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Everything posted by kbootb

  1. What's the quickest find after you placed a cache? On the other hand, what's the longest you have had to wait before a find was reported?
  2. or " I came, I found, I logged it" Can't remember what the latin for website is.. don't laugh.. the vatican recently issued the official translation. Really like the look of that coin!
  3. Nothing wrong with re-visiting a local cache just to do a drop off. I choose a cache that hasn't had a visit in a while to encourage some more traffic.
  4. You are quite right. I did it without GPS so no idea how good the co-ords are, but it is far enough away that you shouldn't be lead to thinking it's at the statue, provided you get the usual 30-50ft lock. It's a tricky one to retrieve with high muggle activity, but the place went quite just long enough.
  5. How odd. I happened to do that very cache yesterday. How long before that is muggled?
  6. I think you will be most welcome. Note to Richard.... book the big room. Err... is there anything else in the world to talk about other then Geocaching? (PDAS, Cameras, GPSrs, etc?)
  7. You're not helping. I keep trying to persuade people that geocaching is sane. Well maybe slightly eccentric. Oh I give up.... join the madness. Well done on your epic journey.
  8. So... you're busy calling in all those virtual pints... could be a while before you are back on an even keel
  9. Keith I get so many phone calls telling me that my e-mail is down and the messages are bouncing back. So I check how they have spelled (spelt?) my name. Guess what...they have followed the golden rule.
  10. Very likely...let's say 86.72% or thereabouts. but don't hold me to it.
  11. Brilliant! Err.... but now their true identities have been revealed we will have to round up all the UK cachers and hypnotise them.
  12. There are a number of 'meets'. Some are just a bite and a pint. Some are official events that actually count as a cache. e.g. I attended one here and here and someone is planning another see this thread All depends where you are.
  13. That was the conclusion of the thread.... but you didn't have to go and test it for real.
  14. Now that is funny! Just the title....Play of track vacuum-cleaned .. loses something in the translation.
  15. Excellent idea, I'll do my best to get there.
  16. Nice to see the technology did its job. A while ago I started a thread about which co-ords to use when calling the rescue services. Deg Min.decmins or OS 6 or 8 fig. I almost hate to ask, which ones did you use? Whichever they certainly worked. A good lesson to learn about being well equipped, with a happy ending. All the best for the recovery.
  17. I knew the name rang a distant bell. I remember reading up about stereo imaging about 20 years ago. I was mucking about with holography at college, and stero-imaging microscopes, visual perception as part of my Education degree and as part of my Biology units I seemed to be coming across stereo a lot in those days. I must have read about the cameras used for viewmasters and the name must have stuck somewhere. But if my memory is correct, Belplascas were not the cameras used. Oh no, have I started a thread on stereo optics? But that would make a great spoiler picture... can you see the holly tree just behind the oak but in front of the silver birch?
  18. Yes. er well perhaps. You did say all. I knocked on every door in the street and one said he didn't. But I don't think he was a true limey. So I don't know if all limeys discuss such mundane things. I'll keep asking, I've got about 54 million still to ask. I'll get back to you.
  19. Not all of us Whoops. I stand (sit) corrected.
  20. How about only one copy gets written..... it gets a little TB tag attached.... it gets placed in a cache.... Only joking.... I don't think I want to know what happened behind the scenes. L and E really should have the right to choose to keep things private if they choose to. (and vice versa come to that).
  21. The Powers That Be (edit) too slow off the mark. Couldn't even get a FTF on the forum!
  22. I am getting better at explaining geocaching without the second party falling about laughing... it's more a glazed look now. But the bit I can't explain is why we all use aliases. What's the history behind that? In light of recent events I'm sure much of this wouldn't have happened if certain people were using their real names. It does change the psychology. Also, I'm fairly sure that there were a few new accounts created to add to the 'fun' I'm not coy about my real name... it's on my sig line. I didn't realise my username would be seen by the public when I signed up. I thought this would just be my log in and I used the one I use for other accounts... sort of double password, hard to guess user name and hard to guess password. I thought about changing it but at a recent meet enough people recognised it I thought I would just live with it.
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