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Everything posted by rutson

  1. I'm still TRYING not to laugh at Joan falling over, or the state of here sandelled feet, unfortunatly, I'm am failing miserably.
  2. Nice one, feels good doesn't it, now onwards and upwards...
  3. Gotta ask, what's the cache?
  4. Right WY still clear Panicked a bit when I got back and saw leecee's placed another cache, then actually read it and it's in Lancs. You were unlucky Dallan72, from what I saw it lookes like you were SO close, and the final location is really nice (except the cattle {] Hmm... wonder what Slytherin has planned, I'm sure time will tell.
  5. Not so fast, now sorted Reckon were two of them in WY. What happened to you Dallan72? Got all they way up to E then your logs vanished. dadgum! I see Biffa's been busy! Off out in a bit then
  6. Not worked mine out yet, but it's not up to last months effort
  7. A man obsessed indeeed! not that I would know
  8. Well, i'm new around here, and I'm sure there are others that are..... .... so what is your area etc?
  9. Hang on! That starts in Bolton, and was pencilled in for tomorrow. NOooooooo!
  10. I know, done 13 of them so far, some are just too far away though!
  11. WHEYHEY!!!! After a bit of a false start today, probably had something to do with the hike up to Soldiers Lump, wifey not impressed. Just got back from a lovely cache, Bronte Waterfall. Now West Yorkshire looks like a measles epidemic: (Hope the GCUK crew don't mind me using their image?) I gotta say a big thanks to everyone who placed all the wonderful caches in the county. Out of the 100ish, there've only been a couple I didn't really enjoy. Just cracked open a can of celebratory Stella, will be having a few more tonight as I'm organising a charity race night at the pub.
  12. Progress report: Soldiers Lump and Total Karma done After the boggy trek to the former, it was all I could do to persuade wifey to to the latter, never mind the hike up to Bronte Falls. So looks like I'll have to go out and do that solo []
  13. Second thoughts, maybe 16.9 miles to exclude kipling cahce and crossword capers
  14. Hmmmm.... Greater Manchester is next as parents live there. I think maybe a 20 miles radius of my house might be August target, give me 55 to go at.
  15. Route being formulated right now! Looking at a route from the north west as it looks flatter and has a car park at the start/finish. 3.18km each way. Kids are gonna go ape!
  16. Just got Total Karma and Bronte Waterfalls to go after an 11 cache effort today. Worked our way from Gasgoine Express to Biffa's Top ten pretty much follwing the northeren edge of the county. Accidently veered into north yorkshire for Via Ducks, didn't realise the border ran along the river! Just wondering if there are any gotyas with my two remaining ones? Also hoping no new WY caches get activated in the next 24 hours! SUGAR! Just noticed Soldiers Lump (Derbyshire) might be JUST in WY. AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!
  17. Been here today, cache is well hidden, in a good box and generally nice. I noticed that the cache was hidden by a noobie as well. The REASON I noticed was that the cache was unavailable on wednesday night and stuck out like a sore thumb in GSAK. By Thursday evening Two finds had been logged. The cache doesn't look to me like the work of someone with no finds, must be a pseudonym.
  18. 9.1 miles for me, but it's not in West Yorkshire, so not a priority []
  19. Where do you get these Lock and Lock containers from, they seem the best.
  20. Don't forget you can get the IIIxe from ebuyer.com for under £40, 8mb with backlight.
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