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Everything posted by HikerGuyEd

  1. This is a reminder... Hello! I would like to remind the geocache community that not all boxes hidden are geocaches, some are letterboxes and the stamps in the boxes are not trade items. Please feel free to log in the book, but please do not take the stamp! If you don't know what a letterbox is, please see: http://www.atlasquest.com/about/wiki/browse.html?gCatId=14#q1 We recently had a stamp replaced with an eraser in box located in Blue Mountain Reservation in Westchester NY. The stamp was an image of a hand reaching into a goldfish bowl. If anyone has any information regarding this stamp, please contact me. Thanks!! HikerGuyEd ed@bluarcher.com
  2. As a letterboxer and sometimes geocacher, I just want to remind everyone that if you come across a box in the woods that has a stamp in it, it is a LETTERBOX and not a GEOCACHE. The stamp in the box is NOT a trade item; please do not take it! Feel free, however, to add your name to the logbook and/or stamp your logbook. Thanks!! HikerGuyEd
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