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Everything posted by PorscheSpyder

  1. Highly unlikely. The user (whom I choose to leave unnamed) is know in these parts for getting the FTF almost every time. So that makes FTFs around here hard to come by, meaning that everyone wants to beat that user to the FTF. When he got back, even he was surprised and mystified as to the crossed-out name. BTW, Pole Position was given credit for the FTF.
  2. Something similar happened at a cache near my house. A cache was published and when my friend Pole Position went after the FTF, he found that the log book had already been signed! The really odd thing, though, was that the signature had been crossed out. AND the signature belonged to a cacher who was out of town and didn't get back until a couple of days later! Needless to say, it is all very odd.
  3. What type of iPod did you have? I have a 3rd gen. Nano and I didn't think that it gave much light. On the other hand, I would think that a iTouch or iPhone would suffice.
  4. If anybody does with me........Just kidding! No, I (luckily) haven't had any run-ins..........yet!
  5. Please keep in mind that I'm not trying to discourage you. You might have an entirely different experience than I had. I just wanted to show you what might happen. Good luck!
  6. Funny, I had a cache virtually identical it style to what you're proposing to place. Only problem is, it only got two visitors and the none for 4 months. It wasn't that it wasn't accessible because it was right next to a highway. After asking for advice on the forums, I got rid of the stages and posted the puzzle on the page. Now it's got a lot more visits. Here is the link to the aformentioned cache: Mysterious I-35 TB & Geocoin Pit Stop As to placement distance, you need to make sure that the stages are place at least .10 of a mile apart from another stage and/or another cache. Good luck on your placement!
  7. Sorry! Can't be of much help here. Anyone else might be, but not me.
  8. IMO that is not the intent of the program. I hope you don't give up as I hope that does not represent the attitude of the typical EC owner. I don't plan on giving up any time soon! An even bigger problem for me is that there are only 3 ecs withing driving distance of me! (rats) I go after one any time I get the chance! I wouldn't mind if you used my camera to get the necessary pictures for the ECs. Only thing is that I would prefer it if you took me along with you! Then you could log it from my computer (thereby avoiding the filters).
  9. I have a Letterbox Hybrid. I carved my own little stamp. It has the Geocaching symbol on it, plus a little letter under it.
  10. I know the feeling. I had a TB stuck in a rarely visited PM cache for four months. Not as long as you, but still frustrating. Luckily, I was able to go retrieve it as well as another TB that had been stuck in a nearby cache and sent them on their way.
  11. I had a similar idea, except I don't live near any cliffs! Looks like fun though....
  12. Here's one. Wonder if anyone else thought of this? Mouse TB
  13. What was the owners reaction after you told them their TBs had been through a wildfire?
  14. I hope they do. I've been hoping to find a Jeep TB. The only way to find a jeep TB around here is to go to an event and discover the ones horded by the local self-appointed jeep custodians. If the only way to find a Jeep TB is at events, then why have I found a couple red Jeep TBs in common ol' caches?
  15. Here is a Library cache that is near my Grandma's home. It looks like fun. As for placing a library cache, I am all for it! (Then again, I AM a bookworm! ) But I agree with the others, check with your reviewer. Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Burgled Book
  16. Have you tried sending a check or money order? That's how I paid for my Premium Membership.
  17. You might want to look up in the magnolia tree. Hint: it's pink!
  18. Could be that they are the type that find the caches, but don't sign the log, though that is HIGHLY unlikely.
  19. Personally, I rather enjoy hiding 4 or 5 star caches. I plan to make a nano a 5 star cache. Here is one that I already have out: Scenic Turnout Micro Notice that even though it has 3 DNFs, it was the same person logging them. (And he was the one who got me into geocacheing ) I don't mind searching for hard caches. It's just when I have to log a DNF ~ THEN I mind!!!!
  20. I've considered taking a backpack, but after reading some of the posts, I think I'll just stick to my pant's pockets! I carry: 1 GPSr 1 Bison Tube (ya never know where you'll find the perfect hiding spot! ) 1 Space pen 1 Geocoin (soon to be two) 1 or 2 small swag items.
  21. The one time I tried to cache on my bike, I flipped over the handlebars. Here's how it (or I) went down. My friend Danny and I were traveling at approx. 15 miles an hour down this narrow dirt path, Danny if front, I bringing up the rear. I (stupidly!) took one hand off the handlebars to power up my Garmin eTrex. Suddenly, I realize we're approaching some stone steps that head DOWN!!!! So, still holding onto my GPSr, I slam on one brake ~ the front one!! While I ended up in a pile, Danny slammed on his brakes and skidded about 10 feet before coming to a stop. Meanwhile, I'm on my back thinking "I hope I didn't break my GPSr!" Good news: I didn't land on a cactus(they were close to where I landed!), my GPSr wasn't broken, my bike was fine, and all I suffered was a was a small scratch(I still have the scar). Bad news: I DIDN'T FIND THE CACHE! And that was like my 5th try too. Eventually, I'll probably do some more "bike caching."
  22. This sounds suspiciously like a type of letterbox. Is this where you got the idea? At any rate, I've read about a letterbox type that you're supposed to hide. Then another letterboxer finds it, takes it, and replants it elsewhere. At least, that's how I understand it to work. As for your idea, sounds interesting, but I don't think I'm that interested, if you know what I mean!
  23. At first, I was against dipping, but after acquiring my Geocoin, I hated to part with it. So, I've started to dip it. However, I only like to dip it in a cache that I thought was cool, say, for instance, a 4-stage, 5-star difficulty multicache. .
  24. Very interesting! I've been wanting to go to Germany (either to study music or work there) even before I became a geocacher. This would certainly be one place I would consider visiting, though I would probably take a soda!
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