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Everything posted by whitecamel

  1. I have an Oregon 400t which is amazing and I am jealous of you for getting the 550t. I hope it is even better than the 400t. As regards your query about City Navigator, it is worth pointing out that the topo maps supplied are good but will only point you in the right direction, ie in a straight line, they won't give you a route. City Navigator will do routing by road so what I do is to enable Navigator to get me to the area, perhaps the recommended parking area. This is much more useful than using the straight line only topo maps, but once you are there and on foot, disable City Navigator and use the topo maps. It works great for me and should do on your 550t. Good luck!
  2. Thanks for taking the time to reply, it is much appreciated - I will have a hunt around the forum to see what I can find. Mike
  3. You've been extremely helpful, thanks. I'm sure everything I have asked has been brought up many times before but finding it all was the problem so I am really grateful for your advice. Mike
  4. Hi, new to geocaching and need to buy a handheld. These two are similarly priced but which would be best for my new hobby? Can either be used to navigate in a car? Am UK based but will be visiting USA and Canada soon. Will the basemaps cover these areas or do I need to purchase more maps so I can hunt caches over the pond? Thanks Mike
  5. Thanks Johnny - I am using Destinator on my PDA. I think you are spot on and your advice is appreciated. Mike
  6. Having only recently become aware of geocaching I am keen to get started. At present I have a PDA based GPS which I hope will do for the time being but intend to buy a handheld when I know what I am doing. The lat/long coordinates on my GPS are different to those given for the same location on Google Earth. Does anyone know if google earth is accurate? I tried the location of a nearby cache using the coordinates given and Google Earth seems to be 100 yards or more out (ie in someones house) so I'm guessing it is wrong and my GPS is right. However, I have also noticed that the way the coordinates are displayed on my GPS is different - eg 51.35614 as opposed to Google earth which gives 8 digits - eg 51. 21.21.85. I am assuming the coordinates given on mine just need a decimal point after the 4th digit but I am a bit confused and want to be sure of what I am doing before I find myself trespassing on private land. Can anyone advise me on coordinates or point me in the direction of where to get this information? Thanks
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