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Jan and the Percey Boys

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Everything posted by Jan and the Percey Boys

  1. Its the caninr Percey Boy, the other ones other than me get onto the profile Just in case you dont know the canine is named after me........(no not mutato nomine.................scruffy
  2. See my post on Who is Mutato Nomine Posted: Jun 4 2005, 01:46 AM "I am not the name changer" Bob On a seperate note I was at the wrong end of the table to get involved in the solution of the Clairvoyant Anybody want to give me the answer you got to or at least a clue
  3. Harder caches I assume - we all know skippy won mastermind in Oz last year Bob Heads for the door
  4. Again quite simple we are a family of one female - Janet four males - Bob, Jack. Daniel and scruffy the dog (Yes you guessed it the dog was named after me and you can see what I drink!!!) We had used Jan and the Percey Boys for family cards etc and when my sister - (whose fault all this box hunting is) asked for a name for us it was obvious to use that one. It actually does not reflect reality as it is normally only me that does the cacxhes Bob
  5. Thanks one and all It is now sorted The problem was hotsync and as soon as I disabled it hey presto loads of waypoints on the GPS So another case of a ftf for bryan - mind you he better be careful of my wife I think she was happier when I had to choose individual waypoints Thanks again for all the help Bob
  6. As a dedicated technophobe I was convinced by the cheap price of pda's to try the paperless route and the pda works great (cant seem to get the caches to display as waypoints but hey that is overcomeable But trying to get my Geko 201 to accept waypoints is another matter!!! I use GSAK and get GPS_Packet Read: Time out GARMIN Cant init com2 Any thoughts Anyone Bob
  7. I have had a thought Mithras was the chief sumerian deity and is an anagram of R A Smith Bob Smith is to blame!!! Seriously though Why has ARRKS been left out of this discussion? Can anybody believe Sue would leave a cache a month that near to home??? Bob (not the name changer)
  8. Surely you kinow by now I hate piles of sticks! Bob I did say 'almost' a pile of sticks, the fact that one 'stick' was a little bigger than the rest could actually discount its qualification as an oficial 'camp fire'. Oops sorry didn't realise haven't done the cache yet. Bob
  9. Surely you kinow by now I hate piles of sticks! Bob
  10. How about Clock Watching Dave But will people be able to find it? Actually there is in my humble opinion no reason for it not to be an event other than history. and Chas' opinion The original was arranged as an adjunct to the "St Georges Day meet" as Chas couldn't come we therefore decided to meet outside of that event and advertised it by spamming local cachers and letting the forums know. Whilst this worked well I believe making it an event would mean not having to spam everyone who visits our caches. So lets put it to a vote who is for an event listing and who isnt. Bob
  11. Rutson Moderators do not have to follow the rules it is called discretion so for instance they may rule one cache placing inappropriate and a similair one okay. Whatever your feelings thats life. Whilst I too will point this sort of thing out I try not to do it in public forums Bob
  12. Congrats from us guys too Bob from Jan and the Percey Boys
  13. What with the clures decrypted into swedish!!!
  14. Congrats Brian Sad that I cannot spell -phoenix- Bob
  15. Nice going Malcolm - Glad to have been caching with you Bob
  16. Presumably those containers are waterproof though... D*mn never thought of that - they'd work with magnets too Bob
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