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Everything posted by jenny08_1015

  1. If you would settle for a used unit to save some money you could check your local pawn shops, Craigslist, or on the GPS sales section of this forum. I've had good luck buying used. I was also going to suggest checking out Bass Pro Shop. Their website had eTrex 20 and 30 for the same price--$200. However, eTrex 30 is no longer listed on the website... Bummer, because I was considering making that purchase myself. Check in store, maybe? Otherwise, the eTrex 20s seem to be about $160 on Amazon.
  2. Here's a cookie my husband got for me.
  3. I knew someone that had an accidental needle prick while waitressing. She had to go through the same process at the hospital/clinic.
  4. I've seen a couple Morse code caches. Very different and fun. I don't think a muggle stumbling upon the station in right area is likely to care or understand.
  5. I was thinking about getting a mount too. At the moment I bike with my GPS on a lanyard around my neck. I mostly stay on paved trails, not a whole lot of off-roading. When at a lake or park I make sure to hide my bike and walk through the brush to the cache. If you do this make sure to mark a waypoint where your bike is!
  6. It took a few days from when I applied to when I got the email with download instructions. Give it some time.
  7. I think I've heard of people carrying bells or anything else that makes a racket to scare them off before you are surprised. (Or they surprise YOU!)
  8. I love caches along bike trails! Didn't ride as much as I wanted to this summer, unfortunately.
  9. I would have scribbled it out too. If you do it again, just don't post it on the online log. People will wonder who is protecting young eyes -- you're like Batman!
  10. www.extreme-caching.com has a list of some cache they deem extreme, including some cave and mine caches.
  11. I have entered drainage tunnels where they drain into streams. They were made of concrete and about 6 ft wide by 3 ft tall. It was pretty cool exploring the tunnels! I have never heard of a cache in one though...
  12. I think it sounds like a good idea. There used to be one near me (Omaha.) Unfortunately, it was muggled before I go to it!
  13. I've been using Sarna too. I'll try Neosporin though. Burn ointment works pretty well. Anyone know any really good products that will get rid of the PI residue? I asked a pharmacist and she recommended Zanfel. It runs $26 (at Hy-Vee) for 15 uses. I think I might try some.
  14. The colors in that picture are freakin' amazing! I really enjoy that photo. I agree. It looks unreal! Very cool.
  15. I was immune to PI until about a year ago... I have had it three times (the third RIGHT NOW) and it's driving me crazy! I put on some anti-itch stuff but it only works for so long...
  16. Genius! Just have to make sure it's not an actual cacher seeking the cache!
  17. I haven't found very many in that area and none that were really exciting, but you should ride the local bike trails. I attended a Geocaching event in which we rode from Waukee to Redfield on the trail and there are lots of caches! The Des Moines area has a pretty large bike trail system.
  18. Or do you mean download previously found caches to your GPS?? There's an option for that in the pocket query.
  19. I have a Dakota 10 and like it a lot. It seems like it takes a while to find satellites. I have never tried to download maps because I don't need/want them. But it is GREAT for Geocaching. The paperless(ness) is really easy. It's a good size, fits in your hand, has sunrise/sunset info. I was happy I got it.
  20. Did you try to contact them via Geocaching.com? It looks like they were last online June 27.
  21. There's a cache in Omaha in a front yard in which there are a handful of golf balls in an area of sand. You don't have to dig, just pick up the golf balls. The cache is a matchstick container attached to one of the golf balls. But I think an archeological dig cache sounds really fun! Good idea, Ash!
  22. I have had a Dakota 10 for about 8 months and have not had any bug problems. EDIT: Grammar
  23. Go to your profile on Geocaching.com and on the right side there is a link to "Cache Along a Route." I have never used it myself so that's as far as i can take you. Have fun!
  24. It works somewhat. I've got a lower end Tom Tom that used before I got my Dakota. With mine, there is no compass function and when you look at the map, the little car icon stays on the roads so it's hard to get to the correct area. I found a couple regular sized caches with it.
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