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Everything posted by GPSKitty

  1. There are worse addictions. Cacher's spouses should be glad that it's not alcohol, gambling. Instead, it's good, clean fun. GPSKitty
  2. Yes! Come come get get me me. Break me outta this joint. I need a cache fix. Going cold turkey sucks! GPSKitty
  3. Hello, my name is GPSKitty. At least that is the name I will use here. I would just die if any of my friends/family knew that it has come to this so I can't use my real name. It started out so innocently. you see. I was told it was harmless. "Just try it once. If you don't like it, you never have to do it again. No one will ever know." Well, that was over a month ago and now I've been reduced to attending Geo-holics meetings. How quickly a life can spiral out of control. I didn't even see it coming. I haven't done it much. Really, I haven't. And yet it is always there in the back of my mind, a nagging thought that won't go away. I am recovering from foot surgery at the moment, so now all I can do is browse the cache pages, planning my next cache outing. I live vicariously through the stories of other cachers' adventures. I am clearly in the middle of withdrawls...night sweats, tremors, extreme thirst, inability to concentrate. Bothered by bright lights and loud noises. Someone make it STOP!!!
  4. I commend you guys for being so concerned about butt littering. I think that us non-smokers would be much more tolerant of smokers if it wasn't for the inconsiderate ones who think that the world is their ashtray. I especially love the ones who throw the butt out the window while driving. I'm sure their car has an ashtray. I guess they don't want to dirty up the inside of the car by having something as offensive as a cig butt in the ashtray. But again, I respect you for attempting to find a way to dispose of your butts responsibly. I had an ex-bf who smoked non-filters and he field stripped. I had never heard of it til then. My most recent ex-bf would pocket them. I hope you find the containers you are looking for. GPSKitty
  5. I too was once wondering what all this NORM and WOODY stuff was. After a bit in the Abject Silliness thread and reading WildEarths post I got it figured out. He is totally into the NORM WOODY thing. I know what Norm is, but what's a Woody? Ok, since no one else is answering. A woody is the last post on the page. Don't know why, though. GPSKitty
  6. My very first try was a DNF. Urban micro hidden in a newspaper vending machine. I KNEW it was in there, but I was real worried about being seen by muggles so I couldn't give it all the effort I wanted to . I went back a few nights later and found it. But I had already found another virtual or two and a micro in the meantime. And I learned a bit about how newspaper machines are built. Who knew you could tuck a micro in a cubby hole that most people don't even know is there? I was hooked from the beginning. It's like deciphering clues in a mystery novel and putting together a puzzle all at the same time. GPSKitty edit:fix spelling
  7. I don't understand it, either. He had an explanation of not wanting to "disturb the cache"; I don't think he was even taking or leaving items. At least he wasn't trading down! This situation certainly tops my list of unexpected behavior. No, the most unexpected was the guy in Jacksonville leaving organic deposits in caches. He finally stopped after being threatened with great bodily harm! I, for one, am not eating shoe leather. He was behaving in a suspicious manner IMO. If you behave suspiciously, you will be suspected. If I had behaved the way he did, and then realized all the suspicion I had raised, I wouldn't be the least bit hurt or offended. I would have the sense to realize that OF COURSE these people thought I was doing something dishonest. I wasn't playing the game according to the accepted standards. Not wanting to "disturb the cache"? That doesn't make sense. The cache is there to be "disturbed", although hopefully not by muggles. I still don't know if this guy is on the up and up. Apparently he has started signing logs now? If so, then he is gaining credibility. GPSKitty
  8. Usually you take an item and leave an item ++I interpret this to mean you don't HAVE to trade, but it's customary++ and enter your name and experience in the log book. ++I see this as separate from the first part. The trade is optional, the sign-in is not.++ some people prefer to just enter their name into the log book ++This reinforces what I just said....even if you don't trade, you sign the log.++ It's an accomplishment enough to locate the cache ++To me this means that you didn't go caching with the idea of getting a new trinket, you just wanted to find it. I see no connection to this part and whether or not you are supposed to sign the log++ GPSKitty
  9. It means you've been a very good boy or girl. If you post something naughty your warning goes up. You can only see your own warning level and none of us can see yours. GPSKitty
  10. But if that were the case, he would/could/should respond to emails that have reportedly been sent requesting an explanation. GPSKitty
  11. I declare him guilty of cheating. The Kitty has spoken. GPSKitty
  12. Thanks for clarifying.... GPSKitty
  13. Smells mighty fishy, and us kittys have a nose for fish. The only way to prove you were there is to sign. If signing the log were not a requirement, there would be LOTS of folks who would boost their numbers the couch potato way. Not kosher. BTW- I noticed he uses some abbreviations I'm not familiar with: TFTH MEFF Can someone define for me? He's been doing this for about a month. I wonder if anyone has called him on it yet. GPSKitty
  14. This seems to be a pretty popular practice, but I wonder how they know the cache was actually missing and if it is, where the original was hidden. Placing your own cache and logging it as a found seems like a cheesy way to pad numbers. Of course you found the cache....it was in your backpack moron! Yeah, I've read online logs where the cacher couldn't find the cache at the location, pronounced it missing and replaced it with their own handy dandy cache, logging it as a find. The "missing" cache is subsequently found and then there are TWO caches, both of which then have log books that are being logged into on an ongoing basis. No one knows which one they are finding. Only the cache owner should replace a cache. I don't understand the archive process well enough to comment on it, but I guess a cache can be deemed abandoned and adopted by someone else. But to drop off a cache and then say "Found It!". I don't think so. GPSKitty
  15. Fascinating thought process. How do you find something that isn't there?? Let's all play pretend. You pretend to hide it and I'll pretend to find it. GPSKitty
  16. You need some serious help. Like maybe a 12-step program. GPSKitty
  17. No, it just means you're human...or an ape. GPSKitty
  18. The only thing I can think to say in his defense, is that he is apparently very inexperienced. I'm no veteran myself, but I took a lot of time to read the boards and the logs of caches in my area. It gives you a good feel for how the game/sport is played. What's expected, and what isn't. What's acceptable, and what isn't. But that's just MY style. Some folks like to jump into the deep end and then learn to swim the hard way. He only has two virtuals and those were back in June. He's still learning what constitutes a traditional find. And sorry, I don't think close is good enough. GPSKitty
  19. Not a find in my book. Even if I can see a cache, what if it's too high for me to reach? Would I log it as a find? Nope. What if I just KNOW it's under that bench where that muggle is sitting and I don't want to compromise the cache, but gosh darn I'm in a rush and I can't really wait around for Mr. Muggle to leave? Would I log it as a find? Nope. Part of the difficulty is in retrieving it from it's resting place. If it's not in your hands, I don't consider it a find. My newbie 2 cents. GPSKitty edit: I can spell, really I can.
  20. Your CAT!!!??? All of these stories has made me VERY grateful that I have never been in the habit of putting things on the roof in the first place. I didn't know that it was possible to enter your personal information into a GPSr. Must be the newer models? Mine is a now-discontinued Garmin eMap. I have a label maker though, so I will make sure to put the contact info on the outside. Never would have thought of that. You've all made me feel better though. At least there are others out there who are as absent minded (or more-so) than me. GPSKitty
  21. Oh, someone told me to click my heels 3 times while clucking like a chicken. Those devious veteran cachers. GPSKitty
  22. But apparently you have a salivation problem. Dawgs! Quick....how to make a quick u-turn and get this back on-topic! Ummm....oh, yeah. It would seem that using the four letter word "purr" does not get one's warning level raised. Whew! Back on topic, right? GPSKitty
  23. ouch. <slinking off to catnap in the sun> GPSKitty
  24. I was confused at first by the acronyms, but figured them out by reading many logs. Some people write out the phrase, rather than using the abbreviation, so I was able to decipher TNLNSL and all the variations. Swag had me stumped for awhile, but I found a thread that explained it well. "Markwell" too. I STILL don't know what "Norm" means nor do I understand the frog connection. Or the goofy pose with the finger on the chin. Yeah, I saw the thread with all the photoshopped pics and I just don't get it. These are apparently inside jokes and I'm still a new dork on the block. There is time for me to catch on to it all. GPSKitty PS: It sounds like some of you had some brutal school days. I was just a dork, I wasn't attacked for it. Well, maybe once, but we won't talk about that.
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