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  1. Thanks for the nice comments and support. I just passed 100 days in and I have lost 25lbs though I slowed soen on my weight loss lately. I like personal challenges which is why I set these goals but the main thing is to set aside daily exercise. I prefer to spend my time outdoors instead of inside a gym so geocaching was a perfect excuse to get outdoors and have a lot of fun while exercising. While I still have a long way to go to reach my weight loss goals I am now able to push myself physically. Yesterday I was lucky enough to have a morning away from home and I walked 13.5km while finding 15 geocaches and I felt great after. A few months ago a hike of this sort would have meant sore muscles for a few days but this time I felt well enough for a very high paced 10km walk this morning. The main thing is to just get out there and have fun being active.
  2. 1000 Geocaches – 2500km on foot – 100lbs – 365 Days! Frustrated with my current weight and fitness level I am challenging myself to lose weight based around an activity I have fallen in love with; Geocaching. I will attempt to lose 100 lbs searching for 1000 geocaches, treasures hidden by other geocachers, while traveling 2500 km on foot in 365 Days. The Geocache diet will commence on January 17, 2010 and will conclude on Jan 16, 2011. If you have read the blogs in the ‘Our Transition’ section of FamilyNavigation.com, then you know that I am driven to live a healthier lifestyle as a part of our dream balanced family life. The past 11 years, since we started living a ‘normal’ life, I have become less active, I have adopted poor eating habits, and in consequence I have gained a lot of weight and I now struggle to participate in many of the activities I love to do. I want to be able to show my kids these activities and I feel they deserve a father who is in shape and can keep up with them. I love hiking and exploring so Geocaching is a perfect fit for my interests and personality. I am now more determined than ever to get in shape and lose the excess 100 lbs I carry around with me. This will be quite a challange, especially due to my already busy schedule, but it should be a whole lot of fun . Travel 2500km on foot to get into shape, lose 100 lbs, and find 1000 geocaches of all sorts found near home or any other places we may find ourselves this year. I hope to accomplish all this while continuing to work a full work week and spending the same amount of quality family time I enjoy now. Please follow me throughout this challenge on familynavigation.com/geocachediet as I share my experiences with geocaching, hiking, and losing weight.
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