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Everything posted by MedTexPlacer

  1. I actually determined that I really do suffer from SADS. The real therapy is exposure to bright light. NOw that I know that I suffer from it it is not as bad or now non-existant.
  2. I am looking for some garmin eTrek parts as I lost the back and the rubber part came off during a night cache. I also misplaced the receipt for the GPS.
  3. Actually I was responding to the comment recommending I "post the cache with the initial coordinates and then edit the cache page to improve the accuracy of the posted coordinates. That's precisely why geocaching.com allows owners to edit their cache pages (within limits)." There is another location in the same park I intend to use if this one washes away in a heavy rain. His recommendation may work if I can change the coordinates 300-400 feet. If you are worried about it washing away in the rain, why not tether the cache to a tree?
  4. TFTC = Thanks for the Cache TFCSLP = Thanks for caching sign log please I am just happy when someone logs a visit. Not all visit are eventful. The more interesting the cache hunt and/or surrounding area, the better the log.
  5. When they know you by name at the dollar store.
  6. Worst injury was while crossing a stream, the log snapped and I ended up in neck high water. clung to a log and then pulled myself up. I ended up with about 20 fire ant bites.
  7. Here is the most useful trick I have learned. When you get near the cache site but not under tree cover, turn your GPS off and then back on. For some reason this tends to improve the accuracy of the cache. Another tip is to find the zero point and then proceed to move in a circle slowly increasing the size of the circle. Another tip. If you do the same persons caches they tend to have a certain way of placing caches. I have noticed that some cachers will place several caches in a row in hollowed out trees. Then others will place them up high off the ground. Final tip. If it often possible to spot the trails on the person who placed the cache. Look for an easy way in as they don't enjoy bushwacking to place their cache. Wait to the last possible minute to enter the woods. Often going past the cache will reveal a better entry point. Hope these tips help.
  8. Some other things to consider Extra Dry Socks, extra shoes or boots, umbrella, cell phone, pocket mirror, Treking Stick, trigger type grabber (very useful for caches in high places and to keep from being bitten by snakes and other varmits), cache pages, pens, pencils, trade goods, extra log paper for micros. Extra log books. Plastic bags for logs.
  9. Please add my name to the list. I could really use one as I have dropped the GPS several times.
  10. That it exactly my point. Add the ability to set your log as a first to find.
  11. How about adding a FTF category for the user stats?
  12. I enjoy finding stuff I can use in a cache like camo tape, micro containers, rope, camo fabric. I have found all of these and have used them in my caches. I like unique stuff as well. A working pen or pencil and a dry log is also great.
  13. The coin just gives an added incentive. Alot of cachers in Houston metro area go the distance just to be a FTF on a micro. I for one, will only have 1/2 of the day to look for this, so I doubt I will be able to cover all the waypoints. But I will have fun trying! I have not met a cacher in Houston that was not very kind and generous. And they all have a sense of humor (although sometime strange)!
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