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Everything posted by TeamBaconZillah

  1. I can understand why some feel the need to share, but I am not one of them, I log as I talk IRL, short and too the point, my wife has compared getting words out of me as like pulling teeth!!
  2. Well... my wife made me change my original name.. so I remembered a tv commercial one day when she was lecturing me about something or other, I said... "Wait, what.. bacon? So we are now Team Bacon Zillah...
  3. Well... this has turned into a sour topic... I am a truck driver, so I always have a pen.
  4. Wait... what?? Think I need to start at the top.. according to my map, I am horribly lost..
  5. Hmm... I found a catche. but a rattlesnake was in the same bush.. I logged it as found, even tho I didn't sign log.. he was very adamant about me leaving it alone, and who was I to argue!!
  6. Very much alive here, I did 5-6 yesterday... they haven't been logged in years, but still there. But they are way, way out in the boonies, was camping, decided to pull up the app, and whoohoo, away I went!!
  7. Also... If I think I have been spotted, I squeal like a stuck pig, and wildly flap arms, on the theory that nobody in their rite mind will snoop around where there is a wasp nest... and if I say so myself, I am getting pretty good at it!!
  8. Ohh.... uhhh... thanks, I could of used that info earlier... (note to self... stop the dance) I agree about the comment. One I use regularly.
  9. Uggg..... love this discussion, went far out to left field tho, didn't we. Thanks for this info... and thanks for joining our little community, and always BYOP, or talking stick..
  10. Well... that depends on the swag in the cache.. I have little magnets with varying bacon quotes...
  11. Well.. I am new to this, but my life is full of well.. sounded good at the time! But thanks for sharing with us otherwise slow to learn newbies. (Note to self.. lawns are a no go) hmm.. maybe my next tattoo.. bwahaha
  12. My handle is a little more dramatic... According to my wife. I uhh.. made the mistake of forgetting our anniversary one year, and went fishing with the guys. Yea, I know. So I use the date as my handle so I won't forget. Mite not live thru another error like that😕
  13. Thank you all. Looks like a great community you have here.
  14. Good day everyone... Looking forward to the adventure. Have always considered it, but now time to take the plunge into the deep end. I am amazed about how many catches are in my local area. Can't wait for my weekend 😏 Even have the wife looking forward to it. Our schedules don't mesh, so when we get the rare weekend together.. something to look forward to. Thanks for the adventure, I will try to be an active member, as I learn the ropes... Well, see you on the other side! And as a side note... My handle is my anniversary, let me tell you... You only want to forget it once in favor of going fishing with the guys... Ugh... Yea, I know. 3 day of hints, that flew rite over my head!! Soo.. I use it for my handle everywhere..
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