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Everything posted by AtoZ

  1. It is the Palm Hotsync I had the problems early on. You may need to just change the comm port setting havent ahd it in a while. I think maybe you need to shut down the Palm Hotsync TOTAL before you open the GPS link. That is what I do. cheers
  2. GPS World, I have a few copies now if I could only get a live. There is more to life then GPSs. Do people read magazines about hammers ?????? cheers
  3. In Yosemite climbers on the big walls have to pack along what is called a 'Poop tube' which is typically a 4 or 6 inche PVC piece of pipe 3feet long capped on one end with screw cap on the other. They poop into a plactic baggie and then twist the top close and drop into the tube. On Denali the it is to cold for the poop to decay as there is little bacteria so it will eventually just freeze and stick around. It is an issue and one people should take seriously. cheers
  4. Nope. The error of the calculation as you described it is about 778 feet, not 33 feet. Using your UTM method, you get a result of: 14R E 340528 N 3368120, or N 30 26.079, W 100 39.638. Doing the projection properly, you get N 30 26.005, W 100 39.759. That is partly because you did not correct for grid north, but also because UTM is unsuitable for projections. Repeat: NEVER use UTM to do projections! The question the OP asked is more complicated than it may seem. Does he want a geodesic (minimum-distance) projection? That would be a "great circle" projection on a sphere, but is more complicated for the ellipsoid. Or does he want a rhumb line projection, which is a path of constant heading? For the great-circle and geodesic projections, you can use a free little program I wrote called GeoCalc. It does a better job at projections than most GPS units. But let me reiterate: DO NOT use UTM to do projections! This not true it depends upon the distance. Typically for less then 16 mile the results are insignifinate. Yes if your a pilot and flying 1000s of miles then you need to use a great circle caculations but for most the stuff geocachers do using UTM within a zone is sufficant. That or all the caches I have found doing it have been just PURE luck. cheers
  5. I agree 100 percent half the fun is making the whole thing. Also if I make it it is unique. If you sell it then it is just another film cannister. I guess the only exception would be if you had tools to make some thing really unique but then it wouldn't be unique eventually. So GL any way. Cheers
  6. First convert to coordinates to UTM change distance to meters. Easting = Starting Easting + sin(deg)*distance Northing = Starting Northing + cos(deg)*distance At 15.25km you have an error of approximately +/- 0.01km or about 33 feet so now asd this to your 30foot error for the GPSr and you have 60+foot error to contend with. THa is why it sux to do projections ofver long distances. You can also project the waypoint using your GPSr Project a waypoint function but agian your have a good degree of error. cheers
  7. I have a couple within 5 miles then lots within 10 miles but then again my caching is with someone with 3k+ caches so he traves for so I end up with a lot of cache out 50 60 60 miles from home. I guess your just have to hit the road. That is part of the fun. cheers
  8. Okay Okay I have seen deer bedding areas and I know animals can tear up an area but it is not the same as when you place a cache and there is a three foot side stomping throgh the grass for the fun of a geocache. Now I'll agree and say that man is an ANIMAL and some of the arguments for protecting an environment is rediculious. We have as much right to be there as any other creature and if the white footed mouse can't survive then I guess evolution has slotted him for extention. And most the social trails I have seen and trampled areas are of minimal impact the grass will grow back and the sun will stil shine but I find some environments issues just plain silly. There are two sides of the argument. cheers
  9. Note to self "ALWAYS DECODE HINT BEFORE LEAVING HOME." you dont have to use it but your atleast know it is worthless if you do want to look at it. This is a common topic in various guies. cheers
  10. Unless you have a GPSr with a built in compass the pointer arrow is invalid when you stand still and will swing wildly. Tha is why I have the bearing on my display window with disatnce and accuracy so when I stop I can do a quick check with a compass. YOU HSVE TO BE MOVING FOR THE POINTER ARROW TO WORK, unless you have a built in compass. cheers
  11. I agree this is the best be. Then then the only other thing you can do is place it and see what the approver sayx. But to say FIND ALL THE OTHER CACHE IN THE ARAS is well just plain silly, sorry one of my pet peves. What about the 5/5 cache that has 10 waypoints where are they all and it starts 10 miles away hummm........ cheers
  12. I note you and the original poster are both in Colorado. Perhaps it's a local thing. I just don't see that sort of cacher spoor around here. The most common human trace I run into off-trail are beer cans, and I don't think that's us. Of course, here on the rocky coast of the North Atlantic, it's pretty hard to tell when someone's moved a rock. If a cache is placed with any kind of folage, ie grass tall weeds etc... then a social trail will form. I have found caches with just folage a foot high or so. Last week end a area about 10 ft diameter was trampled down, yes I did my fair share of tramping but mostly I followed the trai of others, a week or so since the last find, to the area the cache was in. One of my first cache was along a canel and the weeds where about 6+feet high and I was suprised to see the trail through them. That is what made me aware of social trails after that I started looking for them to find a cache. My caching partner frequently finds a cache by following a social trail. I guess the only way you would not see them is if the cache is in a WalMart parking lot, or possible in a park. O' and I have seen them in Nevada and Utah as well. cheers
  13. Kind of like asking how long is a piece of string. It varies on the difficulty etc.... But on 1/1 it can be 100s of FPC. cheers
  14. Contrary to AW inflatable Kayaka are kayaks and are used to run some of the roughest water in the world 6+ rapids because of the safety factor of not being locked into the boat and the ability for easy escape. But a good inflatable is expensive 700 to 1500 dollars. But Sterns make one for about 150 for a single person. cheers
  15. There is no rule for closeness!!!! For a railroad there is the 150 guideline so that might get you unless it is an unused railroad. So it will be mostly up to you approver. cheers
  16. Well welcome to geocaching and the basic lack of interest in environmental impact. Geotrails are one of the easiest way to find a cache. To think animals do this is a JOKE, I have never seen an wild animal mash down a 10+ patch of grass or throw rocks around. If you look at past post to this issue your see that most geocaches are not very environmental aware. Now I am not a tree hugger and that man is as much of an animal as any thing in the woods and has as much right to be there but to deny geocaching does not have an impact is a FALSE assumtion and or statement. I have seen so much damage most of it is imaterial as the grass will grow back or the leaves will cover the area next near but to say geocachers pay any attention to throwing around rocks branches etc is FALSE. Most people are so focused on find the cache they don't care what they do. Okay this is harsh but so people lack of attitude. What I would challenge you with is when placing a cache to ask will this cause any envrionmental impact. When I place a cache I usually look for an area where not geotrails will form and minimal impact will occur. If I cant find it I move on and keep looking. cheers
  17. Well I guess you could start playing my GPSr is better then your, but I know mine is, LOL. But this is a very funny story and the amazing thing is you kept going despite all the trials and termoil. Everyonce in a while we need a reality check. But I'll laugh all day about this one it is a good story. cheers
  18. It maynot be exactly the same software that is used in a mapping routing GPSr as the City Streets used with say a 60CS or 76CS. But then again it may???? cheers
  19. I have a Savoye and it is pretty good. Sit on top are actually used for some of the more extreme kayaking. But in your price range your not get a great kayak but an okay one. Check out sierratradingpost.com as they have some good deals from time to time. Contact me if you have any more questions. cheers
  20. Yeap in the day time while placing a cache in a field. cheers
  21. I think both reasons. Some people want to make a HARD find so they place a micro in a spot that could hold a 5gallon bucket as an easy find. Some just don't want to be bothered with putting together a trad container. I like small as it is between the two and can offer some challenge. Though I make most my caches hard to get to but easier to find. Some day I may do both. cheers
  22. Yeah, her "target rich environment" is a fairly large portion of the east coast of the US. Congrats CCC, nice to see you're still out there caching regularly, maybe I'll run into you on the trail sometime... Check again She travels all over so it is NOT just being in a cache riche area it is seeing the sights. cheers
  23. There is NO functionality in a GPSr to calibrate it. The unit is self calibrating in it takes measurements for 3 to 4 satelites and makes a calculation based upon the data it recieves it may be more accurate or not. If the unit was consistantly 100+ feet off then it might be the Datum but if it varies it is just poor satallite coverage/calculation. The only thing getting the info for a benchmark will do is tell your sometimes you maybe wrong and sometimes you may be closer but never right. The thing that will affect a GPSr the most is low batteries as mentioned, I once had 150 ft error from low batteries I was searching while my frienes were still going to the site. Keep fresh batteries on hand. cheers
  24. WIth a lot of differant types of hides folks will need to team up as is suspect not many individuals will have the skills to do it. WIth 216 combinations your need either a lot of luck or make many visits to many sites. The problem here is the underwater clue maybe the one someone needs but does not have the skill to do. If you were going to do it I would suggest making it accessable to all or not many will do it as it is to daunting. We have a 12 stage, each stage builds on the last, but all are excessibe just hard to go from one to the other. It would but a fun idea but if I need a hot air balloon I guess I would be out of luck. cheers
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