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Everything posted by Team_GeoD

  1. I know the idea is to find stations, especially those others have marked as not found, but I just got my first two recovery notations in NGS data sheets today, both for destroyed stations. FA0220 was a building near work that was torn down in the spring. FA2398) was a water tower that has been replaced with a condo. Thanks to the dialogs you guys have been having with Deb I knew just what to send her. Unfortunately, the way things are growing around Charlotte, I fear these won't be my last "destroyed" recoveries. ( that really doesn't sound right?) John
  2. I've only been benchmark hunting a short while so no spectacular locales yet, but like the Matinna family I found my family name, Dixon, on a marker not too far from home. It was named after the road it's located on, doubtless named for a long lost relative.
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