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Everything posted by BilboB

  1. Cache sheet, paper, and pencil. That's if I remember to even bring the paper. I am getting better though.
  2. A "found" benchmark counts towards your benchmark tally. It is not a cache. Check your stats, you might be pleasantly surprised.
  3. I tried the "team" concept with my wife and kids a few times...and a few times was enough.
  4. My parents live outside of Boston and on a recent trip home, I was going to go into downtown Boston and hunt for some benchmarks. I thought the age of the city would harbor some particularly old marks. What I found was mark after mark listed (mostly church spires, domes, towers, and some older ones by the waterfront) that have been gone/destroyed for decades in most cases. The datasheets sometimes even state the mark was destroyed but it is still listed. Any reason why? What is the proper way to clean up the datasheets? I dont feel like going around taking photos of the current areas, and digging up historical photos showing proof that the mark does not exist, but I do not have a problem going through the datasheets and providing the ones that are gone. Is that good enough, or is something more expected of me?
  5. Thank you all for the kind words. Like I stated, send them and they will EVENTUALLY come back. I will have a digital camera on me at all times, so I will log them hopefully at a cache somewhere in coutry. As I emailed someone, 21 caches in an area the size of New England might make things more of a challenge. I live in Vermont and I will accept them for the next few weeks. No need to send any money. The federal government (taxpayers) should pick up the tab for return postage.
  6. I cannot give specifics, but I am leaving soon to start my deployment to Iraq in the next few months. If anyone want to send me a TB, I will gladly "log" it over there and send it back. Not sure if I am taking on too much of a task here, but I think not. Due to security reasons, this is as specific as I can get. Log your responses here and email me with your specific questions.
  7. That reminds me...I have a TB I picked up 1/15/05...hey, where's my account? Why cant I access my stats? My watchlist is gone! But...but...I paid my $3 for the month! What the... BAD IDEA!!
  8. I grab every bug I come across. I have had some for months, and some for an hour. I like to look back and see where some of them ended up too.
  9. I have never had a problem with JEEEP. I use it all the time. I use another link as well, but I cannot locate it right now...sorry.
  10. I am in the military, and I heard about it at FT Hood from one of the officers. He was explaining the concept to me and when we got home from the exercise, I looked it up online, printed out a few datasheets, and my life has been placed on hold since.
  11. I hope this is a start of a beautiful relationship. I also hope this turns out to be useful, not useless. If I know the individuals that are going to be involved with this forum, it will definately be the former. Thanks alot.
  12. You obviously do not have young children!
  13. I think it would be lame NOT to make a cache where you stated. You obviously have emotions about the site, so why not draw others to feel the same thing you felt then, and are feeling now. Explain it like you did in your initial posting and you will not have any problems of that I am sure.
  14. In no particular order: 1. printout of the cache or benchmark 2. GPS 3. map of the local area 4. swag bag for trades 5. H2O 6. my car keys (I cant tell you how many times I was so excited to start a cache only to look and see my car keys sitting still in the ignition...DOH!) OK, it has happened 3 times...thank God for AAA. 7. lensatic compass for backup so if all else fails, I can at least get back to the car 8. a working pen 9. my fully-stocked backpack 10. batteries!!
  15. Those are some pretty good links. Thanks for the information as well.
  16. I think you would have enough sense to just not look at it while printing, but I could be wrong. Most of the spoiler photos I have come across are just postings, with no real spoiler value to them.
  17. I noticed a local cache was archived recently by an approver. I emailed them directly and was told that I coulnt adopt it because it was archived. I cant remember the specifics, but I then emailed GC.com and got someone else involved who approved it within 1 day. The whole process took 3-4 days. I was impressed. My one and only cache I own to date.
  18. I have a winshield mount in my wife's car, and another one mounted to the top of my dash in my car. Both work excellent. I purchased both through Garmin online, but I think you can get both much cheaper if you shop around online...try Amazon.com first.
  19. I know how hard it is to get to 200! Oh my God....2000!! You are a machine!
  20. "Just like Travel Bugs" means it is a Travel Bug. Since it isnt, I think it is a waste of time.
  21. I recently saw a real pay phone with a TB tag attached to it! It is somewhere in NY right now. Saw it in one of the forums recently. That is the best so far!
  22. You found it, log it. Just because you couldnt move it does not mean you cant log it. How many cachers move TBs around that dont even look at what the owner wants? In your case, log the find and enjoy it too.
  23. I have added it to my favorites. EXCELLENT SITE. Dont get discouraged by no replies to this post.
  24. At least you have the ability to recognize your own incompatability when relating with society as a whole.
  25. BilboB

    Bug Holder

    There are alot of variables at work here. Maybe after the first few emails, they dont want to respond. Maybe they dropped it off a long time ago and forgot to log it. Maybe they just forgot and will get to it. Maybe they are dead! You get the point. Dont buy them if you cant handle some of them going astray. My first (and only) geocoin made it to one cache and I never heard of it again.
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