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PapaKen & Co.

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Everything posted by PapaKen & Co.

  1. i was thinking the same thing! for driving past the location, you get a "did not find" unhappy smiley face! I'll have you know I didn't get lost,why won't anyone believe me? lol First of all, I drove all the way down to SLC without amap of any sort! (probably mistake #1 but I couldn't find my atlas before I left). Second, The queenbee gave me directions herself, what more do I need?Thirdly, I didn't download anything on my GPS, I almost didn't bring it but threw it in my bag last second so that wouldn't have helped me anyhow. Fourthly, when you're a country kid who lives in a state with less people than Salt Lake City itself that traffic totally sucked and I don't think I said so many swear words in my life since I had to drive to Cali for GW acouple years ago Fifthly, how the heck am I suppose to know when the heck the SLC ended and the next town began? They all run together, it all looks like one giant city to me. I drove until I recognized a name of a different town (not having a map is a bad idea ) then i knew I was waaaaaay past where I should have been. Sixthly once I got the RIGHT directions, I found it pretty easily. Seventhly when I left SLC this morning, I-15 NB lane was closed and I was wishing I had a map but I did find my way out after a half hour without a map. I was cussing up a new storm this morning. Eightly, when I finally got to the event, seems like everyone knew I had been driving around for well over an hour trying to find the place. Pete was zero help Hey give a Montana kid credit, the last thing on my mind out the door was; "heck, who needs a map, it's right off I-15, how hard can it be to find?" Famousl ast words of a fool without a GPS or map, lmao. I was NOT lost, I was misguided! Did I mention I hate driving in the city? Sorry 'bout all the construction. As locals we're used to it. Well not used to it but learn to expect it. Very few places you can go anywhere in the valley without running into some construction. We recently changed our State Tree to an Orange construction cone.
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