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Everything posted by GentleWhisper

  1. Looked like a fun cache. Pretty popular. BTW, I like the little tabasco bottles too.
  2. Hey I was going to post that picture! Here's his first walking stick:
  3. I like the friends concept... very cool. Perhaps there should be an option to block all friend requests... some members could get flooded.
  4. I have a brand new Mustek GSmart Mini 3 Digital Camera still in the box. It's a great size to take geocaching. They ususally sell for 70 to 120 dollars online. But I'm willing to take less. I think I'll ebay it, but wanted to see if any fellow geocachers want it first. You can read about it at: http://mustek.com/html/prod_camra/gsmart_mini3.html Other info and a good photo is at: ThinkGeek
  5. Yes, I've spent most of my time lately taking friends to caches I've already found. Though I did get an unexpected newbie to walk deep into some neck high tick infested undergrowth wearing shorts and flip flops so that we could log her first find... just because I wanted to put some mileage on my Yellow Jeep Travel Bug.
  6. Geocaching Goals: To get my husband off the couch. To teach my kids to love nature and always look for the hidden treasures in life. To always remember the Deet.... man I itch all over. To actually need a 4x4 and then buy one. Edit: Oh and of course to have more finds than PandyBat.
  7. Pay no attention to the woman behind the ammo box.
  8. I've noticed a similar thing with the "Geocaching in Missouri" page... often bugs are listed under the Latest Travel Bugs when they are placed in caches that are not yet approved. Probably for the same reason.
  9. Hmm.... looks like the Yellow Jeeps have hit Southwest Missouri....
  10. Physical caches within 50 miles of my house in Springfield, MO: 142.
  11. I ususally use Paint Shop Pro to reduce my photos. But here's an easy and free program you might want to try. I like it because you can resize a lot of images at once. Easy Thumbnails Software
  12. Oh great, now I'll be awake all night, with badgerbadgerbadger ENGRAVED on my brain.
  13. For being so brief in our demographic poll... it is pretty easy to learn about you. Nice dress. And the goat is cool too.
  14. Another unusual fact about myself... I actually spent the time to look up this theory and will probably spend a lot more time reading about it... though I won't admit that to any of my friends. I really enjoyed reading: Beyond The Cosmos by Hugh Ross Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott But haven't finished: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking And... right now I'm reading a book about the Battle of Thermopylae. I'm doing this for no apparent reason and really enjoying it. I wonder if any fellow geocachers share these interests.
  15. Oh, I liked the Matrix too. I haven't watched any of the later ones though..... yet.
  16. I'm a 27 year old married female with two small children who LOVE geocaching. No pets. Above average intelligence. [hey you guys said it first] Techie... I wouldn't admit to being a geek... but one of my favorite online stores is ThinkGeek.com. Before having children I was a Web editor. I recently stayed up till 5 in the morning taking apart and putting back together my digital camera. I remember using my dad's Adam computer when I was 7... As a child I lived in Colorado for 4 years and loved camping and hiking. I hid shoe boxes and made maps with burnt edges. I also enjoyed riding a dirt bike. Yes I liked Indiana Jones... and Star Trek. Over the last 10 years I've spent very little time outdoors. My husband was never really interested in going hiking or camping with me. We went on two short hikes in the last 9 years. I've had my GPSr for two months. We've been caching, and hiking often. It gives my husband a reason to go with me. Perhaps he needed a goal or a mission. Or maybe he's just trying to make sure he gets his money's worth out of my birthday present. Sounds silly, but because of Geocaching, I finally get to be who I really am.... if that makes sense. I always knew I was an outdoors person, I wanted to describe myself as such... but I hadn't actually been 'outside' for so many years. Edit: P.S. I LOVED My Side of the Mountain... I cried at the end.
  17. When I explain geocacing to some of my friends, they think I'm a little odd. If I actually told them I wanted to drive 287 miles one way to meet a stranger in OKC and sign a notebook in an ammo box attached to his car... well they'd have me institutionalized.... that said.... what day do you think you'll be in OKC?
  18. I call it am-oh bocks ... my 3yr old calls it a good geocache in contrast to a micro... which he still considers much better than no geocache. Man I love this message board.
  19. I don't have the money for a visor anymore anyway... I dropped and broke my 600 dollar digi cam after my last geocaching adventure... After more than 8 hours of working on it, I'm starting to believe it will never work again. I do however now know how to completely take a part [and put back together] a Canon Power Shot S40 that's got to be worth something...
  20. I see that you live in Missouri. Will you be attending the June 19th Geocaching 101 event in Springfield Mo? OMG Geocaching 101 If you come, and haven't sold your Visor yet, I'd like to look at it. I'm very interested in buying it.
  21. Hmm.... interesting. If I found it, I would not keep it. Because I'm rather opposed to stealing... But I would have the uncontrollable urge to try and fix it. Yes... it would probably be taken completely apart and put back together before I left it at the next cache.... then again I might not leave it at the next cache. It being fixed and all, ahsquared might want me to mail it back to him.
  22. I would say it's OK to revisit the cache, but log subsequent visits as a note, not as another find.
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