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Nottingham Nutters

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Everything posted by Nottingham Nutters

  1. Adding the UK worked for me - no hits changed to correct location. It would be good if they could change the text on the search screen to say how you can build this up. Postal Code - Search by a postal code if you live in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada or Australia.
  2. Yes - this can be done via PQ or other software - but it isn't possible to filter easilty on the main site - and produce a map or list of non-micros in a given area. I now go to some effort to avoid micros - because no real effort seems to be put in placing them and in many areas, looking for yet another film cannister at the bottom of yet another fence post really done spoil the walk rather than enhance it. Maybe, people should eb educated not to splatter micros all over the place - but only place them in worth while locations - and where there is no placement for a larger cache.
  3. I must be blind as well - because I couldn't find out how to change my home co-ordinates until I found this post on the forum.
  4. Is it possible to set up the geocaching.com site so Travel Bugs don't show on the 'Map It' maps? I almost prefer not to know whether there is a bug in a cache before I arrive rather than trying to 'cherry pick' ones which contain TBs and being disappointed. The Print Friendly mode hides the TB details on individual cache details but the Map It listings which I take out with me gives the game away. PS I like the new maps.
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