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Everything posted by bullit

  1. Posted interest for 60 for theGBA.net coin club in the KTAG forum under the login bullit1 since bullit was taken. Posting here so the link to my profile is available easily. Hopefully we got in in time Thanks!
  2. put me down for five if any are left email sent edit: actually I'll buy the remaining 19 -- email sent again
  3. Thanks for the reminder, I'll be coming in with 52 or 55 coins. Payment will be sent tomorrow. Thanks!
  4. Any news on this guy? Design, dates etc?
  5. Nice looking coin. Please put me down for about 60 coins for the GBA coin club. Thanks!
  6. Looks cool Please put the GBA coin club down for about 60-70 coins. Thanks!
  7. I still have some Santa Cruz coins, among others, available to trade. List of stuff I have is in my profile. Email me if interested.
  8. Add me for about 72 coins. Thanks!
  9. Adding a post to confirm the 60-ish coin order from the GBA coin club that Kealia posted above. Thanks!
  10. Sign the GBA coin club up for around 60 coins pending the design.
  11. Please stick me on the list for around 60 coins for the Bay Area Coin Club. Thanks!
  12. The GBAcoinclub will boost our order to around 60 coins from around the 30-40 we initially expressed interest in via email. Please let me know if you guys can cover this. Is there a list of people with confirmed orders anywhere?
  13. The GBA coin club would buy about 60 coins.
  14. I'll trade a Santa Cruz for one of yours.
  15. I'll trade a SC for a GGA. They'll be in hand next week.
  16. I've got Germany, Utah, Canada, Ckayaks, Santa Cruz(next week) available for trades for personal coins or others. Let me know if anyone is interested.
  17. I'd take a single or more coins if any spares are left as well.
  18. bullit

    Bc Geocoin

    These are orders for groups of people. This just makes the whole process easier than a bunch of people placing individual orders. My order of 60 coins is for a group of 20 avid coin collecting geocachers in the SF Bay Area(theGBA.net), as is done in Nurse Dave's group(33 members scattered around the world) the members buy 3 coins each but I consolidate the order into one, saves on shipping, saves forum thread space and makes it easier for the vendor in terms of tracking one order versus 20 individuals and the time saved to pack and ship all of those orders. When combined with NDs group it also allows most people doing a coin to be bumped up into lower pricing for higher volume orders. Most people in the club keep one in their sig/coin collections and then trade with others locally or afar, some even drop them as very cool trade items or FTF prizes.
  19. bullit

    Bc Geocoin

    The Bay Area Coin Club would buy about 60 coins, please add us to the list
  20. We'll be coming in with around a 50 coin order for the Bay Area Coin Club on Tuesday. Thanks!
  21. Put me down for around 50 coins. Thanks!
  22. Please put me down for a tentative order of ~50 coins for our coin club pending final design and pricing info. Thanks!
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