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Everything posted by Dymlostalos

  1. Alright thanks! Guess ill pick up an oregon cause I cant wait a year XD
  2. Woops, didnt specify Garmin =) simply because I have another garmin already and can use the maps. But the lowrence ones look very nice!
  3. How often are new series of handheld gps's released, if you had to make a guess when would you say the next one will come out. Trying to decide whether to grab the oregon or wait for next series with fixed/better/added features ect.
  4. Okay, me and my girlfriend have recently picked up geocaching, since she got a GPS for christmas. Its a car gps nuvi and its been doing ok for caches but I think we want a hand held one to make things a little easier. I have been looking around and found an oregon for a decent price, my question to you fellow geocachers is, should I grab the oregon or will a new model of handheld be released by garmin sometime in the near future that I might be better off waiting for. I know there are some features missing on the oregon that I would like, and I have heard negative things about the screen in sunlight, though im not too worried about that one. I dont know how often a new model is released but if a new one with added features is going to come out in say the next 4-5 months I would rather wait and grab that instead!
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