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Posts posted by Turtle_Sask

  1. Hello fellow geocachers, I thought that I would express why I believe premium member caches are a must! People complain about how 30 dollars is to much money to be a premium member but that is not a lot and people who say they cant afford it, its a lame excuse. try not going to Wendy's for supper once and that'll be almost 30 dollars, maybe work and extra hour or two, or like me bike to work and not drive! the only situation that I can see a person not being able to get 30 dollars would be someone who is to young to work, even then im sure their parents could get them a premium membership, or from a birthday present. Anyway enough about the cost aspect, the reason why I like them is because it stops the brand new geocachers to get there hands on them and potentially steal or brake the caches. plain and simple. Just thought I would get that out there...

  2. In 2003 I traded a $30 chunk of citrine plus quite a bit more stuff, from a cache near Flagstaff, for a bolo tie made from a rare jasper that the source was expended for in the 30's. The dealer I took it to offered me $100 on the spot, but he never told me what it was really worth. I would assume at least 50-100% more. It's a beautiful stone and I won't part with it.

    I have some stuff for you, then. Tons, actually... I'm too lazy to get busy and work it into good stuff.


    I hope that jasper wasn't one that I had sold to a lady from AZ. She did pay dearly for it, but couldn't resist. I also hated to part with it. Due to internal design, there can never be a duplicate.


    As for finding... I'm still looking for a Double Eagle. :)


    To be honest im not sure what you guys are talking about, coins?

  3. Hello fellow cachers! have you ever wondered what the most expensive thing someone has found in a cache was? personally I have found a gold ring in a cache once. I did not take the ring home because I had nothing of equal value but I moved it to another cache nearby because the cache it was in, was not in good shape. Whats the most expensive swag item you've seen or FTF you've ever gotten? ever seen lots of money like (20 < $$$ lots)something ive been wondering since I started geocaching (3 years ago).


    let me know!


    Would be cool to see what everyone has seen!

  4. I still feel the 60Cx/SCx is the gold standard hand held mapping unit. Although I've moved up to the Colorado and 62s I still highly regard the trusty units.


    I just looked at the 62 s and it looks very nice! looks very similar to my 60 csx, how long ago did that come out? do you know when the Garmin 60csx came out?


    love my Garmin 60 CSx a lot just a great GPS!

  5. Hello, I have been caching for a couple years and at the time when I bought my Garmin 60csx it was one of the best to get, or top dog if you will. I'm just wondering in two years if it is now obsolete or is it still considered top dog? I'm NOT at all considering getting another one I absolutely love it, just curious is all. what gps do you cache with?



  6. no way man just because you probably live in a larger city where there would still be lots of caches to hunt within a .5 mile radius rather then a .10 mile radius. most people live in city's where there aren't enough caches around (100 < a ). I agree that urban caches are way more fun and i see what your saying but if you take out more city caches there will not be that many to look for! you got to look at it from the other point of view to!



  7. Hello fellow geocachers! I thought that I would share with you a fun experience that I had while geocaching today! I had a late class today at University and by the time I was done it was about 10pm. I knew of a couple geocaches on University campgrounds that I have not yet attempted because of the fear of someone (most likely a lot of people) noticing me find the cache and risk the matter of someone messing with it or just in general not wanting to be seen looking around a tree while hundreds walk by to there next classes. So I thought that I would try finding two caches nearby after my class when there is less people around. And let me tell you caching at night adds another fun factor to this hobby!


    There aren't that many people walking around the campus grounds at night but for the few that are you can practice your stealth skills like hiding behind a rock or a tree or even just staying still to not attract attention towards you in the tree or bush. Anyway it was fun looking for the two caches at night and I thought I was wondering how many of you go geocaching at night? Im going to start doing this for more of those caches that you would be seen by muggles during daylight!



  8. I was thinking of buying a coin from the website but probably wont because I live in Canada and im assuming that there shipping from the states? and that will be very expensive for a geocoin, right? has anyone in Canada ordered from geocaching . com? was the shipping expensive?


    Hi Turtle_Sask!


    Nice to see another Saskatchewan cacher on the forums!


    Groundspeak doesn't ship to Canada, you can use one of their International Retailers listed under their Shop tab. We have used GPSCITY in Calgary and been very happy with their quick service. Landsharkz in Victoria has a larger selection. We never used the others so can't comment on them.


    There are a number of geocaching associations in Saskatchewan where you can post your question and see what is available locally. Or contact some of the veteran cachers like Olemaz to see they use. Events are another way to meet fellow cachers, share your stories of the hunt and get hints for those difficult hides or puzzles.


    Enjoy your Geocaching Adventures!


    mwellman (now living in Alberta but still Saskatchewan at heart!)


    I live in Alberta too now lived in Saskatchewan for the first 18 years of my life

  9. Well I can think of 2 dumb acts while geocaching. 2 winter's ago I was out caching and had come to a site that I had DNF'ed before. Getting out of the car I see this sketchy character walking towards me so I decide to turn around and get back in my car. Well there was ice on the ground right by my door... I slipped and my tail bone landed directly on the curb. it hurt so much but I had to get in my car and lock my door quick. The second was that same winter and I was out geocaching at lunchtime in the opposite side of town. I get out of my car to get the cache but as soon as i swung the door to close it I realized the keys were still in the ignition. Went to grab the door before it shut but it was to late. :anibad: I had to call my mom and get her to bring the spare set. :huh:


    Because after reading all the comments on the phone and in the forum it looks like a pretty s***ty app that has not been updated in awhile. if they made a great app for 10$ I would buy it but it sounds not that good


    Then you've answered your own question. You're not interested in a "carp"y offical app that's $10 bucks. Just load up c:geo or geobeagle and carry on then. As I said, the likelihood of retaliation is quite minimal - you might get the "are you human?" page if you use the app an obscene amount (like downloading a few thousand caches per hour).


    In general, if the app gives you live data from geocaching.com, and wasn't made by Groundspeak it's violating the TOU. This will change after they launch the API later this winter/spring. If the app is based on Pocket Queries, have at 'er that's perfectly within the TOU.


    So this API your speaking of, is it the upgraded Groundspeak app?! That would be awesome. Thanks for the input earlier

  11. how could a app violate the terms of Groundspeak? and how do they have the right to say that I cant use that app and how could they figure out?


    It's their site, their database. You agreed to the TOU when you signed up.


    Same as the way you can expect visitors to knock on your FRONT door of your house, instead of opening the back window and greeting you in your kitchen.


    c:geo violates the TOU but is well loved and realistically Groundspeak isn't going to punish you the cacher for using it. There is a 3rd party API under development and I would be shocked if c:geo was not invited into the beta - this would bring it out of TOU violation.


    Alternatively, if you're worried about that, why not purchase and use the official Groundspeak App for Android.


    Because after reading all the comments on the phone and in the forum it looks like a pretty unusable app that has not been updated in awhile. if they made a great app for 10$ I would buy it but it sounds not that good

  12. also there are all these people talking about these free apps and how they are improving, which is great but what about the actual geocaching app from geocaching.com? is it better now? I hope that geocaching.com sees this and decides to fix it because there saying there constantly trying to make the geocache experience better

  13. Hi I just bought a smart phone that uses the Android apps. It is the samsung galaxy s. I love it and would like to know which app is the best for geocaching, I have heard the actual geocaching app is not that great and takes up a lot of battery power. but I have heard there are some good ones out there. Any that you know of? Is geocaching planning on fixing the app? Thanks for the help in advance I really do appreciate it!

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