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Everything posted by gridlox

  1. Just remember that they are listed "As The Crow Flies" not by road access. I've got one near me that is only 1.5 miles away. It would take me at least half a good day to get it, because it is only accessible by hiking up a trail that zig-zags up the side of a mountain. But then just on the other side of the mountain about 7 miles away is 5 hides that are accessible by roads. In fact, I logged 3 of them this afternoon during the time period of about 45 minutes!! So a word of advice, (especially if you are unfamiliar with and area) printout the road maps that are on the cache pages too! To familiarize yourself with your surroundings. D-man
  2. gridlox

    Led Lites

    Cool! Thanks! I do a little bit of Amatuer Astronomy also and this would be a LOT better than the flashlight with the red taillight lens tape over it that I use now. Plus hands free to boot!! Bookmarked for future purchase!! D-man
  3. OH Good GOD!! Now that is tacky!! Every respectable redneck knows if you paint your house pink, the shutters & trim have to be painted a nice contrasting color. Either lavendar or chartruese is the prefered match in the "Housepainting for Rednecks" book!! One single color is just simply TACKY! TACKY!! TACKY!!! D-man
  4. Yeah I suppose your probably right! But I wouldn't want to take the risk of getting busted for falsely representing myself as some licensed official of some sort when a simple name change will clear it all up. Plus I don't think "Hey Sweetcheeks! I'm a GPS Surveyor. IF you give me some good co-ordinates to your special hide, I guarantee you I can find it?!" would hold up too well in a bar either!! D-man
  5. NO. Sorry, you need a federal permit to remove an actual birds nest! Your's may be mistaken for one, and then it'll make a cacher a felon Really, you do need a federal permit. Perhaps just camoflauge the tupperware. Leslie Seriously!?! Dang!! I'm in deep do-doo!! Where we used to rent from, I removed a sparrow's nest almost every spring!! They would build in the space up under a window AC unit. After the babies left, I would remove it so we could use the AC in the summer. But they came back every year like clockwork. We used to love it when they hatched! We'd have a little celebration dinner and fix a birthday cake! We'd sit and watch them through the edge of the window until they got old enough to fly away. Truely amazing!! Sadly, for our little friends, we moved out of the house a few years ago and the landlord upgraded to central AC before re-renting it. And removed the window unit. But now we have 3 bird houses on the back fence and as of this weekend we have full occupancy for the coming spring!! D-man
  6. No they don't. They have no such 'right' at all. To allow property owners to 'decorate' their property to the detriment of their neighbors is not a 'right'. If the neighbors want to correct this problem they first need to obtain a set of gonads larger than the offending self-centered insulting moron next door. Then to collectively organize against the pitiful inconsiderate loser. Haul his sorry butt through the courts and otherwise harrass and confound him until he either gets the message or better yet, moves to some other neighborhood where his special 'decorating' talents will be more acceptable. Then pass the local ordinances and Convenants, Conditions and Rules that are sometimes necessary to get the attention of those who seem to think that the universe revolves around their miserable little selves. Trust me, you'd not like to be MY neighbor. Well that is unless you are capable of behaving in a manner consistient with normally experienced social and neighborly norms. For some strange reason there are those that find this to be an extremely difficult thing to comprehend. Oooo!! You definately wouldn't want to be my neighbor then!! I'm sorry! If I pay my good hard earned American cash for a piece of property, ain't NOBODY, short of local, state and federal laws, gonna dictate how I decide to use it!! Co-op or no co-op!! If someone came to me and started getting all uppity about what they thought I needed to do with my property, they better have cash in hand to buy it and do what "they" want or "shut up!" Heck! I'm a pretty creative guy & a redneck at that! I'm sure I would definately have some sort of "out of codes" violation to go up the first week I moved in. Just because I like the way it looks. Old tires make great flower beds by the way!! Trust me if they kept it up, I would find any and every loophole in the codes and extort them to the fullest extent within my means!! Which is probably what happened in this case. TACKY? Heck Yeah!! Right to do it? MORE POWER TO THEM!! D-man
  7. Sorry! This just struck me funny! I can see it now!! D-man
  8. If briansnat is just trying to jerk some of you guys chains then he's succeeded! Don't take life so serious, it's only temporary! Nobody gets out alive! Have fun and enjoy life!! D-man
  9. Thanks! I did get the PM's. I just did a quick search on the GA Secretary of State website and found this!! I think a definate name change on the mags there are in order. We did have them on the truck when we went out hunting this afternoon. Had a few people glance at them and then just ignored us, but then we also had a park ranger give us a big wave as we entered a local state park for a cache in the area. Maybe it wasn't something he thought about needing to checking us out for. But then again, if we'd hit an over-zealous one, we may have gotten in over our heads. Thanks for the warning!! D-man
  10. Oh Well! If thats the way you guys feel about creative caches then I guess I'll just go ahead and scrap my idea for the Carman Miranda look-a-like Macarena Dance hide!! Just kidding!! Yeah this one would definately be a DNF for this two left footed hoofer. D-man
  11. So far I've only encountered 1 person that stopped me and started asking questions. It was in a very visivble - high muggle count area and one of the employees of a close by business was alert to a high amount of people walking around the hide area. I told her the scavenger hunt line, then she kept asking more questions. I kept giving her short non-descript answers, until she recognized I had a GPS in my hand instead of a cell phone. Then mentioned she had one but never learned how to use it. Then it was like a light bulb went off and she asked if I was using the GPS to find stuff. Then I gave her a brochure that I'd printed up from the "Geocaching U" website and told her exactly what I was doing there. I think may have converted her. Check these out! They are magnetics! I just made them a few days ago to slap on the side of my truck when out caching. Maybe it'll ward off a few people if they think I'm some sort of official. D-man
  12. I paid right at $2 bucks for the box of chips at Wal-mart. Since I design for the signshop that printed the decals I got them for free. But for anyone else, they have a shop minimum invoice price of $25 dollars and I would suspect theses would fit in that area. Might be a little more to have them UV Resistant Laminated, but "as is" the solvent inks are factory rated for 3-5 year outdoor life in direct sunlight. So, I really didn't see the need for the laminate. Other than just adding a little more protection to the print itself. Then I spent one evening putting the decals on while watching TV. $27 Total divided by 100 chips comes to 27 cents a piece. (Plus about 3 hours of assembly time.) Pretty dang good for something that looks that nice!! Oh yeah, I forgot about another hour in drawing and creating the design for the decals themselves. For me FREE!! Anybody else $45/hr!! I guess if I were to do them for someone else, I'd charge around $75 for a box of 100. Still that comes to "75 cents a piece", and that's still pretty reasonable for a custom one of a kind signature item. D-man
  13. This is a good time to place paternal twins caches! Two totally different container types, placed at the required distance from each other. When the time limit runs out, move twin one to twin two's spot and vice-versus. "Technically" you've fullfilled the requirements of moving the cache, but then also you haven't disturbed the location of your cache sites. Worth a try anyway. ??? D-man
  14. Now THIS is the post I was looking for when I accidentally posted this below in the midwest section. ****************************** Made these a few weeks ago. Bicycle brand Poker chips with decals printed by a sign company that is one of my clients I design for. I drew a cartoon version of Possum Pete our mascot (see second pic) and placed him on there. Here's Possum Pete on our very first find!! D-man
  15. gridlox


    Nope. If it were truly a "markwell" there would have been a link to a previous discussion where this information could be found OK! So I guess this means I have been now! Thanks! D-man
  16. I did the same thing! I was looking for a place to show mine and did a search for "signature items" I posted before I realized I was in the wrong area! Oh well. D-man
  17. Hey! That's a good idea! He have an increasing Hispanic population around here and they hang in the parks on the weekends where a few caches area hidden. On Sundays they just about fill two of the local parks! Be nice to have something in the caches for them to read if they were to stumble up on one. Kinda envy them that they can just get together with friends and family for no reason than just to eat, have fun playing ball, & visiting. Shoot for my whole family to get together it has to be a holiday or a funeral. And even then, someone usually ends up getting their a** on their shoulders about something. D-man
  18. Had to look up some of your cache finds to see what area you were from. Thought you might have been from my area! Your mom was right!! Back when I was in high school ('79-'83), we had a party area back in the woods where we'd have our beer bashes. If you've ever seen the movie "Dazed & Confused" - That was a pretty accurate representation of one our blowouts!! The road "in" was an old dirt & gravel road that was just around a sharp curve hidden by some bushes when coming from town. When ever we would go out & party, that would be our signal to let everyone know a party was going on. An "empty" six pack was placed on a power pole on the main highway to let everyone know it was going down. Then another was placed on another pole just before the hidden road to warn people where to turn. There were a few pre-partying types that missed the curve!! Luckily it was the driveway to a farm and had a nice soft area for landing if you tried for a last minute swerve in!! D-man
  19. Made these a few weeks ago. Bicycle brand Poker chips with decals printed by a sign company that is one of my clients I design for. I drew a cartoon version of Possum Pete our mascot (see second pic) and placed him on there. Here's Possum Pete on our very first find!! D-man
  20. WOW!! That is too cool!! Small world we live in! Edited your photo... Red arrow is Mrs. Grid & Blue arrow is me!! (behind the guy in blue) I got blocked out down the block for the awards for the stage win, but we had a great spot camped out for the TT finish & awards. Here's a good pic I got of the TT winners. Just found out today that the Tour de Georgia is coming back to Rome for two days!!! this year. April 20-21 Stage 2 will finish in Rome and then the next day we will host the TT again! The Discovery Team has announce that they will take part, but no word on whether Lance will make it again this year. D-man
  21. gridlox


    Cool! Thanks! I was in the right area, but just one state off. I told her I thought it was in Washington somewhere. Now I know. D-man PS: Since Markwell answered, does this mean I was OFFICIALLY Markwell'ed!?!
  22. Ah ha!! Had to re- REGISTER! Fixed!
  23. gridlox


    Markwell me if you have to, but I just can't find it and I know I read it somewhere around here... Where exactly was the very first geocache placed? And, Is it still there? I was sharing my new found hobbie with a customer yesterday and she asked me and I didn't know. TIA!! D-man
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