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Brian - Team A.I.

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Posts posted by Brian - Team A.I.

  1. Congrats on the win and the delivery of your prize! I'm jealous though, because that's the color I would have chosen had I beat you. :huh: We should feel fortunate for what we did win, as 2007 may have been the final year for the *JTB contest. Eartha notified another thread about the 2008 contest that the new owners of Jeep have opted to not do it this year.

  2. And so continues the downfall of Jeep. After the release of a 4x2 Wrangler, it became clear the legacy is no longer valued by those on top. Do they not realize the buzz that this created within a community that cherishes the outdoors?


    Personally, I feel fortunate to have won a contest month in what may end up being the last year for the *JTBs. How disappointing.

  3. Considering by Wednesday they're supposed to notify the winner of the 2008 Liberty Grand Prize, I'm surprised the other winners haven't been posted. BUT...it could be that a winner failed to submit the proper paperwork in time so they could claim their prize.


    When I received my paperwork for the September contest win, I had it back at FedEx within an hour and received my 60Cx a few weeks later notifying me that I was ONE of FIVE Finalists as opposed to the SIX that was supposed to be initially. Perhaps that is the problem with the December winner not being posted yet?

  4. Read 'em and weep!





    RocketMans Event!


    Granted, this is a post from July 2007, but...chains as a recovery 'strap' = incredibly bad juju. I know of a guy in 2004 who was doing a recovery in AZ with a hook instead of a loop at the end of a strap. It slipped just as he turned around in the driver seat and the strap was at full extension. He was killed instantly when the hook buried itself in his forehead. Besides vehicle body damage, a chain that slips/breaks could cut a body in half. I wouldn't rely on weights to hold it down either in that instance.


    I need to track down my pics and I'll post as well. Non-stock Green '94 YJ and non-stock Maroon '98 XJ sitting in our garage. :o

  5. I just ordered two coins from your web site. Not sure if it went thru or not. Would you check and make sure it did?


    I have not gotten an invoice yet. Guess that means the order must not have worked. I want two of the coins. Do I need to reorder or do you have the original order I placed?


    The invoices are being sent out manually by me, and your particular order didn't hit the inbox for over 2 1/2 hours. By that time, I was sawing logs. :blink: You should have the invoice waiting in your inbox at this time.

  6. Yeah, the request was received, and was already in our spreadsheet. Invoices weren't going out until we had the coins, so now that we do, invoices for existing requests will go out this weekend.

    I know that I ordered some but I can't remember how many. If it was for two can you make it for three coins please.


    Thanks in advance.



  7. Some of the coins are in my hot little hands, and I am extremely impressed with how the coins turned out. After using a combination of options provided in the proofs we were originally sent, this turned out awesome. Either Jake or I will post pictures later today.


    Very impressed...

  8. UOTrackers asked to split the threads so I am starting this out here:


    New Jersey --- Avroair

    Illinois --- CinemaBoxers

    Hawaii --- Silly RR

    California --- Marky

    Alabama --- Tasia

    Pennslyvania --- Anthus

    Mississippi --- Prntr1

    Georgia --- AltantaGal (Parents of SAM)

    Arizona --- Nero

    Texas --- MustangJoni (mamacache)

    Montana --- Tsunrisebey

    Washington --- Snowwolf75


    12 events so far. I will be formulating a list of (hopefully) helpful information to share with everyone. It will also include a time table. The plan would be to have them all on the same day. Since there are schedule conflicts in September, How does Oct 6 or 7th sound.


    Don't see your state (or one nearby) up there shoot me an email if interested. :D


    I have to laugh because I don't know how my name got on the Montana list, granted I was talking in one of the forums. I think it was Brian_Team A.I. who mentioned hosting an event in Billings (if I remember correctly). Besides, the Montana Grizzlies (college football) season is in full swing then and I can't miss a game (yes, football is more important to me....lol). When I'm not a full-time student anymore, would love to host an event (as long as it's not during football season ;))




    P.S. Brian, you were thinking of hosting in Billings or somewhere, right?


    Yeah, I was looking at hosting one here, so I'm not sure why random names were put in place of the offers for hosting. On that note, Jake - Team A.I. was the one who told me about this event concept, and even offered to host an event himself with an outstanding location. I'm confused why Nero was listed as the Arizona contact for that one too. Was there a problem of some sort with some of the folks who offered to host?

  9. I'm waiting for a response from Jennifer about whether or not anonymous voting can be turned on with IP tracking. If that isn't possible, then I suppose either here or the other forum, but I'll need to come up with a good way to track voting results.


    I do want the voting stacked more in favor of folks with Montana ties (past/present residents, for example), but there will be some way to factor in other votes, if only to determine preference.

  10. You know I have to say that your logic is quite simple on the whole local geocachers perspective and the coin dilemma. I am currently serving the in the US Army Special Forces and would love to think that even though I am not living in MT that I would still be considered a local when it comes to matters such as this. Am I to think that because I just came from the state and don't live there now that I am not Montanan and have an opinion on matters that effect our great Big Sky State. The Shaffers happen to be my inlaws and like me have been required to move because of our professions. I would really hope that the "locals" would show a little more support to those people from our great state that are out there making the world a better place and securing their freedom to continue to complain in forums such as this about a matter as simple as making a geocoin. Sorry not to rant but I really dislike the lack of support. I just hope everyone can see it from this different perspective. As for me a 4 time Combat veteran and Montanan I will be making a significant contribution to the michaelshafferfamily MT geocoin and hope that all others that love OUR Big Sky state will do the same. ~Jeremy


    Whoa...the issues that were presented here were dealt with a few months ago, so the hostility is unfounded. It's all been addressed, and last I checked, everything was cool. All this serves to do is drudge up feelings that were put to rest once explanations were provided.

  11. I'd be willing to help put something together to get Montana on the map.


    Billings, MT anyone?


    As much as I'd love to see something in Montana, I honestly think flights are too expensive to and fro for many people, of course that is my opinion. On the other side of the coin (haha), I vote for Missoula during a Griz game, in the tailgating section. We can serve microbrews, Rocky Mountain oysters, with Mount Sentinel and Mount Jumbo as our backdrop and use Griz Vision for a coin slide show. Ok, back to reality now :laughing:


    Road trip!


    That was a concern of mine as well, as far as airfare is concerned. But there are options here. Cachers could fly into Denver for much less than here, and make a road trip from there to Billings and cache along the way. It's about an 8-hour drive from there.

  12. I agree. CYA is the order of the day here...


    However, wouldn't it be prudent then that all profits go to the local unit?

  13. Corrected link...sorry about that.


    "Be Prepared" is a trademark term




    The trademarks and logos of the Boy Scouts of America are protected by a 1916 act of Congress (36 U.S.C. 27) as well as by a variety of registrations with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The 1916 act specifically gives the Boy Scouts of America the sole and exclusive right to use its "emblems, badges, descriptive and designating marks" in connection with carrying out its purposes.


    These and all art or logotypes obtained from the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, are the exclusive property of the Boy Scouts of America and must be used and displayed as shown in this manual or official artwork unless otherwise stated in writing from an authorized officer of the Boy Scouts of America. In other words, they must appear with any ownership symbols exactly as received, and no additional symbols are to appear in connection with them.


    If the manual or official artwork indicates that the artwork or logotype is the subject of a U.S. Trademark Registration Certificate, then it should appear with the ® symbol. It is customary that the ® symbol is used once in the headline of an advertisement (if it is used in an ad or a poster) and then the first time it is used in the text.


    The ® symbol is placed on the upper right-hand shoulder of the last letter of the trademark (if it is a word mark) or on the upper right-hand shoulder of the symbol (if it is a design mark) and in a size that is approximately one-third the size of the largest letter or element in the trademark (but never so small that it can't be read).


    It is also desirable, but not as critical, to place a statement at the bottom of any advertisement or poster that clearly identifies trademarks or design marks of the Boy Scouts of America. This might read as follows:


    "BE PREPARED is a registered trademark of the Boy Scouts of America."


    My concern is that everything is legit with usage, to protect the cacher producing the coin, and ultimately not giving a black eye to scouting by disregarded federal protection of any symbols and/or phrases.

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