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Everything posted by androns1983

  1. Exactly my point! And speaking of "I love the geofencing aspect, but Wherigos have that already" - in Wherigo builder there are tons of methods how to prevent value guessing and how to make sure that player is out there and not sitting on coach and using fakeGPS app on his phone. Nothing like that in AdvLabs ... and for the lab to be player-friendly, lab owner can ask player to count the windows for example, but that makes the answer easy to guess when playing the lab 'remotely'. From the other hand lab owner could ask player to input all letters from some small info post, but then the real players would be frustrated. I'm saying that AdvLab could exist as spereate game where points are not added to statistics .. or at least one point for one completed adventure lab, not one point for each lab stage. Also I have experienced situations where in the middle of forest the adventure lab application somehow keeps showing that 'loading' circle and not showing the lab ... the mobile data coverage is perfect, but there is some glitch with the app - and there you go - in the middle of trail with non-functioning app looking for adv lab like a fool.
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