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Posts posted by mlrs1996

  1. im just looking through some post and i saw this one

    all i can say is man you all are some good guys i wish i had one of them coins so i could help the alabamarambler out my self

    just wanted to note the good deeds your doing......

  2. im not going to lie i had no idea what a mystery coin was but ive only been playing for almost a year now.

    but how and why would you sell something that was a gift. that isnt right. some people have no respect. if i got a coin i would never get rid of it. but maybe thats just me....... and SOME others

  3. it sounds like your talking about the coins page isnt coming up when you put the number in if thats it the your more than likely putting a 1 in place of an I or a 0 in place of an O hope that helps

  4. yes i started collecting coins because tennessee jed gave me one on the forums and that was all it took.

    ive been collecting for about 3 months now. i now have about 150 of them some of them im still going thru.

    ive only been geocaching since july so im still learning all of it but i do like the coins


  5. if you are looking for a coin to be given to you

    look up the forum of "pay it foward" by tennessee jed

    they give out coins there but they are already traveling

    its under the coin discussion

    actually after i looked its under yours and it was responded to today

    hopefully that helps


  6. pezeke13 it would be up to fuzziebear3 because its their forum and coin but i think that all milestones are milestones talk to fuzziebear3 and see if it ok then if you will message me your address i will get it in the mail to you.

    congrats on the 100 i just started playing at the end of july so before you know it it will be 1000......

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