLAND -3-1-2006 4343 Miles SWMG GEO ENGLAND 1 -3-1-2006 4341 Miles CR05 - Plem45's Finland Geocoin 2/5/06 4302 miles Serial Finder's Personal Geocoin #8 - 03/24/06 - 4143 Miles Not So Lost Puppies: Not So Lost Puppies Travelling Coin - December 16th, 2005 - 3927 miles Ladybug Kids' Geonut Geocoin - 6/3/06 - 3666 Miles Kealia's Maryland Coin - 2/19/06 - 3,612 miles CR40 - Plem45's Signal Geocoin - (Feb 06) - April 18, 2006 - 3474 miles Where is JoeMerchant? - #029 - 1/14/06 - 3350 Miles Ladybug Kids' UK Geocoin #2 - 5/20/06 - 3327 Miles Team LightningBugs' 2006 Traveling USA Geocoin - 2986 miles Ozy's Two-tones Double Dragon Premier Race Geocoin — Released on 7/26/06, 2,860 miles so far Cornerstone4's Bikedog Coin- 3/17/06- 2637.2 Kealia/Hula Bum Geocache America Coin - 8/27/06 - 2,562 miles Kealia/Hula Bum Earth Geocoin - 8/27/06 - 2,562 miles Serial Finder's Geocoin - 10/28/06 - 2522 Miles Kealia/Hula Bum North Carolina Coin - 5/6/2206 - 2,367 miles Sawblade5's MIGO Geocoin 05 (MIGO Refurb 2005) - 1/17/2006 - 2366.1 mi Wild and Free #3 - Sept 9, 2006 - 2339 miles Kealia/Hula Bum UK Coin - 5/6/06 - 2,305 miles London Geocoin #490 - 4/7/2006 - 2,207 miles Cornerstone4's Temecula Valley Event Geocoin- 3/17/06- 2172 Shilo's Geocaching U Geocoin - 6/11/06 - 2051 miles IceCreamMan's Personal Geocoin #13 - 1/14/06 - 1839 Miles IceCreamMan's Personal Geocoin #15 - 1/14/06 - 1764 Miles RustyBeerCan's California Micro #1 - 4/7/06 - 1529 miles Signal Frostbite released 3/26/06: 1491 miles CR20 - Plem45's Generic Geocoin (mini) 3/3/06 1458 miles Kealia/Hula Bum Iowa Geocoin - 5/6/06 - 1,448 miles The Grand Experiment - Remember the Maine... - 1,434 mi. This one moved from Iowa to TN without being logged in and out of caches, so I have no idea of it's true mileage. Southbayday's Grand Canyon 2 - 2/1/06 1006 mi The Grand Experiment - Don't Screw It Up! - 974 mi. ScoutingWV World Traveler 1 - 2/26/06 - 851.5 miles Sawblade5's Frozen Bone Geocoin (Frozen Bone Bronze) - 1/17/2006 - 768.4 mi Tdecell’s Mississippi Geocoin #1551 – 743.3 miles Signal Geocoin Jan 2006 - 6/6/06 - 551.6 miles The Grand Experiment - Throw Me a Frozen Bone, Would Ya? - 510 mi. Scan My Barcode--Generic Geocoin - 5/26/06 - 333.9 miles Free's Pengy & Tigger coin released 28/2/2006 (or 2/28/2006 for everyone else since Im British) 262 miles Sundailman's March Goecoin CLub released 4-6-06: 218 miles Claire's Birthday Zodiac Geocoin - 7/3/06 - 167.8 miles Loggerhead LE: release 4-2-06 151 miles Sundialman's Earth Day Earth Geocoin released April 22, 2006 151 miles Team Jsam's POW/MIA Coin: released 6-08-06 134.4 miles The Blind Acorn - 111 mi. Free's Lamppost Geocoin released 4/4/2006 93 miles Team Jsam 2006 CITO: released 4-21-06: 57.8 miles Finland Geocoin 3-10-06 37.4 miles Hogwild Cointown 3/7/06 26 miles
  21. Sorry posted the wrong list on my first attempt. But still #3 and a little bit of help on #2 as well ;-) Plem45's Grand Experiment (1-1) German Geocoin 1/21/06 19934.1 miles 57Chevy's 2006 USA 1/15/06 12,885 Miles Worldchampionship 2006 Geocoin - 03/03/06 - 11.303 miles Plem45's Grand Experiment (1-3) China Geocoin 1/21/06 9090 miles Go JayBee's Experiment PoSAM's 2006 USA Geocoin #3 - 1/12/06 - 7781.2 miles! Go JayBee's Grand Experiment - ^V^ New York '05 - 31Jan06 - 7653.4mi Go Jaybee's Experiment - Damenace's Caching Around the World Geocoin - 01/21/06 - 7219.5 miles Go JayBee's Grand Experiment - ^V^ Iowa '05 - 31Jan06 - 6589mi Go Jaybee's Experiment - Damenace's Georgia Geocoin - 01/11/06 - 6012 miles BadAndy's Krugerrandy #25 - 2/2/06 5701 Miles Go JayBee's Experiment PoSAM's 2006 USA Geocoin #2 - 1/12/06 - 4789.9 miles AG's Traveling BikeDog Geocoin #2 - 4/7/2006 - 4612 miles BadAndy's Krugerrandy #24 - 2/2/06 4470 Miles SWMG GEO ENGLAND -3-1-2006 4343 Miles SWMG GEO ENGLAND 1 -3-1-2006 4341 Miles CR05 - Plem45's Finland Geocoin 2/5/06 4302 miles Serial Finder's Personal Geocoin #8 - 03/24/06 - 4143 Miles Where is JoeMerchant? - #029 - 1/14/06 - 3350 Miles Team LightningBugs' 2006 Traveling USA Geocoin - 2986 miles Shilo's Phone-a-Friend Geocoin -3/17/06-2888 miles Kealia's Maryland Coin - 2/19/06 - 2,721 miles Serial Finder's Geocoin - 10/28/06 - 2522 Miles AG's Traveling Camo Cache Coin - 2/1/2006 - 2174 miles IceCreamMan's Personal Geocoin #13 - 1/14/06 - 1839 Miles IceCreamMan's Personal Geocoin #15 - 1/14/06 - 1764 Miles CR20 - Plem45's Generic Geocoin (mini) 3/3/06 1458 miles RBC's California Micro #1 - 4/7/06 - 1040 miles Southbayday's Grand Canyon 2 - 2/1/06 1006 mi ScoutingWV World Traveler 1 - 2/26/06 - 851.5 miles Tdecell’s Mississippi Geocoin #1551 – 743.3 miles Free's Pengy & Tigger coin released 28/2/2006 (or 2/28/2006 for everyone else since Im British) 262 miles Sundailman's March Goecoin CLub released 4-6-06: 218 miles Loggerhead LE: release 4-2-06 151 miles Sundialman's Earth Day Earth Geocoin released April 22, 2006 151 miles Sawblade5's Frozen Bone Geocoin (Frozen Bone Bronze) - 1/17/2006 - 150 Miles NSLP Travelling China Coin: March 27, 2006: 95 mi Free's Lamppost Geocoin released 4/4/2006 93 miles Finland Geocoin 3-10-06 37.4 miles Hogwild Cointown 3/7/06 26 miles Team Jsam 2006 CITO: released 4-21-06: 18.5 miles Team Jsam Nevada 06: released 4-20-06 3.9 miles
  22. Great looking coin! e-mailed for 2 to be shipped to Germany. Albatross1901
  23. Hi to all Sinapore cachers, On my way to New Zealand I will have a stopp-over in Singapore March 10th - 12th and I am looking forward to find - apart from sight-seing also some caches. I have some unregistered geocoins with and without own icon to trade or to sell. Could make money going to e.... but for the spirit of our sport I would prefer to take the one or the other to Singapore should there be an interest. Should you be intereste just drop me an line to my geocaching.com e-mail address. I am compiling a list of the available coins and will send it out within the next ten days. Albatross1901
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