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Everything posted by GE0kers

  1. I got a visitor of one of my lab caches not able to find an answer on one of the locations and just reported it as an issue. However, dozens of people did find it before, so no issue at all. But what to do against this "false" reporting?
  2. GeoCaching.com has forgotten to reregister the Garmin plugin for the website https://geocaching.com. So you can load them from www.geocaching.com, but don't load the map else that will go to https.
  3. I recently activated two new travel bugs and right after that I got "spammed" by members who "discovered" them. What is the added value of that? Sounds pretty useless to me so I would suggest to remove this feature. Cheers, Martin (Soesters)
  4. Yes.... trying connect from NL (GMT + 1). No connection at all.
  5. Vandaag 30 minuten over gedaan om wat caches naar m'n GPS apparaten te verzenden. Ik heb al eerder gemerkt dat het in het weekend nogal traag is wat op zich wel logisch is, maar dit is bijna niet te doen. Zo juist ook anderen gesproken die hetzelfde ervaren. Bij wie kunnen we dat beleggen? Leuk dat er steeds meer leden bij komen maar dat verlangt ook meer van de servers....
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