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Everything posted by LabguyMN

  1. You had no choice. Granting the request of a grieving relative, or neighbor is the least you could have done. They didn't want more of us tromping around while they were mourning the loss of a loved one. No problem. Nobody in their right mind would suggest that you should have said "Nope, won't do it- you do it." Come on! I doubt the departed CO passed along his/her geocaching.com password- probably nobody could add anything (except a log) to the cachepage without that. If I were faced with exactly this I have to believe I'd have expressed my sorrow for their loss, taken the cache and been done with it. If you weren't from that area pehaps you could have left the cache at your next cache location-hidden, of course) with a note on both pages as to what you'd done- and contacted that states' reviewer. That way if it was a farse then the cache is still accessible. But I doubt seriously I would have thought of that at the time. Nice work.
  2. I echo what others have said. Why wouldn't the cache owner want to know that they had a cache down? Seems unreasonable. The "needs maintenance" option is there to alert the CO that their cache needs maintenance and it sounds like you knew what to look for and the cache was missing. I say keep it up- every old, crusty cacher was once a newbie. Matt (LabguyMN)
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