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Everything posted by Cache_Kitty

  1. Dude, that's more than 5 colors ;-) It looks like you are using 2 different colors for alternate Area 5, Area 6, Area 7 and Area 8. I didn't think you could do that. Please let me know!
  2. The Indiana coin color selections were sent to Emma and Mark. Off to ice pack my hand, I have coloring cramp!
  3. Yep, Cache_Kitty is me! It was just a matter of time before I did one of these. Maybe some of you guys can give me a few tips in planning the event!
  4. Please add me to the list. Cache Kitty ---- Lafayette, Indiana
  5. I am seeking/trading the following coins. Does NOT have to be a 1:1 trade nor same event - depends on coins. Thanks! Lisa Seeking - 10 year Event Kitchener, Ontario Iowa Texas Netherlands United Kingdom Koeln, Germany Sepp & Berta Illinois Pittsburgh Manitoba Colorado Seeking - Cloud 999 Missouri United Kingdom Manitoba Long Island Portugal Texas Mississippi Maine/Connecticut Trading - 10 year Event Roulette (2) Cache Royale (2) Pilsen, Czech Republich Ontario Michigan Central Florida Emerald Coast, Florida Trading - Cloud 999 Michigan (2) Ontario (2) Utah Spokane Japan Georgia
  6. Well if you pick Cache Kitty I get one of the coins! Can't wait to see the proofs!
  7. In addition I also got this Momma and her youngins'
  8. It can't get much better than this! BN ROT13 Spinner
  9. Cache_Kitty


    Hello, I have several Cloud 999's I will trade for other Cloud 999's. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks! Seeking Arizona New England Missouri New Jersey Long Island Mississippi California United Kingdom Czech Manitoba South Carolina Portugal Spokane Texas For Trade Australia Japan Georgia Colorado New York
  10. Cache_Kitty


    Hello, I have several Cloud 999's I will trade for other Cloud 999's. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks! Seeking Arizona New England Missouri New Jersey Long Island Mississippi California United Kingdom Czech Manitoba South Carolina Portugal Spokane Texas For Trade Australia Japan Georgia Colorado New York
  11. Cache_Kitty


    Hello, I have several Cloud 999's I will trade for other Cloud 999's. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks! Seeking Arizona New England Missouri New Jersey Long Island Mississippi California United Kingdom Czech Manitoba South Carolina Portugal Spokane Texas For Trade Australia Japan Georgia Colorado New York
  12. I got my Journey coins in today! Yes, they are worth the wait - beautiful, beautiful coins.
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