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Everything posted by magellan315

  1. There is a cache in New Jersey froma jet trainer that crashed in the woods about 40 or 50 years ago. Try a key word search for "weird nj" and check out this website for a military crash site http://www.serve.com/mahood/a-12/
  2. There is a cache in New Jersey froma jet trainer that crashed in the woods about 40 or 50 years ago. Try a key word search for "weird nj" and check out this website for a military crash site http://www.serve.com/mahood/a-12/
  3. We had problems with someone in Orlando, FL who was switching caches around, eventually they stopped, not sure what happened to them. The best thing you can do is to temporarily disable the cache and wait 30 to 60 days in the hopes that they lose interest. Have to admit this is a new one though, defecating in the cache.
  4. We had problems with someone in Orlando, FL who was switching caches around, eventually they stopped, not sure what happened to them. The best thing you can do is to temporarily disable the cache and wait 30 to 60 days in the hopes that they lose interest. Have to admit this is a new one though, defecating in the cache.
  5. I've been looking for an option beyond Granol/Powerbars for some upcoming difficult caches in case I get stuck in the woods. I used to get MRE's from a friend who was Army reserve and they were not very edible. Instead check out your local camping supply store for freeze dried food, all you do is add boiling water and they have a wide selction that appears very edible.
  6. The zip code for High Springs, FL is 32643. Try searching with that and you'll find several caches in the area
  7. I'm trying to use the Topozone Maps for some caches that are coming up that are very difficult. I can't figure out what the target mark looks like that is supposed to indicate the cache. The box at the bottom of the map is checked, so it should appear,
  8. I have to agree with Geo Quest for most caches I have a lumber(fanny pack) that I got at sports Authority that allows me to carry a single water bottle and some extra stuff in the fanny pack. This works well for the majority of the caches and I have a basic day pack for any caches that require an actual hike, but don't need it mosty of the time.
  9. check out this website, the Cleveland Metroparks system allows Geocaching and has even placed some of their own caches. They have used the Geocaching guidleines as their rules and have created a simple permit system. http://www.clevelandmetroparks.com/recreation/geocaching.html
  10. go to the home page and read the FAQ's this will answer most of your questions
  11. If you are going to spend a lot of time in environments that are generally wet, go to your local boating supply store or find one online. There is a line of waterproof pouches that are clear and will keep water out. Even though GPS's are generally water resistant to some degree a small investment to protect your GPS is cheaper than buying a new one.
  12. If you are going to spend a lot of time in environments that are generally wet, go to your local boating supply store or find one online. There is a line of waterproof pouches that are clear and will keep water out. Even though GPS's are generally water resistant to some degree a small investment to protect your GPS is cheaper than buying a new one.
  13. There are two two close to Universal, Fiver Cache and Berry Fresh. Also any cache by Ger & Serina is worth checking out. I'd also try Wings over Orlando(I think thats then name) Its a very interesting location near the airport. No matter what bring the mosquito repplelent.
  14. Going to the head of any beaucratic organization is not always the best way to start, its easyer for them to say no and they very rarely use the areas that they are responsible for. Instead do what I did, I found the manager responsible for a specific park, made an apppoinment with him so he could see a Geocache and I could explain to him about the sport. Not only did he let e place a cache he drove me around for 45 minutes and helped me find a spot.
  15. Its the speed the GPS/you are moving at the that moment. If you are going uphill you will natuarlly be moving at a slower speed than going down hill.
  16. Thre are plenty of Geocaches in the greater Orlando area that do not require you to drive 50 miles in one direction. You should consider doing a zip code search using 32819 which is the zip code for the area including Universal.
  17. Its good to see that the Cleveland Metroparks system has recognized Geocaching as yet another way for people to enjoy and encourage more visitors to visit their parks. And have taken the approach that with some simple, basic user requirements we can participate if we choose. Makes me want to move to Cleveland. I'd be curious as how they first heard about Geocaching and why they came up with such an accomodating policy.
  18. Its good to see that the Cleveland Metroparks system has recognized Geocaching as yet another way for people to enjoy and encourage more visitors to visit their parks. And have taken the approach that with some simple, basic user requirements we can participate if we choose. Makes me want to move to Cleveland. I'd be curious as how they first heard about Geocaching and why they came up with such an accomodating policy.
  19. I found that more so than the encrypted cheat once I started using a compass as I got close to a cache I found caches quicker and easier.
  20. I found that more so than the encrypted cheat once I started using a compass as I got close to a cache I found caches quicker and easier.
  21. I took a look at the list of locationless caches and on the whole I thought some real effort has been but into creatibg some unique caches. The NGS Benchmarks and the Tobbacco Pouch are great ideas. So long as the list does not get junked up with caches were you supply a picture of a dalmation or a red car. while it may be the cache placers favorite thing, it does not show any real effort. Unlike the Tobbacco Pouch where somone really knew something about the local regions history and its a great way to document and preserve a vanishing part of Americana
  22. While most of the caches are micros, there is one at Disney that is a standard cache in the woods at a hotel. It won't matter of the type of cache it will be someone who is acting in a "suspicious manner" that will cause the problem. There was a cache discovered by Disney Security, pre 9/11. You have to keep in mind that Disney World has a major influenece in the local economy and the knee jerk reaction to keep Disney happy can ruin things for everyone.
  23. While most of the caches are micros, there is one at Disney that is a standard cache in the woods at a hotel. It won't matter of the type of cache it will be someone who is acting in a "suspicious manner" that will cause the problem. There was a cache discovered by Disney Security, pre 9/11. You have to keep in mind that Disney World has a major influenece in the local economy and the knee jerk reaction to keep Disney happy can ruin things for everyone.
  24. I live in Orlando, FL and we have a similar problem and to make matters worse these cahces are not placed by local people. They are placed by people who come form out of state, so when this becomes a problem it is those of us who live here who suffer the consequences. I understand that these people want to share their love for Disney or Universal. However if you are true fan you should be able to come up with a unique virtual.
  25. I live in Orlando, FL and we have a similar problem and to make matters worse these cahces are not placed by local people. They are placed by people who come form out of state, so when this becomes a problem it is those of us who live here who suffer the consequences. I understand that these people want to share their love for Disney or Universal. However if you are true fan you should be able to come up with a unique virtual.
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