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Everything posted by Super_Nate

  1. Even for the fact that I have been in front of the computer screen doing research of all the clues given yesterday and today for the past 4 hours straight...it was still a great contest. Do you think we can do some more? A super big congrats from me to you YimonYime.....great job getting the correct person.
  2. Just throwing it out... Meriwether Lewis August 18, 1774-October 11, 1809
  3. I thought Steve was from Australia DA-GUMMIT.....You are right! Why oh why didn't I catch that? It's gotta be the slowing down of my mind. He was married in Oregon ..... Okay....another guess next hour! I need a hint...
  4. It looks like I can guess again. Found a coin that has an American person that everyone should know about. Steve Irwin - The book covers his life which was 22nd February 1962 through 4th September 2006
  5. Wait....just forgot about the clue that this man is an American! There's still hope. BTW - I was fixing to say galileo galilei because of the Italian Coin...but he is....well.....italian!
  6. good guess....why didn't I think of that? I bet he got it!
  7. I am seriously getting a BAD headache from all this research for clues....I have started an Excel worksheet on the clues for this one.....OMG I am having one of those days! Okay.....here is the next guess Your anniversary is April 8 (which is Easter this year) your spouse has a birthday on the day before -- April 7 Your child has a birthday on the day after - April 9 AHHHHHHHH........I'm spinning out of control!
  8. It's my serious headache and MAJOR crave for a new coin kicking in.....time to go back to the drawing boards. I've got all kinds of people giving me "the look" because I have been on the computer for so long already this morning.
  9. Congrats on the win......Man! One of these days.....
  10. Your anniversary is April 5 your spouse birthday is the day before - April 4 Good Friday (this year) falls on April 6
  11. That last hint pretty much gave the person away...unless there is another coin tucked away here in the forums that has to do with another person and it was made to be a trick hint. I am going to agree and say that it is Oliver Hazard Perry. As far as dates...you asked in your question which time period in his life is covered? True, the bulk of the book may cover 1812-1813.....more importantly September 1813 when he had his victory over a Royal Navy squadron on Lake Erie, but I'm sure that their has to be a sentence or paragraph in the book somewhere talking about a brief overview of the beginning and end of his life. Thus the book technically covers his life which is August 4, 1823 – November 1, 1877. Even if it is not in the actual book, it could be on the preface or the inside covers. That is my two cents.
  12. Congrats to the winners....That was a really fun contest!
  13. Your anniversary is April 5 your spouses birthday is the day before - April 4 Your Childs Birthday is the day after - April 6
  14. Okay....since I gotta go to bed now I better take a shot and hope that it goes somewhere. 1. Garmin Etrex Vista 2. The Latest Moun10Bike coin 3. Quigley Jones 4. 42
  15. To be spacific..... March 31 is your anniversary date Day before is the birthday of the one who has been posting from GPX Navigators Day after is April Fools Day aka April 1!
  16. 1. Garmin Etrex Vista 2. Red Cross LE nickel 3. Quigley Jones 4. 42
  17. Which icon is everyone refering to in this thread? I must be blind or something..... Gee thanks buddy...... Button....icon....symbol....attribute....stamp....Is that enough names to call it?
  18. It's Geocaching alright!!! You are in it for the hunt....if their is a micro involved and you don't really want to go to extremes to find a micro than don't hunt the cache! Is it kosher? Yes it is kosher because you will always find someone who will find most any cache fun and exciting! I personally don't have a problem with it on the finding standpoint. I would not hide a cache like that not because it is not kosher, but because I like regular caches.
  19. Super_Nate


    Hey, welcome to Geocaching! Feel free to pop in and ask questions when they come pressing to you!
  20. Which icon is everyone refering to in this thread? I must be blind or something.....
  21. See if you can include some sentence long updates on the travel bug page....I just added it to my watchlist. This is a very interesting Travel Bug. If they were my keys and I learned how they traveled around I would have a story to tell my friends for years to come. What a way to get introduced to Geocaching. If the travel bug has been going around for 2 years then the chance is increased that the owner of the keys doesn't own the car anymore and it could just be junk keys. Nonetheless it is interesting and I will be interested to follow up on this developing story.
  22. I am sure Jack is the one behind all those "fake bomb" caches that keep getting the public uptight. You gotta be careful about Jack....he is a sneaky one!
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