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DRDM & Raider

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Everything posted by DRDM & Raider

  1. 100% correct! Weird Fact: If you drop a tarantula it will shatter First of all, unless you are allergic to tarantula venom, they are harmless to humans (though they pack a painful bite). Some tarantulas can also shoot the “hairs” off their legs which can pierce human skin and cause great discomfort. Now – back to the weird fact. Tarantulas have an exoskeleton (that means its skeleton is on the outside) like crayfish and crabs. They shed their exoskeleton regularly – normally by lying on their back. (When they are shedding their skeleton, it is a good idea to keep right away from them as they will attack due to their vulnerable state.) Because the exoskeleton is very fragile, if a tarantula is dropped from a low height, it will shatter and die.
  2. Nope - more South Illovo River Centroid? Too far South... ok, let's try again - Tonteldoos VI Spot on
  3. Nope - more South Illovo River Centroid? Too far South...
  4. What animal, when dropped from a low height, will shatter and die ?
  5. George W. Bush. http://www.snopes.com/politics/bush/rugby.asp
  6. Nope - bit more South...
  7. 340 Degrees [ On the way to the cache - about 1hour to go ]
  8. Please could all KZN cachers wanting to vote please email me via geocaching and remember to tick: send my email Jacques Notwithstanding the foregoing "judges decision ......" Criteria for voting? May I suggest a combination of (you decide the weighting) Location Hide Container Fave Points PT I was thinking: * Location (which includes hide & container) * Quality of listing * Puzzle (i.e. quality, fun factor, cleverness etc) But the voting is just for me to make up my mind to find out who get the coin. Obviously things like how long the cacher has been hiding etc are also taken into consideration... BUT The judges' decision (that's us) will be final and no correspondence will be entered into
  9. Please could all KZN cachers wanting to vote please email me via geocaching and remember to tick: send my email
  10. For mine: 1. Wrote a PHP script that: a) Get's the data out of GSAK Generates 1000's of images (The latest version now generates into and credit sequences with fading effect) 2. Use VirtualDub to put the images into a AVI 3. Upload to youtube I am constantly uploading new sequences, see the youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bothaj1977
  11. Different Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18gwAiE5t-M
  12. I don't believe it! Just yesterday I had finished my own visualization of 10 years of geocaching in South Africa... was going to publish it today... Here it is: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=r-IPkPi9v5c It's of the whole of South Africa, with caches and logging activity shown. There are also zoom-ins to a few areas of interest over the 10 years, including the Gauteng Power Series right at the end. Awesome!!! Love it! I wrote my own scripts to do mine, but yours is awesome! Love the way it zooms in when there is lots of activity!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCbA1CpUXoo Geocaching in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa From 2005 until 2011
  14. Welcome back! Hope to finally meet you at the event on the 20th this month (http://coord.info/GC3033B)
  15. hmm - on point 1) I did originally think of that, but Sustainability is defined as maintaining something. In the case of 1/5 vs 2/10 - in both cases the person only managed to maintain 20% of their caches, meaning that the SF 'should' be the same... the year factor was brought in to balance long standing caches. (So if you have 1/5 after year 1, and 1/5 after year 2, the latter should have a higher SF) Ultimately, one should assume a cache lifespan is say 10 years. Then give each archived cache a Archived Score - that follows a depreciation line over 10 years (i.e. a cache that lasted 1 min will have a AS = 1, and those that lasted 10 years will have a AS = 0. [ Then sum them all up and divide by your total caches ] - but this is more complex to code for... 2) You could, but then you will need to work on {Archived - 1}, since that would be the 'gap' between the 1st and last. I do agree that one has to discard some outliers due to too few hides etc, but as a quick check - it's a fair indication...
  16. 2nd Draft. I forgot to filter the 1st Draft on SA caches only - small mistake.... South African SF Stats
  17. 1st draft: SF Stats (One could call it the South African Sustainability Stats)
  18. Hi, I only have stats for inside SA, but that would mean it will be sustainability within SA, which is fine. I have done the first run (thanks to Anton for the data. I am just working on the SF formula to make it a better representation of the Sustainability, will post results before Monday
  19. Just thought about your suggestion that padawan should be higher than madsons... well.. Sustainability is about keeping your caches alive for longer... 2 / 120 = ~ 1% loss, madsons have 0% (so as mentioned before, they might never archive a cache, but they should be moved to a different list as the function will "bomb" out as it will tend towards infinity) Jacques
  20. Thanks Anton, Yes - we did think about that. As stated before: You have to based the caches on Traditional, Multi, Wherigo, Letterbox & Mystery caches (In archived & Total hidden) [ One has to exclude earth & virtuals - never gets archived theoretically... ] - and then the obvious ones [ event & cito ] Also, for those who have not archived anything, (They will go on the "cachers to strive towards", so just award say 1000 point (or move to a separate list, they might never archive a cache because of the good hide etc.) [ Theoretically the function will tend to infinity... ] Another thing, you should strictly not round the years and keep it as a fraction (date of 1st plant - current date = fractional value) We did think of a more complex solution which will be more accurate. Assume we give a "grace" for archiving a cache after 10 years, then one could award a archive score for each archived cache. then Total score = 1 / {sum of archived scores} / { total hidden (Trad,Multi,Wherigo,Letter,Mystery) } Where archived scores = 1 - ( {age of cache} / 10 ) where the {age of cache} >= 10 = 10 So a cache that last a week will have a age score of ~ 1 And a cache of 9 years will have a score of 0.1 (10 years and above = 0) - linear "depreciation" of a cache But the first method was the "quickest" and easiest to get a fair indication of what's what...
  21. I'm curious... who will be able to (Danie?) do the following stats: Archived vs Available caches (based on Traditional, Multi, Wherigo, Letterbox & Mystery caches) for the caches placed in the last year. (per region) ALSO Who is the most sustainable cache planter. (ignore non cache planters of course)Based on Traditional, Multi, Wherigo, Letterbox & Mystery caches i.e. Person A planted 1st cache on 1 June 2004, and since planted 100 (of which 40 are archived) so sustainable factor = 1 / ( {# of archived caches} / {# of total caches} ) / {# of years since 1st cache placed} SF = 1 / [ ( 40 / 100 ) / 7 ] SF = 1 / 0.057143 SF = 17.5 another example: Person B planted 1st cache on 1 June 2010, and since planted 30 ( of which 10 are archived ) SF = 1 / [ (10 / 30 ) / 1 ] SF = 1 / 0.33333 SF = 3
  22. Wow - interesting! [ I know people sitting around the 0.01 mark ] So from the above, 50% of all the cachers in SA have a Karma of >= 1 (They putting back into the game) [ If we have people just finding caches, the sport will deplete with no new caches for anyone to find ]
  23. Can you do a histogram of caching Karma to give an indication of where most people are sitting. i.e. bar for every karma band and height is the % of people in that karma band Karma band on X axis (rounded to closes 0.1) (0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 etc... 13.6) Maybe duplicate exactly as above for Karma / Years caching [ List people in each band?!] (As above, filter on people who found at least 50)
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