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Everything posted by JesandTodd

  1. I don't like my husbands jeep. When I get in it, it wants me to drive in stick shift. I'm no good in stick shift. I try to go fast, but it just revs at a certain speed. I can't figure it out! Forget about it!! I'll stick to my Mazda. It never lets me down, and goes fast when I want to! It shifts automatically! Basically...you don't know how to use the phone. 14ft this way, 23ft that way. Usually my phone is in my pocket when I'm under 100ft away. But, when I got my Garmin, I would do side by side comparisons while caching in the woods. My iPhone zeroes just fine. Don't fault the device because you don't know how to use it.
  2. I simply do not understand why one needs the gc.com site at all for such purposes. Cezanne Because. Because I love geocaching and my husband does not. Because my husband knows and accepts this. And because it would be a VERY cool idea if he did this for me. In a form I enjoy dearly. So the question wouldn't be why, but why not? Why not set up special I <3 geocaching cache just for me? And if he did, why/how does it affect you, way over there? No. Not getting an icon won't mean you aren't special. Maybe it means you didn't assimilate into your geocommunity. Or your community is too small. Or not very creative, or is too big, Or that...blah blah blah. Many people couldn't make it to mega events when lab caches were offered. So THEY didn't get any of the lab icons either. I've found 12 lab caches. I certainly don't feel it's a "coveted icon", exclusive to special people. I thought it was a fun part of a fun day. (My mini geocaching beer mug, however, is pretty darn cute, exclusive, and coveted. Neener neener neener) I won't get a lab cache for me. That's ok. The world won't end over an icon, and I won't even fault my husband for not making one for me!
  3. Great point!! I think I'll have mine be directed towards the new cacher!!
  4. Haha.. Yes. Today in fact. I had to reinstall the Garmin plugin and I KNOW it just worked the other day. I had to do it twice because I still had the webpage open, and then I had to 'always allow' something or rather. Just start up the process again and close out your webpage prior to opening the exe. Hope what I said was even remotely correct. I'm not the computer nerd in this family
  5. Jayme, as usual, you have a special talent for taming, and educating the forums. These sound great!! I'm gonna start thinking one up...
  6. I couldn't even hit play And the podcast is an hour. Hopefully there will be some legit source for the info that's more tolerable and terse
  7. Whewwwwww!!!! I did some experimenting with the intro app. DONT DO THIS!! I wanted to see if I could get into the website by sending a validation code to a different address other than fake address I've set up (wanted to see if I can post in the forums without ever having a validated email address ) unfortunately my iPad repopulated my username into field each time I tried, and therefore I 'validated' myself right out of the website and the forums!! The website I was able to get back into, but the forums have taken me almost 3 days to get back. Eegads!!! Thank you HQ developers for your help! So, can a unvalidated, intro user send a validation code to another email, gain access to the website and forums, and still not have any viable way to be contacted?? Well. I'll never know!! But I suspect that they can!
  8. General members don't receive notifications anyway. You canal ways post a not to your cache page stating it's now open to basic members...
  9. That's a good cache btw....right outside of a chocolate store!! Thanks for the delete!
  10. You should use one of your own caches to test in the future. None were close enough to me, right then, for the app to "see" Yes please!
  11. Haha...I'll email the CO in a few days so he can delete it.
  12. You've done a great job on this thread, and with your cache. Don't let this craptastic response sway you in any way. I don't think ANYBODY liked/agreed/enjoyed your response. This is a short thread. Was it really so hard to read up BEFORE you post your negative, and highly unnecessary response? As far as the purpose of this thread....it has been accomplished LONG ago. Time to take a look in the mirror when it comes to belitteling.
  13. NVM = Not Validated Member Those folks who are driving me crazy because they can't be contacted. Gotcha. The same applies to someone who just creates a disposable hotmail or gmail address because they don't want to get spammed by the site they just signed up for, and don't see any reason they would need to be contacted. Looking at things from the other side, so to speak, it's easy to see why someone using an app could expect the app to tell them everything they needed to know to play the game. If someone subsequently emails them to tell them they did it wrong, how are they to know whether they are dealing with a person who has something useful to say or a precious ego who doesn't like the newbie hunting their cache? After all, if the information was important the app would have told them about it, right? When I tried to create an account via the website with a sham email address, I was unable to sign in because it required the validation code sent to the (sham) email. Now, I don't know if that impacts the ability to sign in with the same username or sham email when using the Intro or Full iPhone App. Isn't that what JesandTodd were getting at back on page 13? They were talking about starting "cold" from the app and signing up for an account. If one has already created an account on the website with a sham email, you might be able to use that username when trying to sign in on the app. However, I don't know if that is possible, because when I signed up a sham email with a new account, I couldn't even log into geocaching.com to create a password for that username. Hmmmmmm..... - You said earlier you used a PC. When he entered, by phone, he came up with three caches. Wouldn't you have to re-enter (sign in) for those caches? Can you simply invent a name and email and immediately have three caches to look at without logging in (via the app) again? Cerberus, thanks for the heads up Interesting. I couldn't remember my password for my fake into app, so I had to set up another. FakeUserName Fake email I could NOT log into GC.com OR into the forums with my unvalidated account It just said, error. Way up in the corner it said, "resend validation" So, if I were reaching out to the website, I couldn't do it if I had a fake/forgotten email addy. There. This brings up a good point though. I couldn't remember my password...and my email was nonsense. So once I logged out of my app, and couldn't get back in, I just sent up a new acct and started over. IIBH, I think I've set up a few accts via the into app to test things out FWIW, I can see info on SIX caches. Maybe I can only 'log' three. But I see 6. Well, I see 30 actually. I bet I could navigate to them all...just not having any info. But I could certainly walk until I got close to the dot on the map and begin searching... Here's my log http://coord.info/GLD75M96 Interesting...the auto prompt has been changed. Here's the problem....I set up a fake addy! So I can't delete this log....eesh. (I'll send a note to the CO)
  14. NVM = Not Validated Member Those folks who are driving me crazy because they can't be contacted. Gotcha. The same applies to someone who just creates a disposable hotmail or gmail address because they don't want to get spammed by the site they just signed up for, and don't see any reason they would need to be contacted. Looking at things from the other side, so to speak, it's easy to see why someone using an app could expect the app to tell them everything they needed to know to play the game. If someone subsequently emails them to tell them they did it wrong, how are they to know whether they are dealing with a person who has something useful to say or a precious ego who doesn't like the newbie hunting their cache? After all, if the information was important the app would have told them about it, right? When I tried to create an account via the website with a sham email address, I was unable to sign in because it required the validation code sent to the (sham) email. Now, I don't know if that impacts the ability to sign in with the same username or sham email when using the Intro or Full iPhone App. Isn't that what JesandTodd were getting at back on page 13? They were talking about starting "cold" from the app and signing up for an account. If one has already created an account on the website with a sham email, you might be able to use that username when trying to sign in on the app. However, I don't know if that is possible, because when I signed up a sham email with a new account, I couldn't even log into geocaching.com to create a password for that username. Hmmmmmm..... - You said earlier you used a PC. When he entered, by phone, he came up with three caches. Wouldn't you have to re-enter (sign in) for those caches? Can you simply invent a name and email and immediately have three caches to look at without logging in (via the app) again? Cerberus, thanks for the heads up Interesting. I couldn't remember my password for my fake into app, so I had to set up another. FakeUserName Fake email I could NOT log into GC.com OR into the forums with my unvalidated account It just said, error. Way up in the corner it said, "resend validation" So, if I were reaching out to the website, I couldn't do it if I had a fake/forgotten email addy. There. This brings up a good point though. I couldn't remember my password...and my email was nonsense. So once I logged out of my app, and couldn't get back in, I just sent up a new acct and started over. IIBH, I think I've set up a few accts via the into app to test things out FWIW, I can see info on SIX caches. Maybe I can only 'log' three. But I see 6. Well, I see 30 actually. I bet I could navigate to them all...just not having any info. But I could certainly walk until I got close to the dot on the map and begin searching... Here's my log http://coord.info/GLD75M96 Interesting...the auto prompt has been changed. Here's the problem....I set up a fake addy! So I can't delete this log....eesh. (I'll send a note to the CO)
  15. Nope! I set up a fake geocaching acct on the intro app to test it out.
  16. Or 2 glass of wine at dinner. Or my Starbucks budget for one WEEK. You pay $30/week to Charbucks? Wow... $5 per quad tall dry cappuccino, ~5+ times a week. Doesn't include my afternoon break (my hospital has 2 Starbucks in it!) Also, my hometown Starbucks sells beer, wine, and appetizers. I don't include that in the weekly budget
  17. I've adopted several caches (from a geocacher that moved out of the area). I left the original owners name and added "...adopted by NYPaddleCacher". That's the way they're going to stay. Yes, obviously I do the same. I just wait a week or so before doing it. I'm thinking I'll add a link to the profile of the original CO as well.
  18. I've adopted several caches (from a geocacher that moved out of the area). I left the original owners name and added "...adopted by NYPaddleCacher". That's the way they're going to stay. Yes, obviously I do the same. I just wait a week or so before doing it. I'm thinking I'll add a link to the profile of the original CO as well.
  19. It's weird...but I usually wait a good solid week before I change the "adopted by" or make any real changes to the cache/cache page. Just being respectful of previous owners...
  20. Or 2 glass of wine at dinner. Or my Starbucks budget for one WEEK.
  21. I live in Seattle.. Well...actually worse. I'm an eastsider, bound by a few mountains (which collect the clouds). My little city actually has twice the amount of rain that Seattle does. So....---yeah. Yeah, i have used my iphone in the rain. And TBH...our weather is almost NEVER "favorable" Anything else? Btw, found 2 T5 caches today, it was the wettest I ever got kayaking. It's January, it was 37°, the water level was low so entry/exiting my craft was....difficult. I'm a terrible kayaker (hence the amount of water on me and my craft) All done with my iPhone. Yes. So...horses for courses, I guess
  22. I'm the 4th owner of a cache: http://coord.info/GCGD8H
  23. Pretty sure you could type the jibber as a field note then use those to post your logs back home. The CO never sees your field notes so you could enter any old jibber you like in there - even just a single character ... add to that, they do not get notification of an edit. Only the originally posted log. Correct. The owner would receive your blank or short jibber via email, and get no notification of an edit. Not being a smart aleck, but why do you feel you have to type jibber from the cache site on your smart phone? For the first 9 1/2 years of Geocaching's existance, EVERYONE went home and logged their finds on a computer. Gosh, I still do. I happen to write awesome logs (IIDSSM) and I do so with my iPhone., generally right at GZ I won't remember much about the cache if I wait to get home. I prefer my logs to be about my experience. Not a 'found with so n so' cut and paste that I see lots of. If I'm on a mountain and find more than 5 caches...I won't remember the specifics. And I'm all about the specifics. Times change. I don't care how people logged 9.5 yrs ago. I care how I log now ..
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