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Everything posted by kgeek

  1. Magellan has the manual and latest firmware at http://www.magellangps.com/en/support/products/gps320.asp
  2. No, not natively. However, you can get around this with ..... Put it all together and you get a handy code snippit... Thanks Clyde! #Set ENVTmpDir equal to %TMP% SET $Result = PutFile("c:\gsaktmp.bat","echo %TMP% > c:\gsaktmp.tmp") IF Left($Result,7) = "*Error*" Pause Msg="$Result" Cancel ENDIF RUNPGM Pgm="c:\gsaktmp.bat" Wait=yes SET $ENVTmpDir = GetFile("c:\gsaktmp.tmp") IF Left($ENVTmpDir,7) = "*Error*" Pause Msg="$ENVTmpDir" Cancel ENDIF Pause Msg="$ENVTmpDir"
  3. Good stuff Clyde. I had been tweeking a perl "pop3 fetch" script for several months now to pull from gmail just like you describe. No need for that any more.... Is it possible to use a enviroment variable like %TMP% within GSAK macro?
  4. I reciently tried my first multi-cache and was confused by the directions provided to the next point. Is "R123.45 FAR" some standard notiation?
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