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Everything posted by papatom2

  1. I don't remember, but the 2005 edition had something changed in it that kept me from getting it. I now have been told that it wouldn't upload multiple icons in a text file used in the draw layers. They never correct that either. If you got the new 2006 - what do you think? I use it for geocaching AND for RV travel eight months out of the year.
  2. jimmyreno, I can't believe that you think a single program (GSAK) has a longer learning curve than three seperate programs. I can't believe anyone thinks moving files between three seperate programs is easier then using a single program. If you add batch files into the mix, everything gets longer and harder (did I say that?) With GSAK, I click one button and my file is updated. I don't have to check mail nor move the .zip file around! I click a second button and I have a map file with all my caches marked and my Palmdesktop has the cachmate file ready for updating. Oh Yah, that means I have to put the palm into the docking station and hit another button, - "work, work, work' Mel Brooks. It may be free but its not easier nor conveniant.
  3. I am interested. If you don't put them here - Email me.
  4. If your using the macro you wrote here the If-endif commands are not needed, because there is no action taken if database does not exist. In fact it should be removed because as written the macro does nothing if DB does not exist, but you will get an error message to alert you with the IF statements removed that tells you the DB does not exist. I take it you want to make this macro a loop to do this for a number of databases. If so: you need three txt files. First one should be assigned a macro button and it is three lines. set $loop=1 macro file="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\YourFile.txt" cancel ========================================================== YourFile.txt This is the calling loop. Notice the first cancel to end the loop!!!(there are two) This makes it easy to add or delete databases from the routine. if $loop=1 set $MYDB="olympia (95478)" set $MYFN="olympia" macro file="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\YourWorkFile.txt" endif if $loop=2 set $MYDB="different (123456)" set $MYFN="different" macro file="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\YourWorkFile.txt" endif cancel # this was removed from the routine until later. if $loop=3 set $MYDB="differentagain (78901)" set $MYFN="differentagain" macro file="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\YourWorkFile.txt" endif cancel ============================================================== YourWorkFile.txt DATABASE name="$MYDB" Action=select USERFLAG type=set range=all DELETE settings=ticked LOAD file="c:\tmp\gpx\out\$MYFN.gpx" EXPORT Type=snt Settings=s_and_t_export file=c:\tmp\gpx\out\$MYFN.csv EXPORT Type=gpx file=c:\tmp\gpx\out\$MYFN.gpx set $loop=$loop+1 macro file="C:\Program Files\GSAK\Macros\YourFile.txt" cancel =============================================================== The loop is stopped in the YourFile.txt Hope this helps
  5. !!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!! The GPSr uses 3 volts not 12 volts Someplace in that cord are dropping resistors to drop the voltage. I really believe they are in the male plug, so if you cut that off you will burn your GPSr up. Check it out first! Also after you hotwire your cable the end that plugs into the garmin will be hot - avoid shorting it to the car frame!
  6. Sounds as cumbersome as his method. For 18 changes don't you think a global find and replace is a whole lot faster?
  7. I'm replying to get this moved to the top again. Cache Pack has only posted this message and non other so I don't think he knows where it is. Lets give him a chance finding it. Langner91 The O I D H L P buttons must be configured and not that way when you install cachemate. It looks like Cache Pack is on the first screen displaying the database name and don't know he has to select one to view it's information. Thats all
  8. Although I have a number of questions I could ask, the simplest is, have you added the Street and Atlas extra icons to your program. They can be found on the delorme site. The red flag is the default in S&A if it doesn't have what your asking for. Been there HAD that. Also is the words Cache Found seperated in gsak export window?
  9. Editing the GPX file is the way to go for what you want, but a simple search and replace in a text editor of the file BEFORE you load it should do it.
  10. Or right click your PDB file, click properties and see what is associated with that file type.
  11. Don't believe gsak generates an .an1 file directly. BUT when you click on the .txt in DeLorme it will generate that file. OK Clyde - My failing eyes is causing me problems. Should have read the box instead of cussing at it.
  12. Why can't you delete a message on this board????
  13. I haven't been looking at the file returned. I was looking at a gsak database screen. And in the database the tern and diff are shown. So I tried downloading a couple of caches of various levels of tern and diff. They all came up with a value of 1 in the diff and tern columns instead of being blank. Maybe we found a bug! PS - I then looked at the loc file and you are correct they are not sent, just displayed.
  14. What is "scraping". I can find no explaination of it. I see it listed with robots and spiders. Those I know. If scraping is what I think it is I see no reason for a macro or gsak not to do this. It most definitly can be done by "plucker". In fact Plucker is a spidering program and it's sanctioned by gsak. PS you do get tern and diff from a loc file.
  15. I know people are telling you to zip the pq, but that was my problem. My isp blocks attachments with certain extentions, .zip was one of them. They "said" they could not change this behavior in their protection program. I told them to rethink what they were doing because it took to long to download file that weren't zipped. They didn't and I changed isps. Another thing to check for is the size of the attachment. Some isps have limits on them. Write the webmaster or the tech deptment and ask them. They may have the answer for you and maybe a work-around. OR better yet, they can modify their software.
  16. Thanks Pdop I'll try it. Do You have the channel in plucker already or can you make a channel with a macro?
  17. I have a windows xp OS. The plucker manual is totally bogus in telling you how to use the cli with plucker. Has anyone figured this out?
  18. Why not email Magellan? Maybe send em the picture and see what they say.
  19. camel cacher, A LOC file will give you the cache name, the code (the GC id number), the long and lat, the difficulty, the terain. All these can be uploaded Look at SPECIAL TAGS in the manual. The ones you want are %dif or %dif1 or %dif1a %ter ect.... %lon %lat Look em up Turn all columns on to see what a LOC file gives you to work with and go from there. If your still haveing problems post again.
  20. Yes there is, read the manual. hit F1. OR when you export use the HELP button on the bottom of the box. OR use the CHANGE button on the box - right side. The manual has lots of info and the HELP buttons will give you that info in small bits. Hope this helps.
  21. When you submit your PQ there is an option to view your results. You can then get the most important files downloading them manuly.
  22. tossedsalad, Getting my info off the system info screen = free memory 7720k of 8064k. Thats a palm V and two small databeases loaded into cachemate. I understand that I can update my OS and if I look on ebay can get as high as ver 4.01. Not sure what that will do me, so haven't looked.
  23. martinp13, This tells me the problem is in your setup of Plucker. I don't use that myself so can't help there, but if you go bak to the place where you got Plucker and seen if they had a useable ini file that might solve the problem. Added later After looking up info on plucker. Plucker runs on your pda. You have to start it from the pda not from your computer or via gsak. At lest that's what it looks like to me. NEXT EDIT Been playing with Plucker. Here is a command to get it running from GSAL: RUNPGM pgm="C:Program Files\Plucker\plucker desktop" Wait=Yes Haven't tried updateing a channel yet. Are you still around?
  24. One man's cheap is another's Holy Cow! If your talking over a hundred dollars I guess you can get WiFi, but don't think you'd be lucky enough to get it at a price under that. I just got a Palm V with charger/sync tray for $25.00 off ebay. It has OS 3.3 and 8 Megs memory. For $8.00 I got Cachemate (software) for it and use it with GSAK on my laptop. Still need to get something to view pictures. No 802.11 capability but my laptop is wifi enabled. Hope this helps
  25. So, how do you view pictures or maps on your pda using cachemate? Also, what do you set to import menu notes from the pda to gsak?
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