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Everything posted by trondkj

  1. I have a Garmin Drive 51LTM-S car navigator, and the normal #FF00FF magenta transparent background color is not transparent on it. Instead I see a color like #EB9E09 becomes transparent. Have anyone else seen anything like this behaviour?
  2. I seem to have the same problem. My logs does not show up on my profile, but the app says they're uploaded correctly???
  3. You can download the manual from garmin.com. To load up geocaches, you have to install Garmin Communicator Plugin on your Mac. Then you can upload from the geocaching.com website, or you can use programs that can read .gpx and .loc files to upload geocaches.
  4. I have added a photo, too Were we the one most northerly at N 69° 39.952 E 018° 58.230? I believe we were
  5. First of all: install the Garmin Communicator Plugin.
  6. http://www.maccaching.com/
  7. I have used an old yellow etrex with serial only via an usb-serial adapter that I used with my macbook pro. I did use the MacCaching application.
  8. Cannot say for WAAS, but in Europe I can get a lock on EGNOS at 69° N. Mountains can come in the way many times, though. I suppose those satellites (EGNOS/WAAS) are at the same height to be geostationary.
  9. iPhone 3G Garmin 60CSx etrex (old yellow model)
  10. I have actually tried the 450 - and compared it to a 60CSx, and I chose the latter. The screen is much easier to read in bright sunlight than the 450, there is still a long way to go for the Oregon screens. I have also tried the 300, but not in bright sunlight, so I have no comparision there, sorry. But the 450 is supposed to be better. Just not as good as 60CSx. I use iPhone for the paperless part of geocaching.
  11. With the 60CSx I need to put it manually into USB Mass Storage mode to see it come up as a drive on my Mac, but don't know about the 60Cx. (Menu>Setup>Interface>USB Mass Storage) On the other hand; Basecamp do the work pretty well. I've used it since I've got the 60CSx. Edit: Didn't update the page before writing my answer... coggins had answered already, and you have replied
  12. You still have not answered: How come the location works where there is no wlan and no cellular service?
  13. I see that, but then explain how the phone's gps works when there is no cell coverage. And why is there a separate gps antenna inside the phone if there is a-gps only? And what do Apple mean by specifying WLAN and Cellular in addition to A-GPS as location techniques? From the Hammerhead II Specs:
  14. I cannot comment what you have heard, but I can tell for sure that my iPhone has been used with no cellphone signal at all, but with the gps still working on downloaded maps. It is very easy for me to reach an area with no cell cover, it is lots of them in the area where I live. Google Maps rely on online maps, and you need to have cell or wlan cover to use them.
  15. This is positively wrong, the chipset in the iPhone 3G/3GS is the Infineon PMB2525 Hammerhead II which uses both sGPS and aGPS.
  16. I am a Mac user, and I am a GSAK user, on my Mac. I use VMWare, it gives me the best of both worlds. An alternative is of course the MacCaching application from www.maccaching.com, but it is not as versatile and useful as GSAK is.
  17. I agree with Dick. The gps you have is amongst the best, and if you are caching a lot in bright sunlight, you have the best display available. The touchscreen Garmins (Dakota, Oregon, etc) are not as easy to see in bright sunlight, but the CSx stands out clearly visible. If you do as I do, use an iPhone (or another smartphone) for the paperless part, you will not miss the paperless possibilties of those other Garmins. Happy caching kind regards trondkj
  18. You may find a manual here, in case you don't have it
  19. Sometimes a cache is placed by a CO far, far away from his/hers origin. So is the case with GC17E2, one of the oldest caches in Norway, placed by a cacher from the "wrong side of the pond". This particular cache was placed out less than two months after the very first cache in Norway, and the time it was placed, it was the northernmost cache in Europe. This particular cache container was broken by some cachers last year, and the next finder(s) replaced the cache container with a new one, probably keeping most of the inventory, and a part of the original lid with the name of the cache. In this case I guess the CO has no intention to do cache mainetance himself, because the cache is far too far away. A cache with such a long history, and with a CO with no practical possibility to maintain the cache, should be replaced when it is broken, but some care should be taken to keep the history intact. This cache is also from the very early age of geocaching, and therefore it is important to keep it alive just because of it's history. The cache owner in this particular case should really let a local cacher adopt the cache. But when the CO isn't reachable, another cacher may very well replace the cache. Most of the time it will be the container that is broken, and it is easily replacable with most of the old inventory intact. If the log book is no more usable, it can be replaced, with the old one still inside the cache, proving the history of it. A cache just not found, or maybe disappeared, should not be replaced by another cacher.
  20. Any chance you can tell us european people where to buy this new stuff? It is really a pity you don't sell your stuff abroad. Not any one of your so-called resellers have those t-shirts, not in Norway at least.
  21. No, you have to be a premium member to use it. I am not positively sure that this is true, lee_rimar. I started to use my iPhone long before I got a premium member, and used it with a lot of success. The only limit I can think of, is the possibility to download your PQs directly to the phone. trondkj
  22. Especially funny if you're geocaching with a smartphone of some sort ...or maybe not In fact I have met other geocachers twice: Once on the hunt of a ftf, me and my loved one had just found the cache when a fellow geocacher came with a headlight stearing into his Colorado. I just said: "Good afternoon" to the guy, it showed up that he was a member on a hi-fi forum I am running, so it turned up to be a very pleasant meeting. The other time was when I was looking for a new cache in the Netherlands, three dutch geocachers showed up, and we teamed together in the search. A very pleasant and funny experience, that too.
  23. Wrong or not, mine still has ver. 4.10. Webupdater says the 60SCx has newest software. Maybe some units are delivered with odd versions of the software, who knows? Mine is new. The 60SCx works very well to my satisfaction, I don't have much to complain about. trondkj
  24. I have got software version 4.10 and GPS SW version 2.20m on mine. Just have to calibrate the compass often I guess, but I have not used it much. Prefer to turn it off most of the time.
  25. Did work fine for me with Maccaching and Oregon. With 60SCx too. rgds trondkj
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