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carpet crawler

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Everything posted by carpet crawler

  1. Hallo, wir sind seit ein paar Jahren mit dem cachen beschäftigt und haben letztes Jahr im Mai einen Travel Bug in Süd Afrika ausgesetzt . Der wurde dann auch gleich mitgenommen und ein paar km weiter wieder ausgesetzt. Dann ging er in die dritte Hand und wurde nicht mehr gesehen Der Name des Cachers ist bekannt,auf Emails wird aber nicht geantwortet und leider ist er seit Oktober 2011 auch nicht mehr Online gewesen. Wir sind so enttäuscht ! Vielleicht hat ja einer einen Tipp für uns. Grüße Carpet Crawler
  2. Hello from Hamburg, Germany, In our profile is the following sentence: "You currently have 30 pending field notes. Visit your field notes page to review these notes" I have checked one position and we had already write down our notes. If we do it again, our numbers of caches will count one cache more. And that is not correct. What can we do? Thanks for help! I hope somebody can understand that rubbish english :-) Carpet crawler
  3. Hello from Hamburg, Germany, we have some problems with our travel bug. We can´t see the distance in the " trackable item history" of our travel bug. What can we do??? The TB Code is: TB2HX5M. Thanks for help! Carpet Crawler
  4. Welcome to a great game. We are here since 08th february and we love it. Have fun by by from hamburg , germany
  5. Hi, welcom to this nice game. We are here since february and we are very busy! What a great game. by by from hamburg, germany
  6. Hello Kevin, thank you for your answer. You are welcom in Hamburg. Today we are at the balticsea. We have nice weather, pretty sunshine and we fount early in the morning five cashes. Bye bye Wibke & Thomas
  7. Hi, i´m from Hamburg, Germany and i´m a geocasher since approx. 1 month. Yesterday i found the forum pages and it is very interesting and funny to read all the statements. I only want to say hello to all geocasher and want to say thank you for this game. It is really a great thing. The best of all is, i can learn more english on this pages. Wonderful. Have a nice day. bye bye Wibke
  8. Hi from Hamburg, Germany, Geocaching is a great thing to do with children. We have no children, but sometimes we borrow children from friends. They loved it to find the little treasures. Try it and you will see, it is a good idea. By by Wibke
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