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Everything posted by gdaybloke

  1. Happy Saturday, folks! Finally found Down By The Bay, thanks to some hints (*embarassed*). Well hidden... sneaky little bugger. Here's hopnig the rain holds off so we can get some more done this weekend...
  2. Would you like a calling card from a renegade Aussie cacher stuck in Canada? (*rofl*)
  3. Heck, I was just going to suggest a couple of friends of one of my workmates. I was explaining Geocaching to a lady I work with, who went and told the tale to a couple who has recently moved into her area from Boston. They're pretty much bereft of funds, but enthusiastic enough to want to tag along with the Gdayclan on our next expedition.
  4. I can't believe this thread has made five pages and no-ones brought up a concept cache or TB for Eccentrica Galumbits (*chuckles*)
  5. $23200.00... + $15 shipping, an additional $5 for insurance, of course... as at 10:20AM EST
  6. "Wow... when he told us he was going to lick this cache, he wasn't kidding"
  7. I'll back that, what's a DPM? For myself, since I have so many, I imagine I'll mainly be leaving behind Heroclix.
  8. Your friend's name is Gdaybloke??? (*rofl*)
  9. Congrats! I've only got one myself, but I only started this weekend (*rofl*)
  10. Very cool, Canadian&Kiwi! Am I to take it you're a Canadian and New Zealander caching team? Yet another geocaching page added to my bookmarks (*chuckles*) Most wednesday nights I run a heroclix tournament at the local comic store, but I'm usually home by 9:30 at the latest, so mayhap I'll be able to chat with you then!
  11. Purple Fever??? Dang you and your Down by the Bay! My first geocaching expedition is supposed to be a success!!! (*rofl*) Aptly named, but no luck finding the bloody thing... Next weekend's a no-go, I'm afraid. I'd love to hang with, but Gdaysheila's going scrapbooking for the day, so I'm stuck at home with Gdaygirl (see her photo in my gallery), and no car. Much poodoo. As for Australia, gotta love it. I spent the first 26 years of my life there, after all (*grins*) Immigrated for love. What can I say. Trimbles, thanks for taking the time to email me as well as posting! Sorry I wasn't able to get up there, but I hope you had a wonderful time!
  12. My wife just bought me one as well, so I can try the hobby (yay! newbie!) Here's hoping all works well!
  13. Yeesh... and I thought it was fun telling Canadians (now that I live here) about Drop Bears and Hoop Snakes back in Australia... those carnivorous moose are nifty!
  14. Heya folks. My wife heard about geocaching awhile back from an Australian friend, we thought it sounded nifty. Well, earlier this week, my wife surprised me with a little yellow Garmin etrex gps! Yay me! A check on our postal code shows over 1000 caches within a short drive's reach, so my question is: who else is in the area? Considering we're new to this whole hobby, it'd be neat to chat with some locals.
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