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Posts posted by Kruemelbrot

  1. Eine Cache-Keimzelle ist eine Variante einer offenen Serie, bei der ein normaler Cache (meist ein Tradi) als Ausgangspunkt dient. Dieser Cache enthält neben den üblichen Trade Items eine größere Anzahl bereits komplett mit Logbuch vorkonfektionierter Cachebehälter (meist Filmdosen). Die Finder des Caches können/sollen/müssen dann einen oder mehrere dieser unbenutzten Behälter entnehmen und in einem definierten Umkreis rund um den Ausgangscache wiederverstecken. Damit entsteht innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine stattliche Ansammlung von Caches auf relativ engem Raum, die vorallem spätere Besucher durchaus einen oder mehrere Tage beschäftigen kann.


    Beim Wiederverstecken sind natürlich die allgemeinen Richtlinien zum Legen eines Caches, insbesondere aber die Abstandsregel (161m) einzuhalten. Damit dies einfacher gewährleistet werden kann, gibt es meist Beschränkungen für den Cachetyp der Keimlinge, z.B. nur sehr kurze Multis und keine Mysteries. Dadurch können Besucher, die noch nicht alle Keimlinge gefunden haben, trotzdem deren ungefähre Lage beim Wiederverstecken ihres Keimlings berücksichtigen. Das Ergebis ist meist ein sehr großer Anteil von Tradis, was Powercachern sehr entgegenkommt.


    Der Ausgangscache (die Mutterkeimzelle) verweist meist noch auf eine entsprechende Bookmark-Liste, die alle Keimlinge enthält.


    Es existiert auch eine übergreifende Bookmarkliste, die nur jeweils den Ausgangscache verschiedener Keimzellen beinhaltet.


    Quelle: Cachewiki

  2. Hi,


    yesterday someone tried my cartridge, but aborted. Later on, he had a look at the GWS File. At the end of my Wherigo, I show some coordinates of the bonus cache in a dialog. This dialog can't appear at the beginning or something. The final zone containing this dialog is invisible and inactive. The GWL file confirms: He never entered the final zone.


    Why is the GWS File containing ALL informations about the zones? Perhaps there's something wrong with my cartridge? I can reproduce this behaviour in the builder...


    Any help would be appreciated!




  3. I believe that the button problem with the Message Box has been remedied in Version 2.6, although you do trade that problem for a slightly more mystifying bug that I and others have exerperienced with the latest release that I mentioned in this thread:


    Multiple Choice Buttons Missing with V. 2.6


    No comments yet on when that problem will be fixed :tongue:


    Does anyone know if they was fixed in 2.7?


    We just checked and it has not been fixed. Thanks!



    Is this bux fixed already? I tested the multiple choice buttons with oregon 550. There it works. But what about colorado devices? Any experiences?




  4. Hi,


    how do I prevent cartridges to be played in the emulator and not in the real world? I know: I can ask ingame for some questions which can just be answered, if you are at the location.


    But if I don't have such questions: Is there any option I can use to prevent the cartridge to be played and finished in the emulator?


    Thanks and regards


  5. Go to your old cartridge's page and look at the version number and last upload date. Chances are it's doing the right thing and replacing your old cartridge's code with what you have on your computer.


    If you're still not certain, try the following steps to make sure the cartridge code has been replaced:

    Zip your cartridge files, rename the zip file to have a GWZ file extension, and go to your old cartridge's page. Click "Upload GWZ File" and upload the file (give some information on the release notes if you'd like). This will replace your old code with the updated one.


    Hi Ranger,


    thanks, that worked for me. I figured out, that all detail parameters of the cartridge are not updated, if I upload it again, e.g. the cartridge name, description, start location, etc. are not written again after I uploaded it again. Perhaps a bug? Or just works as designed...?!? ;);)


    BTW: Why do I have the option to set a version number, if the application is doing that for me? I set version to 1.2, but at the Wherigo page its set to 1.5!


    Thanks and regards


  6. Hi,


    I published my first Wherigo but noticed a bug. So I fixed it and want to upload it again via the builder. If I publish the cartridge again, I get a "success" feedback, but if I have a look at "Cartridges You've Created", I see my old one, but not the correct version.


    I tried several things: Modify cartridge name, delete all fields, modify start coordinates....nothing helped! The old cartridge is still there and the new doesn't appear.


    What's going wrong???




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