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Everything posted by CaptainNoir

  1. Hey yall, I found a concrete post with a lead marker set into the top of it. It is located at the corner of NYS Forest Land in Danby, NY. The marker has an imprint in it: U.S. R A L U L D N Y 4 M Any clues to what agency set this?
  2. Wow, this one has really taken on a life of it's own. Let's take a moment and clarify what the intent was for this post. I enjoy walking though many of the NYSDEC managed areas around my hometown. Placing a cache in these areas seemed like a good idea. NYSDEC disagrees. My idea to alter a virtual cache was an attempt to find a way to place caches in these areas and have them approved by GC.Com. I think from the outset we can say that my original idea has been voted off the island. Bon Voyage. Are there any other constructive ideas that anyone could offer to get caches approved for these areas? It's not the end of the world if these areas are not accepted by GC.Com. There are other areas to cache in, so far. So lets move on from my original post and see if anyone comes up with a winner. Thanks for your interest! SABlack
  3. Folks, The mention of this idea was to see if it had any value to the group as a whole. I can see that it is a dark whole that no one wishes to enter, so lets call it quits and table it. Thanks for your input. The use of NYSDEC managed land would be a great area to cache in and I hope that someday we all have access to place caches on those lands. Hopefully we won't loose other areas to legislation. Thanks again, S. A. Black
  4. Greetings all, I have been very disappointed with NYSDEC's positon on caches placed in Stace Forests and Wildlife Management Areas (notice how I did not say "preserves"). There are so many absolutely wonderful areas included in the DEC managed areas to visit, it seems a shame that our sport is being denied access. It is my understanding that Virtuals are the only caches that are currently accepted by NYSDEC and will be posted by Groundspeak. What I am kicking around is an idea that is a variant on the virtual theme, but still requires participants to physically go to the site, seek out a particular object, and report back to Groundspeak to get credit for the find. Here is how it might work: A Cacher locates a position that he/she thinks would be a good spot for a cache, keeping in mind all the rules of setting a cache properly(no private propery,etc.). The Cacher request approval from Groundspeak to place the cache at that location just like we have in the past. After Groundspeak determines that the site is acceptable, a serial # is issued for that site. The Cacher returns to the site and finds an object that resides there naturallly(Rock,stump, fallen tree, etc.). The serial number is marked on the object with something that is biodigradeable such as marker, chalk, soap stone, so long as it does not permanantly disfigure the object and washes away over time. Groundspeak lists the cache on Geocaching for the public to find. The Cacher must find the object and report the serial # to take credit for the find. My thought was to use the already accepted pratice of virtual caches and augment it with the ID requirement. This method brings nothing into the woods to be left behind, the serial # disappears over a short time, the cache site would have a finite existence ensuring that the area leading to it is not overly burdend with foot traffic. Maybe it could be called an "I.D. Cache". Serial Cache has a less than peaceful feel to it, wouldn't want to be know as a "Serial Cacher". Might scare the kids. Well, what do you think? Is it worth mentioning again or is it destined to be shot down in its youth. Of course, it might all be for not if NYSDEC and Groundspeak vote it down. I would hope that it has a chance. Thanks for your input, S. A. Black
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