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Everything posted by IndigoRaven76

  1. I'm either being very dense or not explaining myself properly (either is quite plausible). I cannot fathom how I have made a mistake? I only have a few hides to my name. 1 is achieved which I accept, due to a brief illness and hysterectomy....... Everything I do is on my mobile, I do not know if it's an old or new version. I get email notifications for all my géocaching EXCEPT about enabling the cache itself. If I don't know, then I simply don't know. Therein lies my frustration. Yes I can make a new cache page (the container itself is in situe since replacing it)..... But that is not the point. I've done everything I had been instructed to do.
  2. Please read my note above. I did not receive an email about the note regarding 'enabling' the cache. I check my email several times a day, including any spam! I did follow the instructions of writing a note. 1. Had I known I needed to enable the cache, I would have done. 2. I did not receive an email. 3. The full instructions should have been given in the first instance and not just an afterthought by the reviewer. I've played this nearly 7 years. This used to be fun.
  3. I did not receive a notification that there was a new message on my page saying I needed to enable my cache. If you read the first message from them, I am told to "write note". That is what I did, I was not made aware of the second message. I regularly check my emails but why would I think to look on an archived cache "just in case". I do have a life. They never read the emails properly. You are invited to reply above the line but then you don't get an answer to that either.
  4. How do I make a complaint about Geocaching itself, without going through the contact form or general email address??? I ask because I never get replies and if I do they refuse to take on-board that they have made a mistake and not myself. I'm frustrated at the amount of emails I've sent recently that go unanswered despite the "email received" guff
  5. Hello, I've been Geocaching a while now . I have been looking on the main website to see if I can set up notifications for any new Caches in my area. I don't know if i'm not looking properly or it is not an option. Any advice would be welcome please.
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