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Everything posted by G0ldNugget

  1. Those are good compromises. They require the players get into the field and perform some actual tasks. The alternate AL bonus requires basically the same effort as the AL and preserves the idea that the cache is a bonus for completing the series. These accommodations make more sense than simply providing a puzzle which does not require leaving your computer and isn't a 'bonus' for anything at all. Hats off to those COs for all the added work to accommodate different players and skill levels while preserving the spirit of the challenges. Thanks for sharing these.
  2. I don't understand this idea. I've yet to see a puzzle cache that provides an alternate puzzle in case you don't like the first one. "I don't do Adventure Labs but I want the bonus." Nope. Either do the required tasks to claim the bonus or don't. No one is entitled to a shortcut.
  3. Which you can't do with Adventure Labs with no cell service. Lack of cell service is definitely a problem with rural caching, especially with AL's. Creating a good adventure requires more work than a generic city walking tour, and not all great locations will work, but country ALs are certainly doable: https://labs.geocaching.com/goto/cherokee
  4. Whats all this hate toward Adventure Labs? Its a different way to play the game, thats all. Don't download the app or search for them if they offend your sensibilities. Personally, I prefer country caching, spending a day exploring an area I've never been before, collecting maybe a dozen smilies for a satisfying day. Others could earn many times that many finds by spending the day doing a power trail or some geoart. Do we call for a ban on power trails because they are "too easy"? Should I rage that I have to see them on my map although I will probably never tackle one? At least Adventure labs require effort. A mile or two walk, perhaps a long drive down a country road. How is this less worthy than a pill bottle every 600 feet? I've just published my first AL and I'm quite proud of it. I even included a bonus cache as a reward for finishing the whole thing. It lets local cachers know there is a new AL around and has brought new players into the game. If ALs are beneath your geocaching standards then don't do them. It really is that simple.
  5. So I solved this problem by including the first half of the bonus cache coords in the Journal entry at the first location at one end of the drive and the other set of coords in the Journal entry at the other end. I included instructions in the description to read all the journal entries after the Congratulations screen for clues. The bonus cache is somewhere near the middle of the drive. So no matter which end you start, you have to get to the other end to get the full set of coords and both sides must drive half way to claim the bonus. Luckily, there was one spot near the middle that I wanted to make an AL location but the cell service was spotty, so I put the bonus there. Problems solved, AL is thoroughly tested and public and now just waiting on the bonus to publish. Thanks everyone for your help.
  6. Is it logical to create a bonus cache on an adventure which covers 10 miles without making them sequential? Theres no way to know at which end someone may begin so, theoretically, half the players may have to backtrack ten miles of windy country roads to return to near their first location to find the bonus.
  7. Well, I did it. I created a rural AL which is in test mode now. Thank you all for your help. I found my cell service was pretty decent along most of the way and I applied generous geofencing to allow for fluctuations. I focused on sites which had good service. Are there any Northern California geocachers who would like to test it out? https://labs.geocaching.com/goto/a6634682-e159-4e14-ad36-9c1c76ec59d9
  8. I was awarded an AL to place. I live in a rural area and the only existing AL around is in the single largish city nearby. I would like to do something that highlights some of the amazing scenery, history or geology of the more rural areas. Like a wildlife refuge or a drive down a historic country highway. But this presents some problems. First is cell service. In some locations it is spotty. How important is 100% reliable cell service to a successful AL? Are there workarounds or no-gos I should consider? What about locations that you drive to? Most ALs seem to be urban walking adventures but some of the locations Im interested in might be more spread out. Finally, how likely are players to even tackle a rural adventure? Should I just give up on country caching and focus on interesting city walking tours? Thanks for your advice.
  9. None of my caches are Premium only. But most have worked out that way due to the D/T rating. There are lots of new players trying out the game and I prefer to make my caches available to beginners as others did for me when I was starting out. If I hadn't had a chance to find something other than LPCs or pill bottles next to telephone poles, I'm not sure I would have stuck with it. A sure way to discourage newbies (and many Premium members) is to create a Puzzle cache, and if you really want it to be found only rarely and by only the most serious cachers, require a short hike. My recent Puzzle + short hike cache (GC8R87T) , a swag laden ammo box, has been found exactly once in the 4 months since it was published. But it does have a 100% Favourite rating.
  10. Thats why we have a simple rule when caching in a group. Whoever finds the cache has to put it back, since they know just how and where it was hidden. But the finder gets to sign the log first and gets first choice of swag.
  11. My husband is also a natural at this game. I've noticed his two skills that really make a difference: 1. He's got that uncanny ability to get into the COs head. Usually walks right up to the cache while I'm still fumbling with the description or compass. 2. He never gives up. He's relentless. It's like a competition he cannot lose. He will search and search and search until he 'wins'. My DNFs have decreased greatly since we have been caching together.
  12. Thats good advice. Unfortunately, I had been geocaching for quite a while before my husband started joining in. Now we usually go caching together and he enjoys it and is very good at it. But if you ask him, he still says he "doesn't geocache" and he's "just helping me". LOL.
  13. My husband and I are located in Calif and share a geo-account. A while back he flew to visit family in Florida. While there, he introduced his nephews to geocaching and found a few caches. Turns out, I made a find or two on the same day. To an outside observer, certainly I couldn't have been in both Florida and California on the same day, so at least some of the logs must be bogus. But they were all totally legit. Don't assume nefarious motives, and don't worry about how others play the game. If you suspect armchair caching, go check the paper log and delete the smiley if necessary.
  14. It seems that most rest stops here in California have caches. They are a pretty reliable source for a nice break and a quick smiley on long trips, especially along the major routes.
  15. Perhaps you are ready to hide a few caches yourself. Think about what you love about caching and pay it forward.
  16. I received both a Int'l Geocaching Day Souvenir and one for Memory Lane today, so yes, you can earn more than one. I agree with RuideAlmeida. My guess it's a time zone thing. Check the dates listed for your finds and relog, if necessary.
  17. "Hide what you like to find." I have numerous regular sized caches, mostly lonely, because I like to find great caches in amazing, remote locations. I like Puzzle caches that recognize the extra effort by hiding a nice cache. This is rare. My latest cache requires not only a solving a (not too hard) puzzle, but a short hike down a good trail. Hence, it's only been found once since it was posted three months ago. (GC8R87T ) But small / micros don't have to be boring. I was envious of the numerous logs acquired by some pretty boring urban smalls and micros. I decided to hide a few just to see a log now and then. But I still try to follow the "Surprise and Delight" rule, whether urban or rural, even LPC's can bring a smile. Heres a few of my small/micros. GC8KD7G GC8PNP3 GC8GTDC
  18. How are these 'Wonders' assigned to caches? I live in a rural area. Are there likely to be any eligible caches near me? Sorry, I didn't participate in the 'Mysteries at the Museum" challenge so I'm not familiar with how it works. Thanks!
  19. I've learned to enjoy puzzles caches. I get a lot of satisfaction from that moment when it all comes together. I'm usually disappointed by the cache itself however. After making someone solve a mind bending puzzle and perhaps even take a hike it would be nice to find more than a pill bottle in a pile of rocks. I do appreciate COs that recognize the effort by hiding a slightly better-than-average cache.
  20. Select the text to read it.( Kinda like some puzzle caches.) Is this reply a forum 'spoiler'?
  21. I guess we use the "Three Musketeers" style, but have developed our own rules for the group. The finder gets to sign first but also returns the cache because they know just how it was found. My granddaughter loves geocaching, she's good at it and really fast! By the time I've collected my gear and stepped out of the car, she's already shouting, "Found It!" We have discussed a new rule making her wait in the car for 3 minutes to give us geezers a head start.
  22. This site has a big variety of novelty shaped items. I got a taco from here that I glued to a flat container and placed as a LPC at a Taco Bell. Heres a pineapple shaped 'stress ball'. https://www.discountmugs.com/product/al26025-pineapple-squeezie/
  23. This could work. I would love to tell visitors specifically how to replace it, but that will also tell them where to look. "Please put the big rock back on top" kinda gives away the hunt. I like the idea of including instructions on how it should be replaced, but subtly or inside the cache. Perhaps the generic "Please replace out of sight" would be enough.
  24. My newest gripe is the new cachers that never rehide the cache properly. Despite clearly saying, "please replace as found" in the description, invariably containers are left in the open, leaving them vulnerable to muggles, the weather and spoiling the challenge or surprise for the next player.
  25. This seems like an appropriate thread for this question: I have a series of caches that feature nice views along a remote dirt road. No cell service most of the way. Coords bounce around and can be tricky. I hate for folks to take the long drive up the mountain, only to log DNFs due to sketchy coords. In the descriptions, I included a pic of the view taken from the area as an extra hint. GZ is not shown. Would you consider this too much of a spoiler? Heres an example: GC6ZDJR
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