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  1. that would be a great feature. I see no need to get thoose "found it" logs as no actonabel information for an owner is in it only need mainatance or so would be helpful this is just spaming my inbox! even the mail filter will delete it, it created to much energy consumption, why do not get opt out to reduce network traffic and safe energy? every small peace counts!
  2. It's a bug I need to accept all cookies ... to make my lists working ....
  3. using the link like https://coord.info/GC40 or so runs into a http 404 ... seems there is a broken lookup
  4. The information within a notification mail is limited. Like to see more information for Publish|Notification [GEO] Mails: Name, Created by, Type, Difficulty, Terrain, Size, Date, Location, Distance Like to see more information for [LOG] Mails: Logged by, Log Type, Date, Type, Log, Picture attached to the log [Yes|No|# of attached pics] No need of the green images in all Mails, everyone knows where it's coming from by email sender. An option to receive those kind of Emails as plain text mails would be preferable. Option could be configurable within the account settings.
  5. Would be very great to have Emails send by Groundspeak in plain text format! Not necessarily by default but as option configurable within the account settings. Might to have all Emails as plain text or all emails as plain text and the newsletter as html mail. Quick look at the differences between plain text emails and HTML emails. The simplest explanation is that an HTML will contain images and colors while a plain text email contains no images, no graphics, and no formatting. Beside the Newsletter all emails have the same images and graphics, which is no need to send again and again. This flush only the screen without any information or added value to it. Plain text email pros All email clients display plain text emails the same, ensuring consistent delivery. The message appears to be more personal, and not automated. Some devices like the apple watch handle plain text better than HTML. size of the mail is small view KB all information can be seen on a single smart phone screen (without scrolling over useless pictures) Plain text email cons Significantly decreased ability to track emails sent. might only needed for newsletter. No colors, graphics, or formatting. Emails may lack a visual appeal. But no need of general emails like publish notifications and log notifications. Harder to make call to actions stand out. That's only relevant for Newsletter. HTML email pros Best tracking ability. For what is tracking of any notification mail relevant? Colors, graphics, and formatting can be used, adding visual appeal and highlighting products. No need to have this in notification Mails. Call to actions can be made more prominent with buttons, fancy formatting, and more. never seen this used within notification Mails, so only used within Newsletter. HTML email cons Some email clients and devices don’t handle HTML well (if at all) resulting in a jumble of code. Images and graphics may be blocked by default in some email clients. Too many HTML elements may be linked to placement in spam and promotions folders. large data volume MB's instead of KB
  6. Es würde uns sehr erfreuen wenn die Seiten wieder auf das Wesentliche beschränkt werden. Die ganze Werbung ist unnötiger Ballast und leider scheint auch die Serverfarm zu gewissen Zeiten überlastet zu sein nahezu jeden Abend. Von Sonntag reden wir mal gar nicht!
  7. AR-Team


    ja das ist seit einigen Tagen so das es Zeiten gibt wo die Reaktionszeit des Servers zu wünschen übrig lässt. In den frühen Morgenstunden geht es und später Nachmittag/Abend ist das ein Disaster! Ich stimme dafür die Server weiter auszubauen damit es akzeptable Antwortzeiten gibt! Irgendwelchen SchnickSchnak brauch ich nicht ... wie wäre es mal die ganze Werbung wegzulassen?
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