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Everything posted by Mredria

  1. Mredria

    SWAG ?

    I am a terrible packrat. I have two wooden boxes here at home. One is filled with swag to go into caches and the other is filled with things I have picked up from caches. Sometimes the swag-in box gets too full and I hem and haw over what things I will take out and move to the swag-out box. I'll never give up the first thing I found tho! A beat up toy jaguar car.
  2. My geodog is not for finding caches... she's for protecting me from scary, dangerous muggles. ... Oh wait, maybe not.
  3. I die on the inside every time i don't find the 1/1.5 cache a block from my house, does that count?
  4. Me too! I've been pressing my nails through reading this whole post, yick!. And I learned that my boots don't fit properly. Hell. I'm put off my food AND I need to spend more money.
  5. Mredria


    Because sometimes things turn out ok. I bought my coins and bugs knowing that I was giving them away. I hope whoever breaks the rotation at leasts keeps and enjoys it and doesnt lose it.
  6. Like Lickety-Split, I had 2 brothers in the scouts. I loved everything they were doing and finally joined Girl Scouts. I found out that girl scouts was about learning to make a bed, learning to cook (something I already knew how to do e_e) and going to camps with pretty cabins and learning all about horsies (HUUUR HUUR). I quit "lickety-split" and continued tagging along with my brothers. v_v
  7. When I was working at Michael's someone came in and after being in the store for 2 or 3 eternities they, they came to my register with a very unique stamp. I commented that it was very interesting and was probably the last one we had. They said they hoped so because they were going to use it for letterboxing. Of course I was like, Letterboxing? What's that? So they explained it to me and I read the wiki about it on my sidekick during lunch. While reading that I also read about geocaching. Geocaching sounded much more my style, but I didn't have a GPS enabled phone and whatnot and I was very busy then so I filed it away in my mind. Several months and a G1 later, I found a pawprint stamp in my room and though, Oh! I have a GPS phone. I bet I could go adventuring. I typed Geocaching into Google and found out there was a cache within walking distance (walking distance to me is less than a thousand feet) of my house. So I IM'd my brother and was like, Dude, we should Geocache and he was like "Dude, I can dig it." So now I guess we're doing it.
  8. I'm also a very small girl, often going caching by myself. I avoid places that I don't feel comfortable until I can bring someone, like my caching brother, or I bring my dog with me. I feel less safe in parking lots than I do bushwhacking near some lot, though. At least in the brush I could hear someone coming.
  9. Another reason I like graveyard caches; For people like my other brother, who doesn't cache a whole lot, or my boyfriend, there's no REASON to go to a cache spot. A graveyard is a nice excuse. If I said park, they'd be like booooring and if I said trail they'd fall on the floor asleep but if I'm like, "It's in a grave yard oooOOOoo" then they can at least get mildly interested.
  10. Because making a little bank just takes all the fun out of our game... Oh wait. No it doesnt. Someone's gotta pay for this nice system we have, and someone who's working on it's got to be paid. Since when has being a business been evil? Since when has providing a service for money been bad? I'll never understand it.
  11. Bring a dog. For some reason people find you less threatening if you have a dog. Then again I have a corgi (refer to avatar) and no one can ever think they're threatening. What kind of kidnapper has a corgi? None.
  12. Like Skelly, my caching is mostly done M-F between the hours of 7am and 11am. I doubt I'll ever meet anyone. Luckily I have my brothers to keep me company.
  13. Silver Creek Falls is so close to my house that I can walk over to it in my spare time. I see the locale every time I leave my neighborhood and every time I come back home. Two DNF's so far, even though I have walked by with my dog and given the area a once over several times w/o GPS. I even had my brother go out and take a look. I am certain that it will kill me one day. I have it watched too. Every find takes a hefty chunk out of my ego.
  14. When my brother and I started not long ago we had quite frusterating hunts. Then we went back after we had a few finds under our belt and were like, "There's no way it was there all along! We crawled all over!" They all feel easy to find once you found them.
  15. If I drill a hole in a rock for an unrelated reason, like... because I just really like drilling... (har har har) can I still put a cache there? Or what if I turn into a werewolf and make a hole in a tree with WEREWOLF RAGE? After I return to my human state, I can like, totally hide something there, right?
  16. My bro Coaxfun got me some microcache containers and a travel bug.
  17. Right-oh Bad Duck. A year ago I saw someone go after a LPC in a park here in houston and I thought it was some sort of drug dead drop or something. ... Then of course my natural curiousity bade me to go see and i opened it up and found a log. I was like "oh, it must be some sort of school game." and i put it back.
  18. Easiest way to explain it in a way all forum goers have seen. Some people are just trolls. Try not to feed them.
  19. tl;dr all posts, though i did read more than i feel comfortable admitting. I just wanted to add my 2cents. I'm kind of an idiot and a lot of a newbie. In the mood of the moment, I would most definitely shove my hand in a breaker box, or in the whole of a light post because I wouldn't be thinking of getting shocked. I'm thinking of getting the cache. It's not that I'm AFRAID of getting shocked, or that I think that's what I'm gonna die of. It's that now that I've read Johnnygeo's blog, I think about it. I am more careful about shoving my hand anywhere, for shock or spiders or snakes or otherwise, and I don't think that the extra caution has hurt me or my enjoyment of the game.
  20. Don't forget the sunlight. Huh? I think they mean about the skin cancers.
  21. I really like the add-on foxmarks on firefox so that i can have all my bookmarks on any firefox machine. I hear there's things like this for other browsers though.
  22. This wouldn't freak me out too much... I would actually considering putting one near a bench that is very close to some of my relative's graves (long dead). I didn't even think that it would be disrespectful at all, but now that I think about it I wouldn't put it near like, a military memorial or some one else's area of a cemetary. I like to think that if my dead relatives just chill around the graveyard (which i hope they don't) they'd probably enjoy the company of cachers
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