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Everything posted by GeoCrickets

  1. Put me down for 1 coin if one comes up. Thank You Richard Of the GeoCrickets
  2. Team GeoCrickets will take 5 at least 5 coins. Thank You Richard of the GeoCrickets
  3. Hello I an looking for a georgia coin. If you have one and would like to trade for a Idaho coin, please let me know. Thank You
  4. I can not find the winter coin on the page. I only see the old coin. Thanks
  5. Where Can I find or order that coin. I like that one.. Thanks
  6. Can you tell me if tou have the GeoCrickets on your list. I think I orderd 5 but not sure. Richard of the GeoCrickets
  7. Not Sure if I am on the lest, howevee if not I will take 5 Coins. Richard of then GeoDrickets
  8. I will at leat take five? Richard of the Geo CRickets
  9. You might find Tag near this old Cache.
  10. I was looking at the cache log and saw that the last two enteries was 1-30-04 for Don Basco and 1-29-04 for Outrageous Fortunes. I think they are behind in times.. .
  11. Dawn and I found tag today (02-04-05). We made sure that people would see our Teepee, just in case someone went looking for it..
  12. The cache page says "Please keep this cache in the general area of Stanislaus County. It's not a big deal if it goes outside the county but don't let it wander too far, PLEASE. ". Now that it is in Lodi' it is not that far out of "Stanislaus County". Lodi is a nice city of only 55.000 people unlike tulyburg that has 300k+. We all know that "San Joaquin" county has some of the best cachers and hiders. Richard of the GeoCrickets.
  13. The GeoGrickets will take 5 when they come in. Thank you for your hard work on this.
  14. Well, Dawn and I went looking for Tag and could not find what we were looking for. However when we arrived I went over to the office and let them the know what we were going to be doing. I person said "good Luck". However luck was not on our side, and we ran out of time and light. As we were looking for that cache we did see that some of the trees have been taken out of the ground. I hope people did not still the trees, but I'm sure that was the case. Dawn and I may go back tomorrow this time gloves may be in order to bring. This one is a hard one to find and I'm not sure if even Green Achers will be able to find this one. . Green Achers could not find our cache at Lodi Lake and it is a large cache. That is about it for now and have a good night. Richard of the Geo Crickets.
  15. I will be in the area (Disney Land) From the 16th to the 20th of July. The 17th is the 50 Anniversaryof Disyland, should be lots of fun. We have done all in the park and the ones around the park. The V-Caches are alot of fun and you will see things that you never realized ware there. Richard of the GeoCrickets
  16. You are right I tried to get some area views of the Valley Springs area and came up with a blank screen. However if I used the B/W image it would work fine.
  17. It Looks Like it could be a tough one to find.
  18. Dawn and I Would like to go however We will be out of town.. Hope it's not raining at the time. Richard
  19. Thank You for letting me know. I will be looking for the next batch.. Richard
  20. I put on two orders. One order was for 3 coins about 2 months ago and 5 last week. I got my 5, still waiting for the first order. However I do like the coins. Thank You for you hard work. Richard of the GeoCrickets
  21. I have that one on order also. Thank you for asking.. Richard of the GeoCrickets
  22. Hello, I am looking for a Kenyucky GeoCoin. I have extra California, Oregon and the new Washington to Trade.. Thank You
  23. Is the Sonya PDA or a Pocket PC? If it's the later, CacheMate won't run on it. I don't believe I've ever been able to Beam any Sony so I'm guessing they use a non-compatible OS to Palms. Regardless, I'm guessing you must have it's software to interface with it. CacheMate doesn't make the connection... it just gets packets of information downloaded when you Synchronize. I hope that helps. If not, you may want to check out the Software Thread. It is a PDA not a Pocket PC. It has palm OS 4 on it. Just not sure what softwere I should use to connect from the PC to the Palm.
  24. I need some help on a PDA. I can get a Sony PEGS360 for around $50. However it does not have the setup softwere for the computer. If I am only going to use it for geocaching do I need the softwere, or eill programd like cachemate be able to sent the info to the pda. Thank You
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