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Posts posted by Zarya.

  1. For Lennu:

    I got stung a couple times by wasps about 3 weeks ago (while caching, one on my eye, thankfully closed, and one on my wrist) and while the itching and rash subsided after the second week, the swelling is still there even now. It's not too much of a concern though, unless the itching/rash/hives spreads around your body in the first day(s).


    I recommend applying a warm wet towel to the sites of the sting; if done early enough, this will help to draw the toxin out and help the area feel better. Applying a cream with antiseptic and healing factors will lower the already-low chance of secondary infection and aid with tissue repair. If severe, a tad of benadryl (diphenhydramine) can help to decrease the inflammation.


    Once stung recently, it is always a good idea to be more careful when caching - stand still, observe and listen for those insects before entering the brush, or leave those caches for winter - because with every incident, the chance of an allergic reaction developing increases exponentially.


    Now I wear a double-layered attire when bushwhacking, and pack an insect net hood. The next time I get stung, as per WAFA precuationary measure, I'm getting myself an epinephrine auto-injector.

  2. arrival.jpg


    Starting my geocoin hoard with class - first of the dragon spinners and planispheres have arrived.


    10 convoys of assorted treasures still en route.


    "It's been a dry season, but the storm clouds are moving in - and when it rains, it pours," I told the officers over at shipping/receiving logistics.



  3. I vote for both Calgary and Denver.


    Calgary because I'm from Alberta and would love to see the additional development of the geocaching scene in the area.


    Denver because almost every single [cheapest] flight I've taken out of Alberta or BC to cities in USA seems to transit at Denver, making it the most accessible city in USA to me.

  4. I vote for both Calgary and Denver.


    Calgary because I'm from Alberta and would love to see the additional development of the geocaching scene in the area.


    Denver because almost every single [cheapest] flight I've taken out of Alberta or BC to cities in USA seems to transit at Denver, making it the most accessible city in USA to me.

  5. As a web developer by hobby, I decided to go slightly more in-depth instead of babbling about non-functioning features, and maybe try to be more helpful.


    Mileage on /tracks/details.aspx will not update. For items with zero mileage, this means that mileage number, and map link, will not display at all. This "stuff not appearing" beside the "Tracking History" header is not the problem as the conditional dependence on mileage to not be zero is working as it should. What seems to be broken is the mileage recalculation, leaving my TB stuck at zero.

    Assuming that the database is completely intact from favourable results attempting to directly use the map generator without a link, this suggests that either the recalculation module, or its trigger (or some other dependency) is glitched.


    (Map generator (/track/map_gm.aspx) is still working, even if link does not show up. Noted that it uses the simple TB ID as a get/requestquerystring value instead of a guid string. I discovered my TB ID by placing it in a cache, downloading the cache GPX and manually scanning for travelbug lists, which are right at the bottom. Using this number in the url, I generated the right map which shows all current movements and mileage between logs, including those added a couple days ago and today, demonstrating that the database and whatever mileage and bearing parser it uses is working.)


    To the devs, I may have been stating the obvious all along, but I hope this little bit of sleuthing helps, as opposed to not at all if I was keeping to myself.

  6. Sorry.

    It must be my fault.

    I finally posted too many logs on my coin, and that has messed up the entire system.

    My Geocoin 's mileage has not been updated in many weeks.

    The mileage for each log has not been updated during the same period.


    This calls for a "I broke Geocaching.com" geocoin.

  7. This occurs in firefox 2 and 3 too.


    A geopatch I updated today (dipping into caches visited in the past week) has zero mileage on it, the links to the map do not show up, the mileage statements for each log are not there.


    I would upgrade my membership if that is necessary to see them - seems to be a glitch though.


    I'm a premium member and the mileage is missing so it's not a regular/premium member problem.


    Yes, I upgraded and found your statement to be true. I hoped that little bit of extra support for them from my part can encourage them to fix this problem...

  8. Let it be known that I am after many things draconic or lupine. If only I had created an account and came into the fray sooner, I might have saved myself much time and money. Those wretched ebay bid wars!


    But I must have all the dragon spinners to start with, without compromise. The days without them, following my discovery, grow agonizingly long.


    Notwithstanding, I covet my own geocoin, of which I have been dreaming, planning, and designing, but it still is in no tangible form.

  9. This occurs in firefox 2 and 3 too.


    A geopatch I updated today (dipping into caches visited in the past week) has zero mileage on it, the links to the map do not show up, the mileage statements for each log are not there.


    I would upgrade my membership if that is necessary to see them - seems to be a glitch though.

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