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Everything posted by EvilHorror

  1. I see the tiny violin orchestra continues to play for this thread as well. The tears of those who fear others with a true sense of what geocaching should be, spatter upon the the floor. Sadness for those who having nothing better to do than to continue a pointless argument. The simple fact is, everyone should respect each other's ideals even if they feal the need throw childish hissy fits over them.
  2. ...... and the orchestra of miniature violins played on ........
  3. I absolutely respect KBlast and his desires for what is his property and I would be well assurred to know that he would do the same for anybody elses, as so would I. It would be others who choose not follow what is required and expected who are the disrespectful ones. Those who would consider themselves cheated of one little number to their score because they cannot, will not or are unable to do what is necessitated. Others are more than free in their choice to accept an excuse, or a photo of a cache in a tree in lieu of the signature, but no one can force the same on those who expect the signature. A photo of the cache in the tree would be acceptable, in my opinion, as long as the finder's hand was at least touching the cache. No one can say that one person or another CANNOT expect a certain guideline requirement from everybody else. Not you, not KBlast, not myself and certainly not gc.com themselves, who created the guideline. It would may as well be one type of "control freak" calling another type of "control freak" a "control freak"
  4. It seems KBlast is not the one even making mention of geocaching as a "competition". Too many screeching voices "Boo hoo! Everybody's not playing the way I want to play"
  5. Next, someone will be mewling about just signing the log is an ALR. Mayhaps you whiner babies should get over it and accept the original concept of geocaching is to seek out the hidden geocache and make your mark upon the log book or log sheet contained therein. And whence, upon completion of said simple task, you may then, and only then, proclaim to the rest of the geocaching world your completion of that simple task via your online log. If you cannot make your mark, leave some proof, or provide proof of having had your claws upon the container, then you should NOT claim you find. If you do so, then you deserve to have your log deleted. If it is too much for you to follow such a SIMPLE task as to scrawl whatever false name you've chosen to take upon to hide behind, upon a piece of paper contained within some little piece of plastic junk, then it is my suggestion that you, whoever you are who wishes to continue to argue the point because you are so afraid to lose out on one little point, one stupid little smiley face, then mayhaps you should find some other hobby. I have yet to hide my own, but, rest assured, when I do so, I will rule over my caches with an iron fist. Why? Because they would be MY property, no one elses. I will have placed them for others to seek and find. They would be MY responsibility to maintain. And if you cannot see your way to put your mark upon the log, then do not claim a find or I will delete. As it should be, so shall it be.
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