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Everything posted by AtoZ

  1. Actually they found the book that preposed this idea was boogus and not valid. But that is beside the point. There are a number of cachers that are international in their caching activity. I just got my first cache in London but not as good as my caching partner who has multiple states plus multiple countries. So yeah cache around the world. cheers
  2. I have to agree with Evil Homer as the dogs are able to sniff out nitrates used in explodives and any ammo can can have some residue. Beside tupperware is lighter. Or did you get a deal at the Army Surplus near grandma's house???? cheers
  3. Two things... An individual is not due unemployment pay if the firing was for cause and the issue was well documented. Nor would this cause the company's unemployment payments to increase. Every time I consider hiring someone, I call his/her prior employers. I always ask for the circumstances of the person's departure. Some conmpanies give no information, some give all the dirty laundry, some just give you a little hint. Well I hope some of these people find out because it VIOLATES emplyment practices. But firing always entitles you to unemployment pay. Yes it does not cause insurance to increase, but companies find some reason to drive people away rather then fire them. I have seen it numerous times. The same is true for employee injury I have seen many companies spin it so that the injuries do not reflect the companies true injury rate. Your lucky you have your own business. Cheers
  4. There is a BIG differance in someone being ask to leave a volunteer position and firing them. Some people think that resigning is better, but is is only better for the company as now they do not have to provide unemployment insurance this is a big thing. No company can call another and ask why a person left or under what circumstance the lawyers have a field day with this if the firing company tells. So it is GC.com making it seem like it is more then it is. UtahAdmin was doing something that for what ever reason GC.com thought was wrong and so his volunteer status was revoked. Maybe he can now have fun. And the rest of us can get on with our lives. I am sorry to hear him go but now maybe he can have fun. cheers
  5. It does not require you to eat. So get off it. Many events are held at resturants pizza places etc. You can go but you are NOT required to get food. cheers
  6. It is a guideline as our local approver, the great, glorious and kind hearted person he is, was nice enought to list an event I had just a week before the event. So it is up to the approver you may ask someone else's help. cheers
  7. Just a stupid anagram so folks can feel like they did something. cheers
  8. I have done library cache and I agree some you don't need a GPS to find but the review is the authority on the approval process not the community etc... I agree with Keystone idea and it makes sense. So just make the changes and get on with life. cheers
  9. It depends on what you want. Hard but doable by folks in your area or just rediculious, i.e. a cache at the S. Pole. If you want hard but doable, the only reason to hide a cache, then there are many out there the most famous probable be TUBE TORCHER, C&R and Sissy have a hard one. There are two I have done one a involved SCUBA the other rock climbing skills. It just depends on what you want. cheers
  10. There is one local cacher who makes hides that they may think are clever but are just well poor and ususlly in poor locations. But why complain a cachs is a cache and if you hide it they weill come and some one will complain about it. cheers
  11. The webpage listing is NOT the log of the cache, the logbook in the cache is the Offical log. The cache page is just a notification and a thank you someone found the log. Why do people expect some great work to be done in two places. cheers
  12. FIRST USE UTM not Lat/Long and it is very easy. UGH people make it so hard. cheers
  13. Them main problem is that if someone takes it that lives a ways a way from the cache then they have to take it home plug it in and do what ever and then return it. Most likely not return it. It sounds fun but also some nut, yes there are people who cache that are malevolient, could put a virus on it etc..... So I would not think it is a good idea, thought it sounds fun. cheers
  14. Was her and her family, now just her. cheers
  15. Thanks Saxman, that did it. I know there is another way but that is good too. cheers
  16. Well since I can't remember how to delete the mistyped login names when I go to login to GC.COM so how do you do it one I have a space infront of my login. Also I can't get the search function to work so that is why I ask instead of doing a search. cheers
  17. Send me an email if you still want Metroguide. I have a version I'll sell. cheers
  18. I had a cache with a lock it went MIA twice. A friend had one the police cut the lock off and left the cache, they left a note. In a nother of his cache the cache and the key hidden near by went MIA. So it is....... well you decide. But I will probable place another cache with a lock on it. cheers
  19. Lots of peaks here in Colorado have summit registeries to log you success. cheers
  20. I use my cell phone camera, as I usually have the phone with me. cheers
  21. It just show what a bunch of geeks GC.com is, LOL. cheers
  22. n0wae in colorado has a cache at a crach site. cheers
  23. Boy are you paranoid. And actually if the folks you mentioned are out they may be more likely to take a shot at an LEO, LOL. I have lived most my life roaming the woods and the only time I am ever worried is in the big city, cheers
  24. OK, Chicken Little...and the world is going to end next week. If you take a look at my photo above of the cache site, I don't think Mom, Dad, Grandma, and the grandkids are going to be beating a path to this cache. I can pretty much guarantee about 5 cachers will search for this over the year. Chill out. Okay you ask for opnions and when your give one you browbeat the person. I have done a number vary hard caches, 4/5 diffuculity and 4/5 terrane. You ask if a bushwacking cache we a good idea. I just know the local parks frown on this so do it and see what happens. cheers
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