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Everything posted by Schwoby

  1. so i guess the general consensus is that anything goes as trade items, other than the log book.
  2. i treat signature items like a log sheet. it gives proof that you were there!
  3. the biggest problem i have with the challenge system is the credit it gives toward your total count. the second problem is that it has nothing to do with geocaching except by proximity. what i mean is there are no gps coords required, not to mention the lack of logs (pictorial or paper). it is true that pictures can be submitted, but again, no rules means anything goes. there defiantly needs to be rules set up, even if there are no moderators directly involved! remove the credit for finds from the geocaching totals. if benchmarks don't give credit, why would challenges? there needs to be some tie-in with geocaching, such as the 10,000 trash pickup! archive challenges based on same requirements as the rest of the site, aka. no longer able to be completed! yes, i have completed a challenge, and yes, i have created one for others, but no, i will not be continuing challenges until the system gets better!
  4. so i get credit for completing a challenge but not finding the benchmarks? whats up with that? if anything, i feel that should be reversed since a benchmark actually exists in the world and takes skill equal to or greater than geocaching to find. Challenges don't take any skill, and seem to be archived very quickly. all i want out of this is for benchmarks be added to the geocaching stats total as well, now that the pointless challenges are added!!!
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