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Posts posted by Turtle_Sask

  1. I know there are other ways of doing what im asking. But the way you obtain the information is a different process it would be better if you could have that button on everyone's profile because Your not going to want to create a pq for every person your curious if you have found the same caches. Example, when you browse through the logs on a cache page your not going to want to copy everyones Username down and make a PQ, would be much quicker to go to there profile and click the button!


    I like the positive feedback!


    Hopefully this got the attention of the lackeys!

  2. I thought it would be cool if when your looking at another persons Profile and you want to see if you both have found some of the same caches there could be a button like "Compare caches" and it would give you a list of caches that you have both found!


    Just a thought


    Let me know what you all think!

  3. I haven't given it too much thought, but the guy sounds like a zealous helper (great misguided intentions). My private message to him would be:


    Hey Joe, I checked on "Cool Cache" today and it's just where I placed it (not in the lamp post). I removed your container. I'll try to stop by your "Cooler Cache" sometime and drop it off. I also deleted your found it log on "Cool Cache" so you don't forget that it's still there to find.


    Hapy caching...



  4. In my mind seeing a black bear is just not even on the same level as seeing a grizzly bear. If I happen to see a black bear I would try to get a picture. I am fortunate to never see a grizzly, those things scare the $hit out of me. you see one of those just act like you didn't see it and casually walk out of sight then RUN! I kind of wish here in Canada you could carry a pistol for your own protection while hiking, but this aint the U.S.A. lol

  5. I have visited that Calgary website you posted and it seems impossible to go anywhere on the site without a ad popping up or being taken to a different website? Hacked maybe? just seems off

  6. Hello all, I had this pretty cool idea I came up with the other day! I was thinking when your looking on the maps and you see caches in a specific spot outside of your town or any caches in particular on the map and you want to be able to select them all and browse through them quickly to look for things like TB'S and Geocoins or just the main things like cache size, .,vlsfd;mvfslgv


    Let me start over, Ok when you go to geocaching.com you type in your postal code or coordinates. Once you click you will get caches that are closest to you with the cache name, cache size, trackables,cache owner, Last found etc... This list is handy! So What im getting at is when your viewing the maps and you see just a small clump of caches or series of caches that you could highlight by right clicking them and put that box highlighting thing over them( Your computer desktop does this)then those caches you have selected goes into that listing format!


    Let me know what you guys think!

  7. I think that is an awesome signature item, but.... I think it would be even better if you would include a small laminated note to explain who made it and what it can be used for. THAT would make it an ideal signature item!


    You can laminate a small info. card for only pennies (I go to the local office supply store, where laminating is 1 ft. X about 2 1/2 ft for only 25 cents! You know how many small cards you can fit into a laminate piece that big? LOTS!


    I did mention this in my OP, "Im thinking of adding a little piece of paper to it explaining what it is and my geoname! " and yes I was thinking of laminating the paper, thanks anyway!!


    hippietwinkie : Go right ahead! I would like to see your finished project as-well! :)

  8. Hello Fellow Geocachers! I have seen someone mention before either on these forums or another one about someone finding a survival bracelet as a swag/signature item in a cache. I thought that would be really cool to find in a cache so I bought some real 550 lbs para-cord rope a week ago and made my first survival bracelet! They call it 550 lbs para-cord rope because it is able to withstand 550lbs of pressure! I believe they used it for the soldiers who would jump out of planes and rely on their parachute (made up of this cord)! I looked on Youtube on how to make one and just finished one now! Here it is! (First one too!) It has roughly 6 feet of cord wrapped in there! Im thinking of adding a little piece of paper to it explaining what it is and my geoname!




    Would you be interested to see these in caches?


    So Whats your signature Item? Im also going to try and make some wooden nickels but haven't gotten around to that because I want to have a nice picture on one side and my name on the other. Have to come up with a picture first!



  9. I don't care if they want my age and what not I just don't want on my news feed on FB saying like "Michael found "cache forever" go out there and find it with Michael today!" I have noticed other sites like yahoo that you don't even integrate with facebook and if you read an article they post under your name saying you read that article, and when you go to your profile it is not there so you cant delete it.

  10. Thanks for the tip. I tried using Scotch-brite and it worked well enough. So I’ll leave it at that for the time being before going back to Home De-pot. :(


    BTW, I was able to complete the 3/8” slot using a router and a wooden fixture to hold it securely. On my first try I started too fast and cracked the tube. Slow and steady works nicely. Next, the tumblers.


    Hi Guys,


    Something else I did when I was building my geocache cryptex was to bevel the outside edges of each combination rings. I did this because after I put it togeather with straight cut rings I found when I spun the rings they had a bit of an offset and crooked feeling because you could easily feel the edges of two rings.


    We keep the rings a little loose on the base tube so they spin freely and its this subtle loosness that is easy to feel at the edges of the combination rings. This is why a bevel them. With this cut back edge it is visually appealing and feels good in the hands.


    I have included a detail to show what I'm talking about. The main drawings don't show this modification but I will update later...



    Hi I have a question on the beveling part of the outer rings. How were you able to do what you have in the photo? did you have a specific tool or would sanding it by hand work? Please let me know! thanks!

  11. Hello Fellow cachers! I have a bit of a problem on my hands and I could really use some help! I have come home for a few days and really wanted to go geocaching while im in town. I loaded up over 500 geocaches around the city and have them available on GSAK. The problem is that I forgot the cord that I use for my garmin 60csx! I was wondering if it is possible to buy a cord very similar to it and if it would work? I know there are other devices that are not even gps like the gopro I have and they have the same cord that fits into the back of the gps (although I never tried it to see if it transfers) but that cord is also away in another city. What im asking is there a cord that I can buy at a local store like Walmart that could be used to transport the caches from GSAK to my GPS? I really don't want to load up manually 100 - 500 caches!


    Thanks for your help in advance!



  12. But who said that it could be in the running for cache of the month every month? Im sure once it wins once it is off the running for next month... problem solved. I don't know why went to that conclusion right away

    Probably because the cacher that suggested this system said so in their reply to the post you quoted (bolding mine):


    And next month it gets 6 visits and 2 favorites, so it's COTM again. Then 3 visits and 1 favorite, and guess what...
    ... every month, this particularly good cache is one of the 10% that's a COTM. Clear?


    Well I don't have the time to follow the threads 24/7, so I am mistaken. I would then suggest that the cache that gets chosen NOT be allowed in the following COTM that follow... Problem solved...

  13. Under this system, easily accessible quality caches would be COTM over and over. Meanwhile, quality caches that only get one or two visits a month, would never be COTM even though they may be better (more creative and more interesting) caches.
    No - the cache must receive surprisingly many favourites relative to the number of PMs that visited. The easily-accessible cache might get 20 visitors but only 1 favourite point: that's not "surprisingly-many" so it wouldn't be a COTM. Another cache with 4 visitors and 1 favourite likely would be one of the 10% that was deemed COTM.


    niraD - where have GS discussed enhancements to the favourites system? (I missed it.)


    And next month it gets 6 visits and 2 favorites, so it's COTM again. Then 3 visits and 1 favorite, and guess what...


    But who said that it could be in the running for cache of the month every month? Im sure once it wins once it is off the running for next month... problem solved. I don't know why went to that conclusion right away

  14. ...

    I think you guys are missing the point, rather then focusing on one part he may have made confusing the general Idea is to promote good caches, yes favorite points does exactly that but I think Cache of the month is a fantastic idea that would be cool to try and achieve!

    The official blog has been doing a Geocache of the week for a long time now...




    Geocache of the week on the blogging part of geocaching is not the same as what he or I am purposing. It would be a monthly thing and would be integrated into the geocaching.com website. Im going to stop replying for a bit so that we could let others post to this thread on their thoughts on the original subject.



  15. The "surprisingly high" magic is tuned so that ~10% of caches get the COTM award.
    What do you mean by this 10% ratio? Do you mean that 10% of caches will receive the COTM award each month? Or that 10% of caches will receive a COTM award at some point during their lifetime.


    Either way, once Groundspeak implements some of the favorites-related improvements that they've mentioned, I don't think such a COTM award will be needed.

    I admit to be somewhat confused by this as well. I read it as 10% of caches that received "some" favorite votes in a given month.


    I guess my caches that see 1 or 2 visits a year are out of the running.


    I don't see a need for this but it could just be my utter confusion.


    I think you guys are missing the point, rather then focusing on one part he may have made confusing the general Idea is to promote good caches, yes favorite points does exactly that but I think Cache of the month is a fantastic idea that would be cool to try and achieve!

  16. NPM would still see the gold ring around the cache icon in map view. So no I don’t think it is ‘elitist centered'. All I am saying is I would like to be able to quickly find quality caches on the map before an outing. I don’t want to look for a pill bottle under a rock (liter).


    I understand what your saying and I like the idea, pretty much a way of showing the cream of the crop caches! I think its a pretty good idea, however I think it should be really hard to get or else it would be really close to favorite points... I think the whole cacher of the month thing should be seriously considered!

  17. I absolutely love this Idea! Perhaps they can have a COTM award for each country/state/province/county (Depending on where you live) so you actually have a chance of winning! Groundspeak could even create a souvenir to go with it and maybe a "Prize package"! Doesn't have to be a lot of money, its the thought that counts! And on top of everything it really does support good cache ideas and maintenance! They have to do something like this!


    Really excited to see if this goes anywhere!



  18. Their contacts page gives contact details in Canada


    MadLab Canada

    Lane Braden


    Tel: 613 599 4959


    Email: lane @ madlab . org


    Yah I tried that but they don't have products in Canada, apparently they just host events out side Ottawa. The guy told me they only ship from the USA and UK.

  19. Anyone know of a place to get one in Canada rather then shipping it over the border and paying ridiculous fees? I contacted the people at madlab, and they said they ship from USA and UK. If anyone knows of a place in Canada, please post it in this thread! thanks, such a cool idea!

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